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Luffy, Sabo, and Marco went angel to angel to ask about you but came up empty handed. Meanwhile Law, Ace, and Thatch asked every demon they knew. Finally after Law confronted Bellemy he found out where (Y/N) was. Quickly messaging the others to meet near the place he disappeared, leaving pieces of Bellemy behind.

"Where is she?" Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Marco, and Thatch ask as soon as they appear as an ally in front of Law.

"Doflamingo has her. According to Bellemy, Doflamingo took her to try to get her to join. Even if he has-" Law paused, a look of anger and discussion crosses his face. "Has to torture her until she agrees to join the demons. So far she has refused to join even- even after-" Law cuts off his anger and grief overtaking him.

"What happened?" A scared Luffy asks, grabbing Law's shoulders, shaking him. "What happened?" He repeats in a deadly tone when Law does not answer.

"They cut one of her wings off with a sea stone knife." Law flinches at his words. "And apparently she is cuffed with sea stone as well."

"Where is she?" Luffy asks in a deadly calm voice.

"In the building across the street. We need to make a plan before going." Law says quickly, but too late Luffy storms to the building.

"I guess that's our plan." Ace says following Luffy, the others joining.

When the door was just meters away, Garp, Sengoku, and a tall man with a similar white suit as the other two, Black curly hair with a sleeping mask resting just above his eyes.

"We can't let you do this." Sengoku scowled.

"Why?" Luffy hissed.

"Because boy this will start a full war between the angels and demons." Garp answered hastily.

"How?" Thatch asked.

"Even if the three of you are teaming with the angels to retrieve your friend, Doflamingo has a lot of influence amongst the underworld. You three could be deemed as traitors." The tall man states. "Essentially making it look like you're helping the angels get the Nephalem, to team up with the angels. Which makes it like you're announcing to all that Nephalem has joined the angel side."

"How are we supposed to save (Y/N), then?" Sabo said abruptly.

"Then we will do it ourselves." Ace voiced.

"Yes then it will be just demon against demon." Law agrees.

"It's not that simple." Sengoku put in. "Most of the demons, even angels, know of the situation between you, the angels and the Nephalem."


"We will-" Sengoku started but was interrupted, the whole building seemed to shatter every window's glass exploding outward. Before the glass could fall to the ground it was pulled back the windows seeming to repair themselves.

"We need to go home." Luffy said at once disappearing. Within seconds Marco, Thatch, Ace, Law, and Sabo disappeared leaving behind three confused angels.

You- before they arrived at the building.

You felt so drained, hoping for death to take you, lying there staring at the spot where your wing was, someone must've removed it while you sleep.

"I'm not sure who to pray to because I don't want to choose a side, but God or Lucifer or even both. Please if I do end up being killed, please make sure Luffy, Thatch, Marco, Ace, Law and Sabo know how much they mean to me. And even with being angels and demons I hope they stay if not friends but still acquainted. Make sure they are happy." You whisper, warm tears falling. The next thing you know the metal door swings open and that boogie man steps in. Walking over to you he bends down and grabs your hair pulling you up to look at him.

"Ahh, Girly it's time to ask again." The man who removed your wing was back. "Will you join the demons?"

"No." You answer, angering the man.

"I am going to get you to join." He mutters, reaching into his inner jacket pocket pulling out the shredded knife again. Scraping it along your arm, each tooth on the knife catching and pulling your skin creating a jagged cut. You let out a sob of pain. "Are you going to join?" He asked again.

"No." You cry.

Before the man could find a place to cut again, there emitted a blinding light from you. Starting from your chest and growing throughout your body. Making the man stumble back, hands over his eyes shrieking in pain. You feel lightness on your wrist and ankles, looking you find the cuffs gone.

"We admire you." you hear, but looking around you see no one but the screaming man.

"Wishing both the demons and angels that became close to you happiness." A rasping voice says.

"Wishing for their happiness above your own." A different voice, this one crisp says warmly.

"In a time of suffering you were selfless." The rasping voice adds.

"What do you want done to those who captured you?" The crisp voice asks.

"I only want them to forget what they have done." You say softly.

"And you?" The crisp voice asks.

"I just want to go home to Luffy, Thatch, Marco, Ace, Law and Sabo."

"I am glad all of them found love in you." Both voices say.

You blink and you're at home seconds later surrounded by the ones you have come to love .

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