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"Ayuan gege?!" Yingying mind linked, excitedly, "Is that you?! Where are you speaking from? I can’t see you!"

“…....I often forget that you can mind link your thoughts, Bunbun. Yes, It is me.” Ayuan continued to speak in low, subdued voice, “See here, above the bed, it’s a window locked from inside. Can you see now, BunBun?!”

"Yes! BunBun found it! But I’m unable to reach the window a-and open it for you, Ayuan gege, huhh. Why aren’t you coming through the door?" Yingying asked panting while jumping again and again to open the window

“You... are trying to open the window?
How? Are you in your human form?!! Even when it’s been over three hours since Baba left Jingshi?” Ayuan asked, surprised and a little upset about not knowing this new progress of his tiny bunny, “Why didn't you tell anyone of us, you're able to be in your human form for more than two hours now?!

Since when did it change, BunBun?!”

"You aren’t telling me why you can’t come inside through the door! Why must little Ying’er tell you everything?"

“I’m sorry, BunBun. Ayuan gege can’t enter Jingshi for now. Baba has given strict warning to everyone including me and Uncle Xichen to stay far away from Jingshi and do not enter without his permission.”

"...Hmph! T- then BunBun will also not tell you that every year on my birthday my power to stay in this human bunny form increased by two hours! BunBun won’t even tell you that I learnt about this four years ago on my birthday and didn't tell you because I like how Zhan gege and you kept on kissing me every time to make me stay in human form!" Yingying thought, feeling more than angry now, unconsciously revealing  his little secrets to his Ayuan gege

Ahh- Oh! Then don’t tell your Ayuan gege anything, BunBun. I understand. I’m sorry for hurting you, little one. Erm, Are you perhaps, very hungry?!” Ayuan asked gently and cautiously, knowing full well that there are only two things that can make his innocent BunBun lose his mind to extreme rage and anger.

First, if anyone dared to say anything wrong or tried to hurt his Zhan gege and Second- when his hunger for food exclusively made by his Zhan gege's hands increases beyond his tolerance level

"Of course, Yes! But nobody cares for Ying’er! Not Lan Zhan and not even you! Yingying will not talk to anyone now. Go away, Ayuan gege. Leave me here, alone. Who knows, you might get punished even for talking to Yingying."

Ayuan sighed, “Calm down, BunBun. Gege knows you are angry, bored and want to grow up quickly. Therefore, you want to go outside alone but even I don't think that it’s safe for you to go outside without Baba, little one.

You’re still so small, so tiny. You can’t even control all of your abilities. Can’t change into human form on your own whenever you want.

And…you know nothing about other bunnies except for my stories which are true but...we still don’t know how they will act around you. You're very special, Yingying. You're different and not like anyone of them!”

"...Yingying is different?!"

Ayuan hummed in response, trying to persuade his Bunbun gently.

"Yingying is... not one of them. T-Then is... Yingying one of you and Lan Zhan, Ayuan gege?!" Yingying whispered in his sweet adorable voice, controlling his quivering lips, feeling too scared to hear the answer of his own query

“Not at all! You are obviously not one of us, Yingying. You are so much more beautiful than any of us could ever be!” Ayuan praised wholeheartedly with a bright smile on his young face, “You’ve these amazing soft and cute bunny ears and softest and fluffiest bunny tail. You can change your form and can even mind link anyone you want. Yingying, you are so good that even your Ayuan gege wishes to be like you!

And because you are so exceptionally unique and special, you need to stay hidden here, inside Jingshi, protected and safe from bad people. Okay, little Bunbun?!”


“BunBun… are you there? Why aren’t you answering your Ayuan gege?!”

"…Yingying is here, Ayuan gege. I-I am happy that Ayuan gege wants to be like Yingying. I love you so much, Ayuan gege." Yingying chirped in a cheerful, loud and happy voice, glad that mind link didn't reveal his real emotions as he suppressed his sniffles and wiped his tears, feeling too upset, alone and isolated today than he ever felt since the day he entered Jingshi.

“Gege loves you too, my tiny BunBun” Ayuan whispered back lovingly, “Now don’t be angry with Baba, okay?!! I’m going to him and tell him that you are hungry.

I’m sure he’ll come back immediately and cook you all your favourite food. Be good and wait for us. Ayuan gege will come back to you soon, all right?”

"Okay, Ayuan gege. Yingying will meet you, soon. And I'll be good." Yingying mind linked before muttering under his breath, “But I won’t be able to wait for you, Ayuan gege. I must go back to where I came from...

Maybe, only there Yingying will find the answers to all of my questions,” he said in a determined voice before using all of his remaining powers and jumped up to the high above window, quickly opened the latch and finally climbed out of the window of Jingshi in his power drained bunny form and ran outside, escaping the barriers of Cloud Recesses, without turning back.

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