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Finals were a nightmare, testing was the worst but you were finally done and tomorrow is a moving day. You are really excited about finally having room to move around, the cramped apartment causes way too much bickering. During the week break from school you plan on trying to use some abilities that the angels and demons use, all of them offering to help.

Just finishing the last final you head back to your place, Luffy having to go check in with Garp for a bit. You were checking emails on your phone when one popped up from Nami's sister's business. Opening it it had a note saying that there are a few photos that you did not get after the photo shoot. It was sent a week after the ones you got. Confused on how you missed it, you open it. There are four photos of you, two of you as normal and the other two you transformed. You forgot how pretty they came out. So distracted you were you ran into something solid, stumbling back, your phone falling to the ground, you hear it speak.

"OI! WATCH- oh (Y/N) are you ok?" Looking up you see Kid.

"Kid, sorry I was distracted." You say while he picks up your phone. He looks at the screen, then he flips through the pictures you had pulled up.

"Wow I would have been distracted too. You look hot in these." And to your annoyance he shows Killer.

"This is your- Wow, you look amazing." Killer smiles handing you your phone. "Can I get a copy?"

"No." You put the phone in your pocket.

"Shame." Kid sighs. "I wanted to ask you. What happened to Ace?"

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" You start to panic.

"Calm down, women. Just saw him and he was covered in scars. Did he cross paths with an angel or something lik-" Kid stops seeing your face turn red. "Wait, wait. What happened (Y/N)?"

"You can tell us." Killer added when you have yet to answer.

"Well it was my fault. But in my defense he asked for them." You mumble.

"What do you mean?" Kid asks, smirking now enjoying your embarrassed state.

"Do I have to answer that?" You mumble.

"Don't make me get closer." Kid threatens. He knows about the issue when a demon or angel gets too close in proximity to you.

You can feel your face heat up more, you were sure it was as red as Kids hair. "Fine, We got a little rough."

"What do you mean?" Killer asks.

"Ugg you are going to make me have to spell it out to you."

"Yes." The two answers.

"When I am with a demon who happens to be having sex with me. We kinda.. Get.. really violent."

"Violent how?" Kid asks.

"Well if you saw Ace you already know, but let's just say the room we do it in needs repaired because it tends to look like a bomb went off and a murder happened. Rubble and blood everywhere." You're staring at the ground in embarrassment as you tell them. After a bit of no talking you look up at the two, they look shocked. "Well say something."

"And nothing has happened to you?" Killer finally asks.

"The first few times it took a toll on me, I would have to sleep for a long time to heal but my body is used to it now I can heal after like they can with no issue. I am pretty sure we bleed out more than what a human can."

"And you like that?" Kid says, amazed.

"Yes." You say shyly.

"That explains why your demons are in such a good mood. Even female demons have a limit." Kid says in awe.

The two just look at you. Then, much to your annoyance, Kid grabs you pulling you close and bites down hard on your neck. In which you let out a groan of pleasure. He pulls back blood coating his lips, taking a quick glance at Killer.

"You liked that?" He asked.

You grab his shirt pulling him close as warm blood stains your shirt. "You better not be starting something you can't finish." You growl.

"See you later Killer." Kid Smirks, his lips crashing into yours.

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