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You end up falling asleep in Marcos arms, a loud banging startling the two of you awake.

"What was that?" You sit up looking around.

"Dunno." Marco gets off the bed, fully clothed now. "Here-yoi." He taps your shoulder and you feel warmth and looking down at you are now in a pair of shorts and a t- shirt.

"Thanks." The two of you leave the room to see what the noise came from. The banging starts up again, coming from the front door. You walk over to it and look out the door-hole to see who it is. There standing in front of your door is a tall man in a pink with red heart pattern button up, sleeves rolled up, and white pants and That red hat that you love. Quickly swinging the door open the same time he goes to knock again, causing him to stumble.

"ROSINANTE!" You screech happily. "Wait, you're an angel?"

"How? What?" Rosinante looks at you confused.

"Come in." You move out of the way to allow him to enter.

You quickly hug Rosinante. "I have missed you. I can't believe you're an angel."

"How did you find out?" Rosinate looks at Marco.

"She has awakened her Nephalem-yoi." Marco answers.

"Really?" Rosinante looks at you.

"Yes, it kinda woke up when I yelled at Law for barging into my room like a mad man." You shrug.

"Her Nephalem form is quite beautiful to see-yoi." Marco added.

"I bet." Rosinate smiled.

"Oh sorry, come in and have a seat."

Rosinate sits on a couch and you sit next to him turned to the side to look at him. He does the same. Marco sitting on the other couch.

"I missed you, how have you been?" You ask.

"I have only been gone a week." Rosinate laughs.

"So that's too long and a lot has happened."

"I have noticed. Tell me about it." Rosinate says.

So you tell him about your shopping and meeting Luffy and Law. Then trying to leave them because of their fighting and running into Sabo and Ace. Making new friends Vivi, Nami and Rebecca. How you found out Kid and Killer were demons. Meeting Thatch and Marco, making you all decide to get a bigger place. Then the craziness when Garp and Mihawk showed up.

"Sounds like an eventful week." Rosinate smiled. "I am glad you found some friends."

The three of you talked for a while until the otters started showing up.

"Rosinate, How are you?" Luffy says when he shows up.

"Hey Luffy, How are you liking being seen?" Rosinate smiles.

"It's great, I get to talk to (Y/N) every day." Luffy sits down behind you placing his chin on your shoulder looking at Rosinate, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I'm glad you finally got to be seen, I know you have been wanting to for a while. Looks like you have gotten close."

"Yes She is the best."

"It seems you have been becoming close with your new house mates." Rosinate winks at you, making you blush.

Thatch, Law, and Ace chose that moment to show up.

"Cora-san, What are you doing here?" Law looks at you. "Please say he's not another house mate?"

"What, you don't want me here?" Rosinate says slightly offended.

"There are already way too many angels here we don't need any more." Law mumbles sitting on the couch with Marco.

"Don't worry, I am just visiting (Y/N)." Rosinate says.

"How do you know her?" Law asks.

"I ran into him on my way home the first week I started college. I felt so bad I bought him some coffee and we chatted and soon became friends." You smile.

"Well I must be off." Rosinate stands up, looking at you. "Can I have a quick word before I go?"

"Sure." You get up and head to your room with Rosinate following behind you. You turn around right when Rosinate closes the door.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Of course, why?"

"Just make sure, you are in a house with demons and angels. All this sprung on you in such a short time it could be overwhelming."

"It is sometimes, but I am slowly getting used to it."

"Just be careful, you're like a magnet." He laughs.

"What do you mean?"

"I am not sure, you're just hard to resist." He steps closer to you, placing his hands on your hips, pulling you to him. Like your hands have a mind of their own you put your hands on his cheeks and pull him in your lips touching. Your hands go down to the buttons on his shirt, as you start to unbutton it. While his hands slid up your side lifting your shirt up. Rosinate pulls back from the kiss.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks.

"I am." You place your hands on his chest, moving your hands up to his shoulders letting the shirt slide off. Rosinate takes the edge of your top and pulls it over your head, then reaching back to unclasp your bra. It drops to the floor. He places one hand on your hip while the other cups your cheek, he pulls you back in for a kiss.

He moves both his hands to your thighs lifting you up. You wrap your legs around him, gasping when you realize that your core touches his member no clothes creating a barrier. He turns around pressing you to the door.

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