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A few months have passed, the weather starting to get cold. Everything was going great, you making sure no one goes through withdrawals. Luffy and you are on your last term before winter break. Thatch, Ace, and Law have changed a lot. They have been starting to show more affection, hugs, or kisses here and there as well as cuddling after you are intimate with them. All of them have been playing with their powers. Luffy likes to stretch his arms to you and either pulling you to him or pulling himself to you, this causes you to fall. Thatch's power still freaks you out and you always hate when he decides to cover a room in darkness. There have been a few times one of them annoying Law, who would chop them up or put them together in odd ways, this grossing you out. There was a day Ace thought it would be funny to heat the pool up enough to evaporate the water when you were heading there for a swim. What really annoyed you and almost caused the house to burn down, was Ace and Sabo thinking it would be fun to have a Flame ball fight. You made them clean up most of the mess without any angel or demon power.

Today you were heading to one of your teachers' offices to ask them if you could make up the test that the class had yesterday. You told Luffy you'll meet him at home. Rounding a corner you smack into something big and pink, bouncing off whatever it was and landing on the floor.

"Ouch." Looking up you see that you have run into a tall demon with a fluffy pink coat hanging off his shoulders, a white top open revealing his toned chest, light pink tiger striped patterned pants that went half way up his calf. Blonde hair with pink glasses covering his eyes and wearing the most terrifying smile. "Sorry, sir I didn't mean to run into you." You say while getting up.

"No harm done." He replies in an equally terrifying voice.

"Thanks, sorry I have a meeting to get to." You attempt to go around him, you feel his hands gripping tight to your wrist causing you to wince. Looking back at him, he is now looming over you with that smile still etched on his face.

"But my dear Nephalem, we only just met. We should go get to know each other." He said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Sorry but I'm busy." You retort, causing him to remove his hand from you.

"No, why would you do that? Now I have to be mean." He says still using that sickly sweet voice, before you see darkness.

You come to a cold dimly lit room. You're transformed with your wings stuffed behind you uncomfortably while you sit on a metal chair, have cuffs on your hands and feet, the ones on your feet have chains attached to the floor.. Grogley you look around at the room. It looks like an abandoned communal shower, rusty shower heads and faucets like the two walls to your left and right. In front of you is a large rusted metal door. You feel yourself drifting before a loud bang startles you, looking back up you see that the metal door has opened and a man stood there. He looked like he was melting, his nose having two drips of snot hanging out.

"Great, you are awake." The man said in a disgustingly nasal voice, smiling showing missing teeth. "Doffy sends his regards, we had to cuff you in what we call sea prism stone. It weakened demons and angels alike and Nephalem too."

"What do you want?" You ask grogley, eyes rolling as you try to focus on the man.

"Doffy wants me to persuade you to join the demons." Smiling again he pulls a serrated knife. "You can choose to say yes now and go tell Doffy, or we can do it the fun way." He holds up the knife to show you.

"No!" You snap.

"Is that your answer?" He asks nastily.

"I am not choosing sides."

"Well let's see if I can get you to change your mind." He walks around you and pulls the chair out from under you making you fall on the hard floor. He grabs hold of one of your wings near where they connect to your back. "One more time. Will you join the demons?"

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