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You feel someone brushing hair from your face, opening your eyes there are the dark brown eyes of Luffy.

"Luffy, Hi." You smile.

"Hi, (Y/N)." He smiles back."Thatch finished cooking so if you want to eat or you can go back to sleep."

"Thank you for waking me up nicely." You yawn. "Can you save me a plate? I am too exhausted and don't want to get up."

"I can do that. Can I come back to cuddle?"

"Of course Luffy" you smile, your eyes close and you fall asleep.

What felt like seconds later you feel Luffy crawl back next to you wrapping his arms around you pulling you close to him. "Sleep well." Luffy whispers kissing your forehead.

You jerk awake looking around it's still dark out, reaching to the side table to check your phone. 3am. You sigh and get up. Feeling where the Law dug his nails into your skin to find just smooth, looking at your skin showed no signs of bruises or cuts. Maybe that is why you sleep that long, your powers of healing took a toll on your body. You make your way to the kitchen for a snack.

"Thatch!" you whisper yell. "You startled me, I thought everyone was asleep"

"Hungry?" He laughs, from his place at the dining table.

"Yes." You make your way to the fridge for something. Seeing a covered plate you take it out, not worrying about heating it up you dig in. After you finish you sit next to Thatch.

"Can I ask you a favor?" You say shyly. "It may be a weird request but I want to try something."

"Ok." Thatch said looking interested.

"Can you bite me?"

"I definitely did not expect that." Thatch choked, He grabbed your hand and gave a gentle nip on her wrist.

"Get up." You order him, getting up yourself. Thatch rises and you pull him to you, pulling the strap of your tank top to the side. "Bite me like you mean it."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yes." You answer.

Thatch gives you a quick look and pulls you closer and sinks his teeth into your skin drawing blood. This causes you to moan loudly. Thatch pulls back.

"You enjoyed that?" He asked, this was not something he has experienced except with another demon girl. Humans are too fragile and can only take so much, and last time he was violent while having sex the woman died before it was over.

"Please take me somewhere else and do more." You let out, turned on by his bits, placing your hands on his shoulder. He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him, and his lips crash into yours. You feel a tingling sensation and thatch pulls away pushing you against a wall. "Where?"

"An empty apartment." Thatch looks at you. "Just let me know when you can't take it anymore." He gently places his hand on your cheek. "I don't want to accidentally kill you."

"Just f* me." You take your nails and scratch his back, ripping his shirt and cutting into the skin. The two of you cut, scratched, and bite each other until the two of you finished and are now panting, covered with each other's blood, laying next to each other on the floor. You slowly rise up, wincing from the pain, to look at the state you two were in. You were covered in cuts and bites that were still bleeding, looking over Thatch was the same. You start to laugh.

"What?" Thatch looks at you confused.

"We look like we tried to murdered each other." You laugh. He takes a look at your state and joins in laughing.

"I have to say (Y/N) that was amazing, I have never been able to take it that far."

"Never? Not even with other demons?"

"No, most demon women have a limit. But you, Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I just need to sleep now to heal."

"You have quick healing?"

"Yes, but it makes me exhausted." You slowly stand up. "That is why I was sleeping nearly all day."

Thatch stood up too.

"Is there any way you can clean this up quickly? All we need is some poor soul touring the apartment thinking there was a murdered." You laugh.

"Sure." with a blink of an eye the blood on the floor and walls disappeared. You look around then back to Thatch, who seemed to be clean of blood and healed.

"You are not going to heal the scarring too." You ask for tracing a long scar with your finger.

"I can't," Thatch sighed.

"Oh no I'm so sorry i did-"

"Don't worry I'll wear them proudly." Thatch placed a hand on your shoulder. "I think because you're a Nephalem, that it might be the angel in you that is keeping me from healing completely. But I kinda like them."

"Can we get back before I-" Everything went black.

Next thing you know you were waking up in your bed. You slowly sit up, looking down you see bandages wrapped around nearly all of you. You feel movement next to you and see Sabo. He is in a t- shirt and sweats which is different from his more formal wear.

"What happened?" You asked.

"Thatch brought you covered in cuts and bites, passed out. We had to bandage you up so you didnt bleed everywhere. He said you were healing but it will take some time." Sabo says, turning a bit to look at you. "He didn't say how you got them, but he was covered in scars this morning saying he couldn't heal them completely but he seemed happy about it. What trouble did you two get into?"

"Err.." You can feel your whole body blush, looking at the bandages on your arms. "Nothing, I mean it was all consensual."

"Consensual? What do you mean? Did you two spend the night cutting each other up?"

"Maybe? How long have I been asleep?"

"Well he brought you in about 4 in the morning and now it's 3 in the afternoon."

You slide to the edge of the bed next to Sabo. "Don't worry Sabo, I am fine. Thatch just helped me test a theory."

"Right." Sabo sighs, scooting closer to you.

"Can you help take the bandages off?" You look over at Sabo, climbing onto his lap straddling him. His eyes widened in surprise. You press your lips to Sabo's, your hands slowly going up his chest to rest on his shoulders. You feel the cold breeze on your skin letting you know Sabo took all the bandages off. His hands gripping your hips. Sabo pulls slightly, trailing kisses across your jaw to your neck.

"Sabo." You moan. "You have too many clothes on."

You can feel his smile as he kisses down your neck. His hands make their way to your breast, giving your nipples a slight pinch. Causing you to moan at his ministration, arching your back as if to push them closer to him. He moves his hands again, one gripping your hip the other weaving his fingers into your hair. You raise up slightly to line him up to your entrance and lower yourself down. You hear a groan of pleasure from Sabo when you completely slide down. You start moving.

"You feel so good, Sabo." You breathe out. Hearing that he grabs hold of you and flips the two of you over, He smiles and takes over. Lowering himself his lips are back on yours.

The Nephalem(ReaderXLuffyXSaboXMarcoXThatchXAceXLaw)Where stories live. Discover now