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"I-I'm- Ying'er is unable to understand anything, Zhan gege. As Prince Ying, I often heard those Royal Princes and Princesses talking among themselves how they were able to talk and laugh with you, how you gave them special treatment...unlike me," Ying mumbled confusedly, feeling utterly lost.

"Aying...little one, I don't know how to say it to make you feel less hurt but it was all the work of that King. Noticing that his own sons have brought home the prince whom he wanted dead, he did everything to make you leave the palace on your own or... get you killed by the palace servants.

When he couldn't kill Prince Ying, he resorted to creating troubles between you and Prince Zhan. It was known to everyone in the palace how much you adore and respect your saviour. They wanted to use your feelings to finally throw you out of their lives. Knowing how you can't hear anything wrong about Prince Zhan, they kept uttering nonsense to provoke you but not even once you acted out.

It seemed as if you had truly accepted your place as a mere servant with no desire or demand for more. Not even rude words like Prince Zhan treating you worse than a dog could irate you, much less their words of Prince Zhan giving them special treatment, talking or smiling with them.

In fact, the day that Princess provoked you, we were absolutely sure that you will ignore it as usual and by that time Prince Zhan will be able to get rid of another trap for creating a wedge in your relationship.

Do you remember what you saw after entering Prince Zhan's chamber that day?" Xichen asked looking at Ying'er gently

Frowning even more with confusion, Ying'er answered, "He was hugging a royal lady. Why?!"

"Exactly, why did they even do it," he said, sighing internally, before saying, "Because they thought when you will see your Zhan gege in that awkward position with a girl, you will get hurt and will break your ties with him and leave the palace. And because Prince Zhan was incapable of expressing his emotions and feelings, he wouldn't be able to explain anything to you about what really was happening that time.

Your Zhan gege and I were aware of their wicked schemes.

Therefore, when you suddenly barged into the chamber and without waiting for a second, you asked that question, it baffled Prince Zhan. Unable to think of a better solution, he behaved like a rude arrogant royal who doesn't care about you and thinks of you as a curse just like everyone wanted him to...

He was furious at every single person who was laughing at you and for the first time ever, Prince Zhan raised his voice and yelled at everyone to leave his chamber while hoping that from then onwards, they would finally stop hurting you since he'd clearly showed them how he doesn't favor you at all.

All he did was to protect you silently since neither he nor the Crown Prince could show it, as that would've made everyone even more hostile towards you.

However, what you did that day was beyond our imagination.

That ominously dark fateful day when nine year old Prince Ying chose to end his life because of Zhan gege's words and thoughtless actions, when his last words with a sad smile meant he died hoping Prince Zhan will befriend him after his death- those pained words, it broke Prince Zhan so deeply that ever since his birth, he finally sobbed cried and wailed and no one could comfort or console him or just stop his cries.

Your death took his soul away, he was merely existing, breathing but neither he ate nor drink anything. He eyes did not even blink ever since he saw your last tear while his lips refused to part.

He looked more like a jade statue than an alive human being. Overwhelmed by the heartbreaking pain, feelings of helplessness and devastation and all other emotions that he had never felt ever before critically deteriorated his health and... not even a year later, he followed you and left that world too.

Story of Prince Zhan's demise because of a heartbreak, that too for the fallen Prince was buried down by the King who didn't want to be humiliated by his own son's pitiful death therefore to cover it up, he spread the message of the god, the royal decree that stated the people of the Xiang Kingdom were grateful for Prince Ying’s sacrifice and would remember him for generations to come...fulfilling the prophecy in the most unpredictable way........"





"Zhan gege died?!... B-because of me? I-I chose death only to save him from my misfortune but h-he died because of m-me?! But why? How- Prince Ying didn’t want that-" Yingying mumbled, shocked and horrified by the turn of events of his past life, unconsciously pulling himself away from the sudden vice-like grip of Zhan ge's arms whose deep panicking voice jerked him back to reality but still little Ying'er was far too stunned to behave normally.

Lan Zhan kept whispering words of comfort, trying his best to let his love know that whatever happened in the past life was never Ying’s fault but no matter what he said or did, Ying could not focus on his present surroundings and his new family's worried faces.

Watching the dazed, tearful eyes of his little Bunbun, Ayuan’s protective instinct kicked in when he forcefully pulled Ying towards himself, cupped his cheeks gently within his soft palm, looked straight into his lost silver eyes and spoke in a firm yet serene voice, "Ying! Look at me. You’re my BunBun! This is your new life!! You have Lan Sizhui, Hanguang Jun and Zewu Jun with you. We’re all here for you little one, today, tomorrow and always, and we will protect you, love you, cherish you wholeheartedly.

Just remember what your parents in the past life taught you, You're not at all cursed, Ying. If you believe it, then you will make your enemies win and do you really want to lose to someone who isn't even alive now?!"

"N-no... Yin- Yingying won't lose to my enemies. Not a-alive. Not d-dead. Ying will not let Ayuan ge down. Promised before. Wo-n't let a-anyone win Ying," he stuttered with tears in his eyes

"Oh! My sweet little Bunbun," Ayuan hugged Ying'er tightly into his arms as he said, "Remember your Ayuan ge's words, okay?! Whatever happened in the past, is happening at the moment or will happen in future, you must not blame yourself for others misfortunes or sorrows.

If your conscience is clear and your intentions are in the right direction then you should never worry about anything else or what others think.

This gege doesn't really remember but a kind, gentle person once told me the same words and now being your gege, I'll say the same to you, BunBun. Trust yourself, little Yingying.

Believe in yourself and believe those who put all their faith in you. Be kind to yourself first because if you cannot respect yourself, nobody else would.

Do not belittle yourself or feel inferior to others. Gege knows you remember all our Lan clan rules, right Bunbun?” he waited, until Yingying blinked his tears away nodding adorably, before sighing with relief and smiling softly as he brought Ying back into his arms, "Good rabbit!" Ayuan chuckled softly.

"Hmn...so you really want to stay with baba in Jingshi and leave your sweeet Ayuan gege all alone?!!!” Hazel brown eyes sparkled with mischief as Ayuan looked at Bunbun, pouting innocently





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