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The film ended and you went to study for your test tomorrow. "Where are you off to-yoi?" Marco asked.

"I need to study a bit for my test tomorrow." You pause. "Are all of you still going to go to school with me again?"

"Probably." Law says. "Why is that a problem?"

"It's just won't people start getting suspicious of six blokes coming to school when the term started three weeks ago? And you all are not on any professors' rosters? Do you all really want to go to school?"

"We already told Vivi and Nami that we will go there. It may look weird to us enrolling then not showing up at all." Luffy says.

"Well that's all fine but the only one who will be able to take classes, after this term, with me is Luffy because he said my area of study. So if you want to keep up the lie you can't take all my classes with me."

"We will enroll tomorrow and take all your classes this term and we will figure out next term." Sabo said.

"Except me." Marco says. "I am not going to school, Maybe I will be a professor and teach all (Y/N) classes-yoi."

"You can't do that." You snap. "Maybe some of my classes but it would be weird if you happen to switch subjects just to teach a class with me in it."

"Well I can teach a class you have to keep taking-yoi." Marco states.

"Ok, what about you Thatch?" You look at Thatch.

"I like the idea of you staying here with me all day." He winks.

"I'm going to study please no fighting in the house." You go to leave again, but you stop, realizing there are now seven of you in this tiny apartment. "Err.. How long are you all planning to stay with me?" You ask turning around to look at them again, all of them shrug their shoulders and some answer with a "Don't know."

"Well we need to figure that out. The seven of us crammed in this apartment is going to eventually cause trouble." You sigh and finally leave to study.

After a while Luffy comes in, sitting on your bed he starts playing a game on your phone. Even though he has his own. Soon you hear a ping on your phone and Luffy reads it out to you.

"Vivi says there is a party this weekend and asks if we want to go. It's walking distance from here so you don't need to drive." Luffy looks up at you. "Do you want to go?"

"I guess, ask the others if they want to go. If they do just message Vivi back that we are going" you close your book and start gathering clothes so you don't have a repeat of yesterday's nightmare.

Luffy leaves and you can hear him ask. "Hey Vivi is having a party, do you all want to go? (Y/N) said she is."

You close the bathroom door before you can hear any answers and start your shower. You get out of the shower drying yourself off and you hear a loud bang. Thinking the worse you wrap your towel around you and run to the living room. There on the floor is a grumpy Thatch lying on what was your coffee table. The others surrounded him.

"What happened."You hissed. All eyes turn to you, every face showing surprise then smirks, and light dusting of pink on their face cheeks.

"Wow if i knew breaking something would get you out of the bath looking like that i would have done it earlier." Law says.

"I love that look." Ace smirks, eyes sliding up and down. "Now you just need to get rid of that towel."

"I agree with them." Thatch says getting up.

"Tell me what happened?" You hiss again ignoring their remarks.

"We were arguing and Thatch fell over the table trying to get to Marco." Sabo answers, him trying to keep his eyes on you but they keep slipping down.

"What did I say about that?" That aura around you flames up. Horns start growing out near your hairline growing back. Black feathered wings grow and fan out behind you. Your ears elongated and ended at a point and your upper and lower canines grew longer. Your hair flowing around asif there is a wind. All the men just staring at you are both scared and fascinated with your transformation. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down, completely clueless about what is happening. Slowly the wings and horns disappeared, but the ears remained, not returning back to normal. "So is anyone going to answer me?"

"That was hot." Ace blurts.

"What?" You blink.

"You transformed into your Nephalem form." Marco said, still looking at you in awe. "You looked beautiful and frightening-yoi."

"I transformed?"

"Yes and you are mostly back to normal." Luffy smiles.


"You grew beautiful black wings, horns and your ears elongated and went to a point like that Link guy from that game." Thatch smiles. "But your ears did not go back to normal. I think everytime you release the Nephalem you end up keeping something. Maybe it's hard to know because Nephalem is super rare."

"My ears?" You lift your hands to your ears to feel them which was a stupid idea because now your towel is on the floor. Your eyes widen with shock, you have elf ears and completely nude in front of six men that want to bed you. It was a good 10 seconds before you managed to shake the shock off and run back to the bathroom.

"Wow, what a body!" You hear Law say before you slam the door.

You quickly look in the mirror at your new ears. How am I supposed to hide these? I am still not sure about my powers and there is no one who knows anything about being a Nephalem. And to top it all off they all saw me without anything on, I am living in a beautiful nightmare.

You get your night clothes on, black tank and blue shorts. You quickly run to your room but lucky you you smack into Sabo.

"Sorry (Y/N) are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine." You try to slip past him but he blocks you. He raises his hand to caress and touch your cheek.

"Those ears look cute on you." He softly moves his thumb in circles.

"Thanks, I just don't know how I am going to hide them." You lean into his touch.

"Don't worry most humans won't be able to see them."


"Yes, not many humans can see supernatural activity so to speak. Like if i decide to let my wings out and walk around they won't be able to see them unless I allow them. Just don't allow anyone to see them."

"Thanks Sabo." His hand drops and allows you to pass.

When you get to your room Luffy is already laying down on the bed his head turns to look at you and smile.

"Helly (Y/N)."

"Hi Luffy." You smile back at him and lay down. The two of you turn to face each other.

"Are you alright?"

"Embarrassed, but I'm fine."

Luffy reaches over and touches your ear. "You look pretty with these. I mean you were pretty before too."

"Thank you Luffy."

"Can I kiss you?" His question shocks you, taking you way too long to finally answer.

The Nephalem(ReaderXLuffyXSaboXMarcoXThatchXAceXLaw)Where stories live. Discover now