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After the two of you ate nearly everything that was eaten in the kitchen, you finally set back and sighed.

"Feeling better?" Sabo asked timidly.

"Yes, I did not realize how hungry I was until the first bite." You sigh sheepishly.

"It has been two days." Ace snaps. He seems to be taking this a bit more, he has been huffing with anger ever since Luffy and you left the room.

"We are really sorry, everyone." You say sadly. "We had no idea how it happened, we thought it was just a night. Honestly." You look down at your plate twiddling with your fork.

"There will be a higher up angel here soon-yoi." Marco says.

"Why?" Luffy asks.

"Because they have to check on their little baby angel." Ace said in a mocking voice.

"Ace, you need to stop." You hiss. "It's not like we met to do this. So keep your mouth shut."

Ace goes to answer but can't open his mouth, after several attempts. He glares at you.

"Sorry, how did I do that?" You look at ace wide eyed.

"I vote we keep him that way." Law laughs.

"No, I'm so sorry Ace." You feel tears fall. "You can open your mouth. I didn't mean to." Getting up you go over to Ace cupping his cheeks in your hands.

Ace wipes your tears away. "It's ok, Looks like your power is getting stronger."

"I am still sorry." You cry. "I don't want to use my powers against you." To everyone's surprise Ace wraps his arms around you pulling you into a hug. He nor the other demons have never shown this type of affection. Ace holds you in stunned silence until you finish crying. You pull away and Ace wipes your tears away again.

"Are you alright now?" He asks, You nod and go to sit back down. Before anyone could say anything about what just happened between you and Ace, a large man appeared. His large afro white, as well as his mustache and the long braid of his chin hairs. Large black round framed glasses sat on his nose. He wore a white suit but under his suit jacket was a yellow hawaiian button-down.

"I see the two of you finally made it out of the room." The man spoke in a kind voice.

"We just left the room a bit ago, yes." You answer shyly

"Sengoku, do you know what happened?" Luffy asked.

"Due to the lack of information on a Nephalem, we can only guess." He sighed pulling a bag out of his suit jacket, pulling what appeared to be a rice cracker out. "We think it may have been the connection between you and the girl. Did she seem odd before you two went to the room or while you were in the room?"

"Well, when she got home she kissed me in front of everyone which never happens. We normally keep any affection when we are alone. She also seemed scared to let me go. Even this morning she would not let me out of arm's reach." Luffy answered.

"Two days of coition, because she feared you may leave, or feared separation." Sengoku looked at you and Luffy with a thoughtful expression, popping a rice cracker in his mouth. "Judging by the events." His eyes slid to Law. "Now this is just a guess, Luffy was the first one she saw and him being her guardian angel spawned a deeper connection. But with you all connecting with her in some way, and Law being the next one she met, you may be next to form this deeper connection."

"Me?" Law asked.

"Like I said it's a guess, I could be you as the next one she met or it could be the next one that participated in coition with her. I just feel like there may be side effects to this." Sengoku sighed. "All this is guess work though. We won't know until it happens. Anyway, I am glad the two of you are alright."

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