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After destroying the bathroom again, Law fixed it up. The two of you washed up and now you're wrapped in a towel fighting the darkness. You watched your arms slowly heal.

"You haven't passed out." Law said leaning on the door. "Looks like you're getting used to the healing."

"Seems so but I still feel drained." You sigh, taking the towel off and slipping into your night clothes while Law watched.

The two of you leave the bathroom and head to the livingroom to wait for Marco. Right when you get comfortable on Luffy's lap, resting your head on his shoulder, while his arms wrapped around your waist. Marco appears with bags of food and pizza boxes.

After setting the food out and everyone grabbing their food, Marco, who was sitting between you and Luffy and Sabo. You look over at him.

"So what is the news?" You ask nudging his thigh with your foot.

"They accepted the offer for the house and we should be able to move in about a month or two-yoi." Marco smiles.

"Really? That's awesome." You tap your feet on his thigh excitedly.

As you all finish up your food, you cuddle closer to Luffy. It is getting more and more hard to stay up, even if you did not pass out this time it did take a toll on your body.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Luffy whispers.

"Yes but I don't want to get up." You murmur.

"I got you. Just hold on." Luffy slides an arm under your leg, the other already on your back. You wrap your arms around his neck. He easily lifts you up, bringing you to your room, laying you down on the bed and climbing in with you.

"You're the best Luffy." You cuddle close to him.

A few weeks go by and everything keeps the same. The boys competing for my attention, the constant bickering. Working hard keeping your distance when you meet any angel or demon, so far you have been lucky. You get closer to Vivi, Nami and Rebecca, the four of you hanging out a lot. Izo and you have gone out on a few dates, the two of you growing closer much to the annoyance of your housemates. The two of you did talk about dating but decided to just stay friends.

Now the day is sunny and the temperature does not melt your face off. You're making your way back to your apartment, with Luffy, the others having already gone back, when you hear Nami call you.

"(Y/N) are you busy at all right now?" Nami asks when she got closer.

"No, why?"

"My sister just started a new business and they need models and I forgot that she asked me to see if I can get people. Do you think you will be able to? She will give you copies of the photos when we are done." Nami asks. "Vivi said she can and will meet us there."

"Yes, that sounds fun. Can Luffy come?"

"Yes, but he will have to wait in the waiting room." Nami answered.

"Is that ok Luffy?" You ask him.

"That's fine."

"Great, I'll drive you there. Thank you so much for this. She would have killed me if she found out I forgot." Nami laughed as the three of you walked to the parking area. "There is someone there, Ivankov, who is a wizard when it comes to hair and makeup. They have so many clothing choices that will make everyone look beautiful."

They talked as Nami drove you and Luffy to the studio, meeting Vivi at the door. The waiting/reception area was decorated pretty. A wall full of flowers behind the desk and fluffy chairs. The room was empty when you all walked in.

The Nephalem(ReaderXLuffyXSaboXMarcoXThatchXAceXLaw)Where stories live. Discover now