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The next couple days went by as normal, well as normal as it could be. Monday and Tuesday went by when you finished your classes, hung out with Vivi, Nami and Rebecca. One night Zoro came over to visit Luffy. Now Wednesday and you convinced Luffy, Ace, Sabo and Law to go home so you can talk to a professor about an assignment. On your way home, you literally ran into someone while you slipped some papers in your bag.

"Sorry I was not paying attention." You look up. "Izo?"

"Hello, how have you been?"

"Great. What about you?"

"You know school." He laughs.

"I didn't realize you came here."

"Yes, I just transferred here the day we met."

"How are you liking it?"

"So far different, My other school did semesters, but here they do terms."

"You'll grow to like it. It makes school go by faster."

"Yeah, Hey are you doing anything right now?"

"I was just heading home for the day before we bumped into each other."

"Would you like to go have some coffee or something?" A slight pink showing up on his cheeks.

"Yes, but how about tea, I'm not a coffee drinker." You smile.

The two of you head to a cafe near the school. You have a great time getting to know Izo. So engulfed the conversation it wasn't until you get a message from Luffy asking where you were that you realized it's been nearly four hours.

"Sorry it's my flatmate, I didn't realize we were here for a while talking." You hold up your phone so Izo can see the time.

"Oh sorry for keeping you out so long."

"No, I am having a good time with you."

"You live near here?"

"Yes, about a five-ish minute walk."

"I'll walk you home."

"You sure?"

"I am, I too am having a good time and don't really want it to end."

The two of you walk to your place chatting away.

"You live here?" Izo asked.

"Yes, nice and close to school."

"Funny I live at this complex too."

"Really, and here I was worried you were going out of your way to walk me home." You laugh. "Here's mine." You walk toward your place.

"You have to be joking." Izo laughs.

"No, why?" you stop to look at him.

"I live at the other end." He points to the apartment three doors down from you.

"How have we not bumped into each other yet?" You ask, stopping at your door.

"Don't know. I had a good time." He steps closer to you. "Would you like to go out again?"

"Yes I would like that."

"Great." He pulls out his phone, opening it and handing it to you to put your number in. Quickly typing your contact information and handing his phone back to him. "I'll message you and we can decide when to go out again." He kisses your cheek and makes his way to his apartment.

"Have a good night." You wave, he turns to give you a wave.

You take your key out to unlock the door but before you could the door swings open.

"Law be careful you'll rip the door off its hinges." You scold.

"And who in the hell was that?" Law snaps.

"That was Izo, we met him at the party Vivi invited us to."

"Tch the human you made out with." Law said disgustedly.

"Please don't start, and move so I can enter." With another 'tch', law moved out of the way so you can walk in.

"(Y/N)! Your back." Luffy runs up to you wrapping his arms around you.

"Hey Luffy." You hug him back.

"(Y/N) your back." Thatch waves from the couch. "We ordered take-away. It should be here soon."

"Great, I am hungry." You set down your bag, and take your shoes off and sit on the couch with Luffy and Sabo. "How have you been Sabo?"

"Great, I actually got a message from Marco. He has something to tell us." Sabo answers.

"Really? Where is he?" You ask. Not seeing Him. Thatch was on the other couch reading, Law stocked off to the other room you assume. Ace face down on the floor next to the couch Thatch is on.

"He went to get the food." Luffy puts in.

"What is he getting?" You ask, grabbing the remote to find a film.

"Chinese, pizza and burgers i think." Thatch answers.

"Wait all of that?" You ask.

"We could not decide what to get, we knew you would like chinese, Luffy and Ace wanted burgers and the rest wanted pizza." Thatch replies.

"I'm going to shower. Before he gets here." You say giving up on the television when Luffy took the remote when he saw a show he wanted to watch.

You go to your room to get your night clothes and when you stepped out Law stepped out of his room. You walked to the bathroom while Law watched. You turn to look at him.

"Law, My clothes are a bit tight. Do you think you can help me get out of them." You smirk.

"I guess I can do this one good deed." He walks to you.

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