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"Can you put me down, please."

"If you stumble any, I am picking you back up to put you in bed." Ace carefully sets you down.

You stand still for a second, and then make your way to the bathroom, without stumbling. When you get to the door you look around. Ace is still watching you from the living room.

"Ace, I need help, I can't get out of my clothes to take a shower." You wine, giving Ace a puppy dog look.

"Well we can't have that now can we." Ace suddenly appears in front of you guiding you into the bathroom closing the door. You feel the coolness of the bathroom on your skin only to find that Ace has removed your clothes.

"Now Ace, Don't you go play nice on me."

Ace picks you up, you wrap your legs around his hips and he slams you into the door. You could hear the door splintering. But you groan in pleasure. Ace smirks and bites down on your neck, you can feel warm blood sliding down from the bite. You Grip his back dragging your nails down his back making him groan in pleasure.

"Ace, that feels good." You manage to moan out, bringing your hand up in his back you can feel the cuts you just gave him. You pull back to look at him. "Are you sure you're ok with the scaring?" You ask, trying to stay composed for a moment.

"The more the better." Ace's lips crash into yours. Pulling you away from the door he turns you around and makes the two of you fall hard onto the tile floor causing it to crack. But for some reason it feels really good, and you let out a loud moan.

"Now Ace, you're going to make me orgasim before we even start." You joke.

The two of you destroy the bathroom, it looks like someone was demoing the bathroom and then got murdered. It felt great, Now the two of you are standing looking at the mess the two of you did. You start laughing which causes Ace to laugh.

"Wow this bathroom looks like someone got murdered after a tornado." You laugh.

"Worth it." Ace laughs.

"Can you put it back together, we need to get cleaned up before they see and try to send you back to hell." You laugh. Ace grabs your waist and pulls you into a kiss. When the two separate the bathroom is back together.

"Let's get you cleaned up before you pass out."

You manage to stay awake through the shower but when you finished and dried off you passed out.

The next thing you know you feel a soft hand touching your cheek. Opening your eyes expecting to see Luffy instead it's Marco.

"How are you feeling-yoi?" He asks

"Fine, why?" you sit up and lean against the headboard.

"You really are something." Marco sighs. "You looked like you been in a boxing match with someone and lost-yoi"

"Ace." You mumble.

"Yes, he has yet to put on a shirt today-yoi"

"Sorry, I don't know why it feels so good when you would think it wouldn't." You sigh.

"Maybe it's the demon in you-yoi." Marco shrugs.

"Maybe. Where is everyone? Why is it quiet?" You ask.

"Luffy and Sabo went to check in with Garp. Ace said something about showing his scars off. Thatch and Law went somewhere-yoi"

"So it's just us then." You look over at Marco.

"It seems so-yoi." He smiles.

"Can you take these bandages off? They are getting itchy." You flip the blanket down.

Marco reaches over and taps right below your suprasternal notch, and you feel the cool air hit your freed skin. He starts to pull his hand away from you but you grab it and pull him to you. He climbs over to you settling between your legs lookin at you. You slowly lean in and touch your lips to his. His kiss is gentle, he pulls you closer and lays you down. Breaking the kiss he looks down at you. He caresses your cheek, you give him a small smile.

"What is it about you that makes you irresistible to us-yoi?"

"I could ask the same question to all of you."

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