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"Well that happened." You giggle, Luffy and Sabo on either side of you with their arms wrapped around you. "Thank you two for that."

"Anything for you, (Y/N)." Luffy says.

"OI! (Y/N)! CAN YOU-" Ace barges into Sabo's room stopping dead when he sees, You, Luffy and Sabo culled together still naked. "What do we have here?" Ace smirks. "(Y/N) is one angel not enough to satisfy? You could have just come to me."

And with your luck, Ace's loud voice alerts everyone else, now there is Marco, Law and Thatch looking into the room.

"Why does this always have to happen?" You snap in annoyance, making clothes appear on the three of you..

"Did you three?" Thatch walks in after seeing what was happening. "Wow you angels, that's really surprising."

You feel Sabo heating up, not like blush heating up but catching in fire. You and Luffy quickly get off the bed. And watch as Sabo sits up annoyed, and on fire.

"Ace, How coil-" You round on Ace.

"It wasn't me." Ace snaps. "That flame is orange, mine is red."

"You got your powers earlier." You gasp looking at Sabo, He looks down taking a breath and the flames go out.

"Interesting, what could have brought it on earlier than the others?" Sabo says looking back up. You blink his face has changed, he has what looks like a burn scar around his eye.

"Sabo your eye." Luffy points.

"What?" Sabo touches his eyes, freezing. He gets up and goes to the bathroom to look in the mirror. "How did this even happen?" He steps out of the bathroom.

"Never mind that." Ace says rounding on you. "Can you make me something spicy for breakfast?"

"Fine whatever." You hold out a large bowl of onnuriye donkatsu with white rice.

"You're the best." Ace vanishes.

"Can you-" Law started but you handed him a plate with grilled fish and rice. "Thanks." He too vanishes.

"Do you two want something?" You look at Marco and Thatch.

"Sure." Marco says, you hand him a bowl of rice and pineapple chicken. "You really are the best."

"Sorry Thatch I don't know your favorite food." You let out sadly.

"It's alright, I don't really have a favorite. I'll just take a not spicy version of what you gave Ace." You hand him a bowl with white rice and a fried pork cutlet covered in sauce. He two disappears.

"Do you want some ramen?" You hold a bowl up to Sabo.

"Yes, thanks." Sabo takes the bowl. "See you in the dining area." He vanishes.

"Come on Luffy, I need a table to hold your plate." You laugh, taking his hand and appearing in the dining area with everyone else.

The day went by great, Luffy caught you up on the classes you missed. Sabo hung out with the two of you, eventually the three of you went to the pool. As the day wore down you now find yourself laying with Luffy on a towel, next to the pool. You started to feel the pull toward Thatch.

"I'll see you in a bit Luffy." You say giving him one last kiss before getting up.

"It's time?" Luffy asks.

"Yes." You sigh. "I love you Luffy." You smile and walk into the house.

"I love you (Y/N)" You hear luffy say.

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