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"Great more of you." You sigh.

"What do you mean?" Vivi asked.

"Marco?" Sabo and Luffy said together.

"Thatch?" Law and Ace say at the same time as Luffy and Sabo outburst.

"What are you doing here?" You ask.

"We come to see our wonderful brothers-yoi." The blond man states smiling, pushing up his glasses.

"Yes we missed you all." The brunet with the pompadour smiles, grabbing Ace around the neck rubbing his knuckles of his other hand into Ace's head. Making Vivi and Nami laugh.

"Thatch! Get off." Ace pushes the pompadour man away.

"Well come in then." You sigh, opening the door, stepping aside so everyone can come in. "Have a seat. Vivi I will get the notes. If you all want anything just ask Luffy he will know where it's at." Closing the front door you head to your room to look for your class notes. When you finally find the notes you head back to the living room. Only to see Ace, Thatch, Vivi and Nami all supplied with an amber colored drink while Law scowls at them, Sabo and Luffy just laughing along while Marco seems to be drinking what you guess is wine.

"Ace really it's too early for that." You snap knowing full well the liquor was provided by the demons.

"It wasn't me." Ace says.

"You can't lie to me, remember."

"Why are you blaming me?"

"Because you are the one who would encourage this."

"What about Law or Thatch?" Ace points at Sabo, Luffy and Marco. "What about them? It could have been them."

"Ace, It's not Law you can tell by his face, and I would have accused Thatch but you are the one who did it. Be more civilized." You snap.

Everyone except You and Ace burst out laughing.

"Caught red handed." Vivi Laughed.

"Don't think you two are off the hook, just wait until the guest leaves." You snap at Marco and Thatch.

You hand the notes to Vivi. Everyone then spends the next couple hours talking and finishing the bottle, making sure none of them fill it back up to make Vivi and Nami completely drunk. You were actually having fun, being so used to not having anyone to talk to that it's nice to have people to hang out with. Soon Vivi and Nami said goodbye and left, promising to message and hangout again. You now rounded on Marco and Thatch.

"Did you two come here to recrute?" You ask them.

"Yes and no." Marco answers. "We also wanted to meet this Nephalem that has captured the eyes of demons and angels alike and I see what caught their eyes-yoi."

"You are a beauty." Thatch adds. "I am going to make some food. Is everyone else hungry?"

Everyone agreed.

You sigh, judging by the way the new additions are getting cozy they are going to stay. "Let me guess you are staying too?" You ask Marco.

"I can't miss this." Marco laughed. "Did you really sleep with Luffy-yoi?"

"Sleep as in actually sleep, yes." You answer.

"Law was furious." Laughed Ace, earning a hard smack to the head with a couch pillow by Law.

"So Luffy you have a lot of competition-yoi." Marco laughed.

Sighing you get up to go help Thatch in the kitchen. "Would you like any help?"

"Sure you can finish chopping these carrots." He says moving aside so you can take over.

"So you are a Nephalem. How is that going for you?"

"I don't feel any different. It's weird knowing the difference between angels, demons, and humans." You sigh. "But the attraction of angels and demons is starting to wear on me. Ace and Law already tried to get into my pants and they won't let up saying I had sex with Luffy."

Thatch drops the spoon in his hand. "You had sex with Luffy?"

"No, I haven't. What would be the big deal if I did or not?"

"Sorry it's just Luffy has always been good at not showing any feeling of attraction to anyone." Thatch picks up the spoon and goes to the sink to wash it. "That and angels hardly have any relationship with humans or Nephalem in your case. It's weird seeing Sabo, Luffy and Marco, or angels looking at a human like that, angels just don't."


"Yes it's normal for demons to find a human they like and try to have sex with. But you are different, not sure if it's the Nephalem in you or something else. But you have three demons after you too."

"Three? But.." You freeze, Thatch is now really close behind you, his hands gently slide from your elbow to your hands."You're the third." You whisper.

"Yes." He whispers in your ear.

Why is this happening to me?

"Am I going to have to choose?" You say.

"Probably." Thatch whispers. "Sadly with your powers we demons can't lie our way to sex."

He steps back and goes back to work on the dinner and you finish the last carrot and start on the potatoes.(Japanese curry is on the menu in case the reader wants to know.) The two of you finish making small talk about demons and Nephalem. Soon the table was extended and more chairs showed up and the seven of you all sat around it and enjoyed the meal that thatch and you made. Now a lot of you are finishing up.

"So (Y/N) who gets to be in your bed with you tonight?" Law asks, smirking.

"Luffy." You answer bluntly, Hiding a smile when the others let out an annoied sigh.

"Why does Luffy get to share a bed with you?" Ace wines.

"He is the only one nice enough to try to make some sort of relationship with me." You stand up taking your plate to the sink. "Plus the demons in this house need to learn from the angels on how to woo a woman."

"That's stupid." Ace wines. "We demons can woo you."

"Yeah, by telling beautiful lies, but I can see through them." You laugh. "Come on Ace I'll let you sit next to me to watch a film." You nearly lose it when Ace quickly gets up to go with you.

You pick out a film and sit next to Ace and Marco, and the others settle down to watch. The whole time Ace would place his hand on your thigh attempting to slide it to between your thighs, so you have to keep pulling his hand away. Marco is a bit more subtle about it, he would rub his leg against yours every now and then, and put his arm behind you on the couch, his fingertips lazily drawing circles on your shoulder. That causes you to lean toward him a bit.

How did I get in this mess? Six guys competing for my attention. Two sides competing to have me on their side. What will happen if I give in and have sex with one, will the others try even more or will they back off?

The Nephalem(ReaderXLuffyXSaboXMarcoXThatchXAceXLaw)Where stories live. Discover now