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Now it's time to go to the beach, dressed in your favorite swimsuit and cover. Luffy and the others in the shorts you gave them the other day, Luffys is now white with a straw hat pattern. Everyone piled into Sabo's car and made our way to the beach. They arrived at the address, it being a large beach house. Climbing out they went to the door to knock, there was no answer but Vivi came around the house.

"Hey you all made it." Vivi said happily. "We are in the backyard." So everyone followed her around the house to the back yard.

"Whose house is this?" You ask.

"It's Sanji's family house, he hates them." Vivi shrugged. "It took us forever to get him to ask Judge to use it."

Rounding the corner of the house you see a large group of people, lounging on the patio near the house, playing volleyball, sunbathing on towels on the sand,and some swimming.

"Let's go to the water." Luffy grabs your hand pulling you there. Something funny happened though, as soon as Luffy touched the water he wobbled, seeming to become weak.

"Luffy are you alright?" Holding him up, pulling him back away from the water.

"I think it's the water, because I am fine now."

"I'm sorry it's my fault. If I did not- you would be able to go in the ocean." You say sadly.

"What's wrong?" Sabo asks to come over when he sees Luffy slump against you.

"I think I took his ability to go in the ocean." You gasp. "We need to tell Law before he tries to swim."

The three of you make your way back up the beach toward Law.

"Law." You say getting his attrition. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure." He walks away from the people he was talking to.

"Don't go in the ocean." You blurt when the two of you are far enough where others can't hear.


"Luffy when he stepped in the water he became weak and a bit faint. I think you two lost the ability to go in the ocean."

"Let's see." He walks with you to the shore line placing his foot in the water and stumbling back. "You're right, maybe it's some sort of price for the unique abilities."

"Maybe, I am sorry that that happened."

"Don't be, it's not like I spend my life around the water, it's fine."

The beach party went on great even with the slight issue with Luffy and Law not being able to go into the water. Eventually as the sun went down food was barbecued and everyone ate and drank having a great time. As it grew darker a bon fire was made and everyone sat around it enjoying the night. That is until you looked over at Law. Quickly you grabbed his hand and ran to the car.

"What are you doing?" Law snapped pulling away right when the two of you got to the house.

"Your arms there is something happening to them." You point.

He looks at his arms to see tattoos forming, the words 'death' spelling out on each hand's fingers and some other unusual tattoos showing on his hand and forearm.

"Your shoulder and chest too." You say shocked, there heart pattern showing on his shoulder and a tribal looking heart with a face appearing on his chest. "You need to get out of here. Everyone can see Luffy's transformation so they will be able to see yours. Go wait in the car, I'll get the others."

"No it's fine I'll just leave." Law snaps, clearly not wanting to wait.

"And what do I say when someone asks where you went?"

The Nephalem(ReaderXLuffyXSaboXMarcoXThatchXAceXLaw)Where stories live. Discover now