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“Ying’er!!!” Lan Zhan breathed out as soon as he entered Jingshi and saw his beloved sitting at their study desk, furiously scribbling something on multiple talisman papers at the same time, looking lost and gloomy

“Zhan...gege?! Lan Zhaaaannn! Where were you?! Yingying has been waiting for you for so long!

Did you forget how much Ying’er feels hungry after the training?! If it wasn’t for my good Ayuan gege who brought me a fruit with red chilli oil earlier, I would have already been starved to death by now! Hmph! Bad Zhan gege!" Ying’er complained annoyed, looking anywhere except in the direction of Lan Zhan, failing to notice how his Zhan gege seemed to be getting more and more anxious and agitated with every passing second because of the dark ominous feeling which he felt and confidently dismissed this very morning came back again with full force, knocking all his breath out of lungs.

“Lan Zhan?!!?” Ying’er turned to face his Zhan gege when even after a few seconds of complaining and throwing tantrums, he didn’t hear a single word or felt any movement but the moment his silver eyes fell upon Lan Zhan, his world came to a standstill.

“Zhan gege! What’s wrong?! What is happening with you?! Breath! Please BREATH! L-LAN ZHAAN! Don’t scare Ying'er like this, Zhan gege! Help! PLEASE HELP! AYUAN GEGE! Help!

Witnessing the always calm and composed Zhan gege look so terrified and suffocated as if he was dying gave Ying’er a shock so hard that his entire body began trembling feverishly with fear as he leapt over their study desk, ran towards his Zhan gege screaming for help and started rubbing his back, hands and feet, guiding him to as his best to regulate his breathing with no other thoughts in mind. Not even his own bleeding feet that accidently got cut because of the unsheathed Bichen on the floor could get his attention as he hugged Lan Zhan tightly in his arms, patting and rubbing his back gently, whispering words of comfort to calm his heart as he himself cried in helplessness.

“I- I’m fine now, Ying’er!!!” Lan Zhan whispered a few minutes later, finally managing to calm his mind while he breathed in his Ying’s fragrance, felt his warmth close in his arms and his voice in his ears whispering sweetly as he brought Ying's scared, sobbing and trembling small body closer to his heart, protectively

WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! I have never seen you like this, Zhan gege!!! You scared me!” Ying’er yelled at Lan Zhan angrily, clinging close to his Lan Zhan's now steady beating heart as if his life depended on it, crying silently.

"I’m sorry, my little Ying-”

Bunbun?! Bun- Hey Little one! What happened?! Why are you crying? Are you okay, Little Bun?!!! Don’t cry, I’m here! Bunbun… look at me! Ayuan ge is here!” Ayuan came running inside Jingshi, forgetting the rules when the first thing he saw was his trembling crying little rabbit snuggled deep into his baba’s arms, looking absolutely scared and then… he saw his bleeding feet and his baba's sword Bichen lying on the ground, carelessly.

“Y- You’re hurt!!” Ayuan whispered to himself, glaring at his baba, angrily, his eyes speaking volumes about how incapable he felt Hanguang Jun was, when it comes to taking care of Little Ying.

Without waiting for the much needed explanation for this bizarre situation, Ayuan began transferring his spiritual energy to heal his Bunbun’s wound and grumbled in a low voice, “I’ve no problem with taking care of my little rabbit. Have done it before and can do it much better in the future. It’s only been a few days and he’s this scared, hurt, bleeding, and crying.”

“Mn. I know… but I won’t- I can’t give Ying'er back to you again.” Lan Zhan admitted with a heavy heart, rubbing small circles in Ying’s back, soothing, relaxing his frayed nerves to peaceful calmness.

Frowning, Ayuan closed his eyes and took a deep calming breath before saying, “Looks like he’s tired enough to fall asleep this early. He was really very hungry but still kept waiting for you to come back to Jingshi and treat him with his favourite meal. ...You've always cooked his favorites starting the evening before his birthday up until the night of his birthday.

He- didn’t want to miss it like the last time.”

“Let him rest,” Lan Zhan said softly, standing up from the floor carrying Ying’er in his arms and moving him towards their bed but no matter how he tried, Lan Zhan could not pry open Ying’s tightly wrapped arms around his neck without disturbing his sleep, and with no other choice, he carried him towards the small kitchen space in Jingshi and started cooking Ying’s birthday meals.

Being ignored like an air for half an hour as if he wasn’t really standing right next to his baba, Ayuan asked politely with sheer annoyance visible plainly on his face, “Would you please at least try to tell me what happened earlier?”


“N-Nothing?!” Ayuan's eyes widened slightly as he whispered in disbelief, mindful of his sleeping Bunbun in his baba’s arms, “Y-You can really say it was nothing when I could hear fear and pain in my Bunbun’s voice across the hallway up to my chamber?!”

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