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"That was the hottest thing a woman could do." Kid smirks while they lay in what remains of his room.

"Thanks. Just letting you know those are not going to heal completely, you will be scared."

"Worth it." Kid laughed.

The two of you stand up, you and have healed already but were still covered in blood.

"Kid." The door swung open, there stood Killer, his eyes widening in surprise. "Wow you were serious. That is a good look (Y/N). Anyway Kid foods ready, there is enough if you want any (Y/N)."

"Thanks but I think I should go home." You sigh. "Don't feel up to destroying another room at the moment. But can you clean me up, get my clothes back on and take me home Kid?"

"Alright." Kid taps you and you're clean with your clothes back on. "See you later."

"Bye Kid, and Killer." He taps you again and you end up in the living room of your place.

"(Y/N)! Your back." Luffy runs to you wrapping his arms around you. You kiss him. You have no idea why, because this type of affection is always done when the two of you are alone. You have no plan to stop, it's like your body craves Luffy, all the time,yet more than normal at the moment. A voice breaks in but the two of you keep kissing.

"OI! GO TO THE ROOM! IT'S BAD ENOUGH KNOWING WE HAVE TO SHARE BUT I DON'T WANT TO SEE IT!" You think it's Ace or maybe Law. You are so distracted by Luffy.

Luffy pulls back trailing kisses down your neck giving light nips with his teeth as he goes.

"Luffy, I want you so bad." You sigh as his lips trail back up your neck. You being so eager to have Luffy close to you you grab his shirt and tear it off. Noting your eagerness Luffy grabs your thighs lifting you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. For the first time you realize that Luffy made yours, and his clothes vanish. Excited, you grind your core onto his length, he groans in pleasure as the two of you kiss. He walks to the bed and lowers you on it.

Pulling back Luffy goes to climb on the bed but you stop him, placing your palm on his chest, Locking eyes with him. Pushing him back a bit so you can get up. You guide him to sit on the bed. You kneel down in front of him, Keeping your eyes locked with him. Tenderly you grab his member sliding your hand slowly down, Luffy's eyes widening. Breaking eye contact to lick from the bottom to the top taking it into your mouth. You hear Luffy let out an "Ooohhh." His hands gripping the edge of the mattress tightly. You can hear his breath getting ragged as your lips go up and down his length.

"I'm going-" Luffy breathes, filling your mouth with his cum, swallowing it down and you give one last lick to his member before looking up at Luffy. He has a look of bliss on his face. He takes hold of your upper arm and guides you to him.

"What brought that on?" Luffy asks to brush your hair behind your ear.

"I don't know but I don't want to stop." Luffys looks you in the eyes for a moment before pulling you on to his lap. Straddling him you grip his shoulders and close the distance kissing him. As the two of you kiss you grind your hips rubbing your core on his length feeling it harden. You pull back slightly, raising up and lowering yourself, throwing your head back enjoying the feel of him as you lower down on his member. He kisses and nips down your neck, his hands trailing up your sides to your breast, his fingers gently playing with the nipples. You sigh at the feeling of his mouth, hands and his member, he feels so good.

"Oh Luffffyy." You close your eyes enjoying the feel of him. His lips making their way back to your lips, while his hands go to your hips gripping them, standing he turns to lay you on the bed. Leaning forward he laces his fingers with yours to bring the two of your hands to rest on either side of your head. His pace quickens as he watches you as you enjoy the pleasure he is giving you.

Finishing up Luffy goes to pull out but you wrap your legs around him stopping him.

"What is it?" Luffy asks.

"Please, Luffy, I don't want to stop. I need more of you."

"Ok, we can keep going until you're ready to finish." Luffy brushes his lips to yours.

And the two of you made love even longer, It was pure bliss. The two of you explored each other's body, until you were ready to finish. When the two of you did finish you fell asleep in each other's arms. Next thing you know there is really loud banging on the door. You and Luffy wake up confused, Luffy dressing you, you crawl out of bed to see what the noise was. You open the door and there you see a very tired Sabo going to knock on the door again while Law, Thatch, Marco, and Ace, quickly stand up from their spots on the floor. The others looked tired too.

"What's wrong?" You ask while Luffy walks up behind you.

"You two are alright." Sbao grabs you and Luffy into a hug.

"What's wrong?" You ask again after you and Luffy separate from Sabo.

"You've been in there for two days." Sabo lets out.

"Two days?" You and Luffy ask.

"We tried to get you Friday but nothing until today, Sunday." Marco says. "We have been knocking on the door every 30 minutes or so m, trying to get in-yoi."

"We thought you died or something." Thatch sighs.

"What happened?" Law asked.

"I don't know, it only felt like a night." Luffy states.

"So you're telling us that after (Y/N) gets home Thursday night, launches herself to Luffy, the two of you disappear. Absolutely no one could get in your room and you come out like it was just a night? What were you two doing in there?" Ave snaps angrily.

You feel your face heat up.

"Did you two have sex for two days?" Law asks with a shocked look on his face.

"It appears like it." Luffy answers shyly.

"You're telling us you two-for two days." Thatch says half exasperated half amused.

"You two must be hungry, go get yourself cleaned up and then come eat-yoi." Marco says kindly.

You and Luffy stand there watching them leave after they close the door and look at Luffy. Luffy pulls you into a hug.

"Two days?" You whisper. "How did we manage to do that?"

"I don't know." Luffy answers quietly. "Let's get to the shower. The warm water will help you relax."

"Just don't leave my side"

The two of you shower and get dressed, Luffy was right, the shower did help you relax. Now the two of you are at the dining table eating. A lot more than the two of you normally eat. The two of you are a lot hungrier than you thought.

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