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After your fun with Ace you figured the other demons will act like him but you're curious on how the angels will act. And now all of you are seated around the table eating dinner. You again take out your phone but this time you pull up Marco's number and send another picture(different from Ace's). Pocketing your phone you watch Marco. Marco takes a bite before pulling out his phone. He chokes and starts coughing, causing everyone to look at him.

"Are you alright Marco?" You ask innocently.

"I.." Marco breaks off to cough, making Ace, Law, and Thatch laugh. "(Y/N) I just got a message from a human, could you please help me translate it. I don't think I interpreted it right-yoi." He coughs again.

"Sure, let me see." You hold out your hand.

"No, I would rather you read it in private-yoi." He stands up, you follow him to your room. Marco letting you step in first and closing the door. Surprisingly he pounces too.

Later the lot of you were sitting around watching a film. So you take your phone out, you pull up Law's number this time. Picture sent you waiting, watching Law. He pulls out his phone and stairs at it for a good minute with a blank expression. He stands up and walks to you grabbing your wrist and throwing you over his shoulder disappearing reappearing in your room, throwing you on your bed.

"Are you alright?" You smirk.

Lets just say you are 1000% sure Law loved the picture. After fixing your room back to normal, you decide to go shower and Law goes back to the living room. You hear Sabo ask "What happened?" and Law answering with a "A punishment." Before closing the door to the bathroom.

Showering and getting your night clothes on your head back to the living room. Leaning on the wall with a perfect view of your next victim, you again pull out your phone and pull up Luffy's number. Clicking send, you watch as Luffy pulls out his phone, looks at it, looks at you, looks back at his phone, then back at you. He did this for a good 30 seconds before getting up. He takes your hand and guides you to your room, closing the door.

"Is this what you did at that place?" Luffy asks.

"Yes, what do you think?" You ask shyly.

"You're so beautiful." He takes your hand pulling you to him.

You wake up so thirsty, rising up you notice that it's still dark out, looking at the time 3am. Groaning you get up and head to the kitchen to get some water. Wondering why you bought your phone.

"Thatch." You whisper yell, there thatch was sitting at the table.

"Hi (Y/N)" He laughs.

"Geeze you need to not do that. Warn me or something." You sigh, going to the cabinet pulling out a glass and filling it at the sink.

"Now what's the fun in that?"

As 'revenge' you pick up your phone from the counter and open it to Thatches' number and send him a message. Setting your phone down you watch him while you finish your drink. He pulls out his phone and opens the message. He stares at it with his lips moving as if he was trying to say something.

"Are you ok, Thatch?" You ask, setting your glass down.

"I am but you are not going to be."

After cleaning up you slip back into bed with Luffy, curling up next to him. You wake up again this time it's bright outside, you get up to go to the bathroom. Leaving the bathroom you see Sabo.

"Morning." You say brightly, grabbing your phone and pulling up Sabo's number sending the last picture.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." He smiles, turning to look at you. His phone pings and he pulls it out. You watch as he opens it. His face slowly turns red. Eventually he looks up at you. Walking to you he pockets his phone. He kisses you while pushing you back into the bathroom.

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