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After another round of adult fun time, the two of you get up. You gather your clothes for the day and head to take a shower.

"Do you want a shower?" You peek your head back in the room.

"You sure?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure." You smile at him.

After a nice shower(You know what happened in there) and Luffy watching you get dressed for the day the two of you head to eat. The two of you walk to the dining table and sit down everyone there glaring at Luffy.

"Thank you for cooking again, Thatch." You smile at him, he drops the glare and smiles at you.

"Anything for you darling." He winks.

"Have You all decided what we should do about this living arrangement? Are you all staying or do I need to find a bigger place?" They all look at you.

"I am staying." Luffy says, going back to his breakfast.

"Staying." Law states getting up to.

"I'm not leaving." Ace states getting up.

"Not going anywhere." Sabo says.

"This is too much fun, I'm staying." Thatch laughs getting up to put his plate in the sink.

"I agree with him, I'm staying-yoi." Marco states.

"Ok, so I need to figure out how we can get a new place." You sigh.

"What do you mean-yoi?" Marco asks, handing his plate to Sabo who is going to the sink.

"I only get an allowance and it's just enough for me to survive on."

"Oh right, Don't worry about that we can help." Thatch waves dismissively.

"What do you mean?" You look at him, squinting at him suspiciously. "You're not planning anything illegal?"

"No, don't be stupid, you and the angels won't let that happen. I am more scared of you than them." Thatch laughs, his statement making you laugh too.

"Right. Well I just have the one class this morning so we can go look after it." you pause. "Err.. Just one thing it needs to be walking distance from the campus, this area has no buses and I have no car."

"Don't worry about a car, I have one." Sabo says proudly.

"Why do you have a car?" Luffy and Marco ask.

"They look cool and are fun to drive sometimes." Sabo shrugs. "It has enough seats to hold everyone."

"Ok So we will search for a place after my class. Are the four of you going to join?"

"I have a job interview to go to-yoi." Marco stands up dusting himself off ending up in a white collared button down with a few buttons undone at the top and black trousers.

The four did go with you to class, when you get there you see your class friends Kid and Killer. Getting closer you call out to them.

"Oi! Kid and Killer I didn't know you were-" Your words were cut off by Sabo's hand. "Sorry" you say when Sabo removes his hand.

"I didn't know you two were demons." You say when you are closer to the pair.

"How did you find that out? What's with the ears?" Killer asks. "Wait, why are you surrounded by angels and demons?"

"Long story short I am a Nephalem."

"No kidding?" Kid says impressed. "I'm guessing by the company you have you have not chosen a side."

"I have not, and I don't think I will." You sigh. "Don't need one side after me."

"Glad we had a go before you became popular." Kid laughs, causing the four to look at him.

"Kid really? Out of everything you have to rub it in their nose we slept together." You roll your eyes.

"Wait, you and those two?" Law states angrily, looking at you, then at Luffy. "And you didn't stop them?"

"They had just sex in mind, you do not." Luffy shrugs.

"What does it matter? It was a while ago."

"Do you still?" Law ask.

"No it was the one time, we became class buddies after." You sigh

"What Law haven't got any?" Kid laughs.

"Don't egg him on." Killer says.

"(Y/N) Hey!" You turn and see Vivi walking toward your group with another girl with her.

"Hi Vivi" You wave.

"Hey, Oh this is Rebecca." Vivi gestures to the girl next to her.

"Hello, Im (Y/N), This is Ace, Luffy, Sabo and Law." You gesture at each in turn when you say their name.

After chatting for a bit the professor comes in to start the test.

"So a Nephalem." Kid says quietly walking out of class with you, throwing his arm on your shoulder.

"Yes, It's weird it didn't wake up while I was with you or Killer."

"Maybe being surrounded by both demons and angels brought it out." Kid said as the two of you walked toward the exit. "You were only around demons with us."

"You don't mean?" You look up at Kid. "Heat and Wire are demons?"

"They are." Kid smirks.

"Wow you all seem so nice."

"Not all demons are evil to everyone." Kid laughs.

"(Y/N)" A voice calls you, Kid removes his arm and you look back. "Would you like to hang out then have lunch?" Vivi ask.

"We would love to but it appears the brothers decided to stay so we have to find a new place." You answer. "But we can meet up for lunch if you want to come over?"

"That sounds great, Can I invite Nami and Rebecca?" Vivi asked.

"Yes, that sounds great. I'll message you when we head home for lunch." You smile.

"Be careful hanging out with humans." Kid whispers to you.

"What do you mean?" You ask him.

"You are living with what three demons now? Demons are not known for being too kind."

"Well if they take anything too far I will rip their heads off then." You laugh.

"You became scary, I liked you better as a human."

The Nephalem(ReaderXLuffyXSaboXMarcoXThatchXAceXLaw)Where stories live. Discover now