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Now you find yourself at your dining table with four men that just finished stuffing their faces. On the walk home Ace and Luffy fought over the food order, Ace wanting spicy food and Luffy wanting lots of meat. When the food did arrive you thought that the amount was way too much, but you were proven wrong every last bite disappeared among them.

"Now that we are all fed and watered we should explain to (Y/N) what is going on." Sabo, who you noticed, seems to be a bit more mature then the others, not by much though. "How about I explain what is going on."


"Well, Luffy here is your assigned guardian angel. He was not supposed to show himself unless it was a life or death emergency."

"It was an emergency." Luffy interrupts pointing at Law angrily. "He was trying to meet (Y/N) to make a contract."

"Hush Luffy we will get there." Sabo sighs. "Anyway He is only supposed to keep you safe. Tonight Law a demon decides to stop stalking you and actually meet you."

"I was not stalking her." Law huffs crossing his arms. "I was trying to find an opportunity to talk to her."

"And make a contract, that's why I tried to stop you." Luffy snaps.

"Again, Law shows up and Luffy decides to step in and stop him from meeting you. But Luffy appears and that is when you end up seeing them." Sabo finishes.

"Ok so Luffy is my guardian angel and Law is a demon. So what about you and Ace? And Law was not after a contract."

"How did you know that?" Law sit ups glaring at you.

"Everytime you lie about Luffy being a stocker you seem to glow a bit like it's telling me you're lying." You shift nervously under Law's glare.

"You can tell when he lies?" Ace asked, laughing. "That's a shame Law, you're a disgrace to the demon kind."

"Shut up stupid." Law snaps.

"That's interesting." Sabo says. "How about we test that theory? Law tells an obvious lie to (Y/N) but makes it believable."

"Why should we test it?" Law huffs annoyed. "I just want to make a contract with her."

"No you don't." You snap, smirking. "Why did you want to meet me? Do you like me?"

"Tch, Like I would care about a mere human." Law snaps, his cheeks turning a bit red.

"Lies." You had to admit this was kinda fun putting a demon in their place.

"HA! You can't lie to her what kind of demon you are." Ace laughed.

"Do you think it can be that way for other demons?" Luffy asked amused.

"It may." Sabo says. "Ace, try lying to her and see if it works for you."

"Fine but she won't see my lies." Ace huffed. "Ok I Ace am the angel in charge of Luffy."

"Now tell another." Sabo says.

"The sky is green." Ace sighs.

"Wow I can tell he is lying too." You laugh.

"Now who is a disgrace to demon kind?" Law laughs at Ace's annoyed face, Luffy and Sabo laughing too.

"Wow you seem to be a special one (Y/N)." Sabo smiles at you. "You seem to know when a Demon is lying."

"That's actually cool. But you have yet to tell me who you and Ace are in all this."

"Oh right, I am the angel in charge of Luffy. I check in on him every now and then to make sure he keeps out of sight and keeps you safe. Ace here is just another demon that probably felt the fight between Law and Luffy."

"Well." You look at the time on your phone. "It is late. I think you all should leave so I can get to bed. I have class tomorrow."

"Absolutely not." Law snaps. "I am staying."

"Wh-" you start.

"No you're not." Luffy snaps standing up. "The only one that stays is me. After all, I am her guardian angel."

"No, I think I should stay." Ace smirks at you. "I can keep you warm while you sleep." He winks.

"No, No, No demons are staying with her, it's completely unsafe having them here." Sabo snaps, slapping Ace on the back of his head.

Getting tired of this bickering you stand up and slap your palms on the table to get their attention. "How about you all just stay?" The four of them look at you in surprise. "If it keeps you all quiet. There is a guest room and two couches you all can split amongst you. I will get some blankets and pillows." You stalk off to get them the pillows and blankets.

"She is hot when she's mad." Ace sighs.

You grab blankets and go back to the others. Handing them each a pillow and blanket you leave them, you head to the bathroom to shower and get ready for bed. Standing next to the bathroom door is Law.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Law now smirks at your obvious discomfort. "I can make bath time fun."

"No." You walk into the bathroom and slam the door making sure to lock it.

"You know locks wont work on me." Law laughs but he stays out of the bathroom.

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