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After your shower you realize a huge mistake. You now have four men in your house. Being used to being alone you normally just wrap a towel around you and dress your room.

Now what do I do?

"Are you ok? I can feel you distressed." Luffy says knocking on the door.

"No, No, I'm fine." You squeak.

"You sure? I can feel that you're worried about something." Luffy says. "Did you bring clothes? You normally just walk out in a towel but now.." His words break off.

"I did Luffy."

"I can get you something just give me a minute."

"What are you doing in (Y/N) room?" You hear Ace snap.

"She forgot her clothes so I am getting her some." Luffy answers.

"I can get them." You hear Law's voice.

"Don't be stupid you don't know where her stuff is." Luffy huffs.

"So I can find something." Law snaps back.

"Stop." You now hear Sabo's voice. "Just let Luffy get it, we don't need you two going through all her things. Luffy has been with her for her whole life; he knows where things are."

What Sabo said kinda creeps you out. Yes Luffy is a guardian angel but now you can see him it's weird knowing he knows so much about me. Has he seen me naked? Or when I was with a guy?--- No no no he is an angel I am sure he just left the room. Yes he left the room. You repeat that over and over to try to convince yourself.

"(Y/N), I have your clothes." Luffy says knocking on the door.

"Thank you Luffy." You say slightly opening the door and grabbing the clothes.

As you dress you see that Luffy really knows you. This is the exact clothes that you like to wear to bed. A tank top, this one black and loose gray sweatpants. You sigh and make to leave the bathroom but as soon as you open the door you are face to face with Ace.

"Hey beautiful, How about we go to your room to cuddle?"

"No thanks." You slide past him, He grabs a hold of your arm.

"Oh don't be shy, we can have a lot of fun."

"No." You pull away from him. And walk to your room, to find Luffy sitting on the floor.


"Sorry (Y/N), I am so used to being with you." He stands up. "Would it be ok if I slept here with you?" He gestures to your bed. You look at Luffy, He has a small nervous smile. He is your guardian angel so that part being with you all the time is true. You let out a sigh.


"Yes you can." You smile at his sigh of relief.

"Thank you." He turns in a circle and his clothes change into a tank and shorts.

The two of you climb into bed and turn to face each other.

"What made you show yourself?"

"Honestly I saw that Law wanted to talk to you because he likes you. I thought it was not fair that a demon could be with you. I have always been with you and I too really like you and want your love. So I appeared hoping you would see me and maybe.. Well... like me or even start to love me. Maybe."

You just stare at him, He sweetly confessed to you. Is he even allowed to be with a human? Would it be worth it while you age and he looks exactly like he is.

"Luffy." You reach over to cup his cheek. "Would you even be allowed to love a human?"

"I don't know. I think it does not happen a lot so no one talks about it." Luffy shrugs.

"Oh, Well you know everything about me so maybe you can tell me about you."

The two of you stay up a bit longer while Luffy talks about him and you ask questions every now and then. Luffy is rather a fun guy to talk to. Eventually though the two of you got drowsy eventually falling asleep. But before you knew it there was a loud bang that startled you and Luffy awake, you laying with your head on his chest with his arms around you. You look over and see an angry Law.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MUGIWARA-YA?" Law shouts. This causes a tired Ace and Sabo running to your room looking in.

"What does it matter? Law, Why are you coming in here scaring us like that?"

"Why are you in Mugiwara-ya arms?" Law gasps. "Did you have sex?"

"NO!" You shout sitting up. "And if we did it would be none of your business."

"No it is my business, your mine." Law snaps.

"Excuse me?" You stand up to face Law. Ace and Sabo are still at the door with looks of shock, and excitement. "No, I do not belong to you! I literally just met all of you last night. I have no idea who either of you are with the exception of you all being a demon or angel and Luffy as we got to know each other last night before we fell asleep. You have ZERO right to say I am yours. Now Shut your mouth and get out of my room." As you yell at Law an aura around you grows bigger and bigger making all four of the boys step back in fear.

"(Y/N)" Luffy goes to place a hand on your shoulder but quickly pulls away his hand red as if he got burned.

"Sorry I lost my temper." You turn to Luffy smiling. Thurning back to Law you see the look of fear on his face for a brief moment before his face goes back to his blank face.

"You are a Nephalem? That could be why you can see demon lies, It looks like our presents may have awakened it." Law says with a kinda awe in his voice.

"A what?" You shake your head. "Just go away and let me get dressed."

With a tch Law walks out closing the door. You sigh, rubbing your hands on your face. You go to your closet to pick out your clothes. "Are you ok Luffy?" You look over at him.

"I'm fine, I did not touch you, it was easily healed." He holds his hand up showing that the inflamed skin is healed.

"That's great, again I am sorry. I am not sure what happened." You turn back to your closet pulling out a black dress..

"I think you may be a Nephalem. Like Tora-o said." Luffy says shyly, turning around on your bed so you can change.

"Nephalem, What is that?" You ask about taking off your tank top and putting a bra on.

"Well it's a sorta hybrid, a child of a demon and angel. Said to be strong, having the power of a demon and angel. Now that it is awakened you are immortal but you can be killed. There is not much information on Nephalem but I do know that both angels and demons will come after you to join their side."

"Alright, now I have gone from a nice quiet mondaine life to being sought after by both angels and demons." You sigh, tying your shoes, standing up and placing a hand on Luffy's shoulder.

"Yes but you don't have to choose. But if you do, the other side will be after you to kill you." Turning to look at you, changing his clothes back to his cutoff jeans and this day a light blue tank top.

"Thanks Luffy. That color looks good on you." You smile. "Let's see if there is food left for breakfast."

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