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After a long morning searching for a place, you were getting annoyed, every place we met the realtor(because we need a house so everyone can have a room.) one of the demons had a snide remark about it causing an angel to snap back. So lots of bickering. Not finding anything we all head back to your place for lunch. You text Vivi the time you will be there, so when you arrive you see her with Rebecca and Nami.

"How was house hunting?" Vivi asks when you get to the door.

"A nightmare, they all would not stop bickering. I am almost wanting to call it a day but we have two more to look at later today." You unlock the door going in with everyone following you in. "Get comfortable, I'm going to make some lunch."

"I'll help." Thatch follows you into the kitchen. The two of you getting the food ready.

"I have never needed to make so much food." You lean against the counter.

"Luffy and Ace can eat a lot." Thatch laughs, drying his hands.

"Even so there are seven of us now and this meal has ten people."

Thatch walks up to you standing really close. "So while we wait, how about a kiss?"

His lips crash into yours, the kiss is rough. Thatches hands slide to your hips pulling you in closer. Your hands sliding up his chest grabbing his shirt pulling him close as well. A ding of the timer causes the two of you to separate.

"You want to just leave the food to them and take this to a bed?" Thatch asked.

"We have humans over, it will be rude to ignore them."

"Well it was worth the try." Thatch sighs and the two of you finish lunch.

"Wow this looks amazing." Rebecca says as she sits at the table, that somehow fits ten people now.

Lunch was a fun affair, lots of talking and laughing. Nami made sure she was next to Law and continued her attempts at flirting with him, you're just glad he is not being a jerk about it and flirting back. Vivi sitting next to Ace also keeps flirting with him now adding a lot of accidental touches. Rebecca attempts to talk to Luffy in between his bites which works out alright. After a while it is time for you all to go check out the last two houses and the others going to class.

The first of the two houses your group was to tour was amazing, huge with three floors. Floor one a large kitchen and dining area separated by stairs, a large living room that opens to a patio with an in -ground pool(which was cool, and only being 5ft at its deepest was a plus since you had no idea how to swim). The top two floors had four rooms each with a jack and jill style bathrooms between two rooms(two rooms on left two rooms on right). And for the first time none of the men were bickering, they too seemed to like it. After the tour you all met down in the living area with the realtor.

"So what do you think?" the realtor asked nervously, every place thus far caused the realtor to be a bit timid about asking what we thought.

"It's great." You smile.

"We want to put an offer in-yoi." Marco says.

After putting an offer in that was more than you expected from the lot of them, but the seller was sure to accept, you all head home. When you got home you went straight to your room to lay on your bed to rest a bit. Well that's what you hoped for but you hear the door open then close and the lock clicking(though that did not stop anyone from coming in). You look up to see Law.

"Law?" You sit up.

"(Y/N)" He smirks and you knew what was coming. Law climbed onto the bed getting close. "It's my turn."

His press into yours, kissing hungrily. A hand grabbing your top and quickly removing it and your bra. He pushes you onto the bed taking in your flushed face, and bare chest. He then made quick work removing your pants and underwear. Crawling on top of you again, his clothes gone. His lips back on yours as he lined up and slid in causing you to arch your back breaking the kiss. Law was rough, Gripping your hips hard, digging his nails into your skin, blood slowly spilling out. It did not hurt you for some reason it felt amazing, causing you to moan louder. You wanted more.

Finishing Law pulled out and plopped down next to you.

"Those noises you make are like music, I could listen to them all day." Law rises up to look at you blushing from his comet. He climbs off the bed back in his clothes. Bending over he kisses you again, you feel a weird sensation, then clothes. Law pulls away winks and leaves the room. You look down, you have your sleep clothes on and the sweat and whatnot that coated your skin was gone like you took a shower. Tired from house hunting and then Laws attack you roll over and fall asleep.

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