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Lan Zhan felt as if he was struck by lightning!

His eyes refused to believe it. Shocked beyond words, Lan Zhan’s firm body remained absolutely still, unmoving on his bed.

Breath caught in his strong and broad chest, heart galloping with growing anticipation and disbelief, Lan Zhan watched his life taking an unexpected but the most beautiful turn with rapt attention.

He watched how his sweet adorable beautiful baby, his love, his Wei Ying, his black baby bunny, his bunnying snuggled deeper, closer into his arms, mewling and whimpering in his deep sleep.

The baby whose small bunny ears and cutest round furry tail looked and felt so soft! So irresistible! That Lan Zhan found himself struggling extremely hard, to restrain his eager hands from indulging in caressing those special, unique features associated with the same innocent, sweet, and beautiful baby face that Lan Zhan could never forget.

Never wanted to forget!

Whether it was a work of destiny or their intertwined fate, Lan Zhan felt blessed that he was able to recognise his Wei Ying, recognise this adorable baby face that was snuggled into his arms, hidden partially with a layer of his white inner robe as the cute baby bunny wriggled and squirmed, finally settling peacefully inside Lan Zhan’s robes, closer to his warm smooth skin.

And Lan Zhan, he couldn’t be more happier about every little thing that his love, his Wei Ying, his bunnying was doing with him, doing to him…

His carefully buried desires, those fire and farfetched yet beautiful dreams hidden in the deepest parts of his ever so yearning heart, burn alive again!

And this time, Lan Zhan promised himself, there would be absolutely no stopping or suppressing it!

This time, Lan Zhan would not miss his Wei Ying, he would not let his love leave him, ever!

His love, his life, his Wei Ying belongs to him. Only him. He won't be allowed to go anywhere without his Lan Zhan. Not even in the afterlife!

After years of waiting and suffering, he smiled. Being able to recognise his Wei Ying in any form, be it a child or adult felt so beautiful and reassuring!

Although Lan Zhan didn’t need any validation to recognise the adorable face of his Wei Ying, he was grateful for remembering the same adorable face and that breathtakingly blinding smile!

To Lan Zhan, it was one of the most precious and unforgettable memories of his childhood.

It was the same time when he'd lost his loving and caring mother just a month ago and with her, Lan Zhan lost his hopes, his happiness and all the colours in his life.

It was still the same time when just a month later, he’d met his Wei Ying, a weak, wounded, starved yet adorable and happy child who used to live on the streets of Yiling, often alone and hungry, waiting for someone, before getting adopted by Sect Leader Jiang Fengmian.

It was the same glimpse of the past, a precious memory that obliterated all the doubts in recognising the young, baby face of his Wei Ying that was now pressed close to his warm chest, with slightly open mouth showing two tiny baby teeth and pink pouting lips, mumbling incoherent words in his sleep.

Finally, when Lan Zhan gathered his thoughts and courage to really move his hands and touch this tiny, cute and certainly the most adorable sleeping beauty in his arms, bunnying glowed and turned back into his black bunny form, much to Lan Zhan’s dismay...

To say that Lan Zhan felt disappointed with himself for losing those precious, blissfully beautiful moments of time while being lost in his own thoughts and missing to enjoy the present, his second chance, his cute and adorable bunnying, would honestly be an epic understatement.

Lan Zhan suddenly felt so frustrated, so annoyed with himself, he forgot all his restraints and as if in a trance, he bent forward and almost instinctively kissed his tiny black bunny’s forehead when suddenly, his sweet bunnying returned, making Lan Zhan gasp in surprise and his golden eyes sparkle with wonder and infinite happiness!

Lan Zhan has discovered a secret!

A secret so beautiful that for the first time in his whole calm and graceful life, Lan Zhan truly felt like running all around the Cloud Recesses like a mad man, singing and screaming with happiness and announcing the entire  world that HIS WEI YING WAS BACK!

But he knew...

Lan Zhan knew this happiness would not be welcomed in this cruel world where every single person believes that his innocent, pure, sweet and selfless Wei Ying, a hero in all its true sense, is a harbinger of calamity, evil being that causes only the destruction and death.

A heartless monster!... An evil demon who practices the forbidden demonic cultivation and plays with the dead!

And Lan Zhan decided. To keep this secret all to himself and protect his Little Wei Ying from the world as long as he can!

As long as he lives!

As long as he breathes the same air, sees the same stars and moon as his Wei Ying!

Lan Zhan will always protect his tiny beautiful and innocent soulmate from the hatred and malice of this world at all cost!

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