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The two of you lay there on the bed holding each other. You are on your back and Sabo slightly on you with his head on your shoulder. His hand draws circles around your belly button, while you run your fingers through his hair.

"Do you have school today?" Sabo ask breaking the silence.

"No. I dont have classes on Friday this term. But Vivi did invite us to a party later tonight."

"What would you do if we fell in love with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, all of us that are here, what do you think you'll do if we all fall in love with you?"

"I don't know. I keep worrying about that. I don't want to have to choose one and lose the rest of you. The lot of you have grown on me this past week."

"I think Luffy is already in love with you, before he showed himself."

"Yes I can feel his love if that makes sense. Do you feel like you are falling in love with me?"

"I think so. When you came home last night and I saw you bloody and passed out it hurt a lot more than I thought it would if I wasn't falling In love with you."

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I thought I would have enough energy to get home and clean up before anyone other than Thatch saw."

"Why did you do it?"

"Honestly, When Law and I had sex his nails dug into my skin causing me to bleed and for a weird reason it felt good. So when I saw Thatch last night when I went to get some food. I asked him to bite me and it escalated from there. Thatch was kind about it in a way, he made sure to tell me to ask him to stop if it went too far."

"We were worried about you, I think we all wanted to send Thatch back to hell." Sabo laughed, making you laugh.

"That would be something."

You and Sabo chat a little more before you fall back asleep, being still tired from the healing you had done. You wake up to Luffy laying next to you, moving your hair from your face.

"Luffy." You smile sleepy. "I am sorry about this morning, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's ok, just please try not to do that again." Luffy pulls out your phone. "Vivi messaged to check if you were still going to the party and she sent the address and time."

You take your phone looking at the messages, it looks like it will start in about an hour from now. You message her back and set down the phone. "Thank you Luffy, now I need some food." Sabo lets you go so you can get up.

"Here let me help." Luffy smiles and taps your shoulder. You feel a sort of warmth looking down when you have your normal sleeping clothes back on. The three of you head out to the kitchen to find Thatch already cooking something.

"Oh Thatch, Hey." You smile at him.

"(Y/N)." He turns walking up to you placing his hands on your shoulders, looking you up and down. "How are you feeling?"

"All healed but I hear you almost got sent back to hell." You laugh at his annoyed look.

"Yeah they all freaked out when we came home." Thatch returns to his cooking.

"Did you tell them I asked for it?"

"You asked for that-yoi?" Marco snaps, sitting at the dining table.


"Why didn't you let me do that?" Law pouts leaning against the wall.

"Actually you were the cause of it." Thatch laughs.

The Nephalem(ReaderXLuffyXSaboXMarcoXThatchXAceXLaw)Where stories live. Discover now