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“…this is what I’ve come to inform you, Wangji. The seventh group of disciples we sent to search the forest outside Caiyi town have returned back to Cloud Recesses alive, albeit with grave injuries.

If only I’d earlier thought of the possibility of someone else using resentment energy to manipulate those bloodthirsty hounds, we would not have lost the lives of all the brave disciples of the last six groups.

It's... I’m so very disappointed at my incapability of understanding the gravity of the situation and not being able to think of the pure possibility of someone else being capable of using resentment energy besides our Wei Wuxian.

As a Sect Leader, your Xiongzhang is grateful for your valuable advice, Wangji. It is only because of your suggestion that we were able to make necessary arrangements to tackle the heavy resentment energy and were able to save lives of our disciples this time.

Also basis the severity of the attack and the gravely injured condition of our disciples of the seventh group, sect elders and I’ve decided to declare the disciples from the earlier six groups who’ve been missing for over a month now... as dead and we’ll soon plan their funeral ceremony to put their souls to rest.” Lan Xichen sighed heavily

“The advice wasn’t mine but of my Ying’er." Lan Wangji said solemnly, sipping his tea.

"Little Yingying? How is that possible? He is just a child at the moment. How can he suggest caution measures on the resentment energy?! Besides, he is not aware of our search," Lan Xichen remarked, frowning

"Nothing can stop my Ying if he wants to know or do something." Lan Zhan said in a gentle voice, carrying a ghost of smile on his face, "Although we did not involve him in our discussion, my Ying’er is aware of our search and all the missing disciples in the dark forest.

Few weeks ago, Sizhui told me about Yingying’s sudden growing interest in resentment energy.

It was my Ying's intuition that he felt similar energy in the forest when he encountered those unnaturally large hounds with blood red eyes.” Lan Zhan said in his deep voice, stoically while calmly and elegantly pouring some more tea for his Xiongzhang.

“Our Yingying is taking interest in the resentment energy again?! Does uncle know about it?!” Lan Xichen asked alarmed thinking of various situations that could go wrong if Uncle Qiren comes to know that someone studying in Cloud Recesses and under his strict supervision, is again interested in using resentment energy.

Especially if that someone is Yingying who’s background, unparalleled skills and curious genius mind and even his personality is so peculiarly similar to that of Wei Ying.

“No. Sizhui took care of it. And I will always protect my Ying if anything happens. Xiongzhang not need worry about him. I'm here for my soulmate. What did disciples see?!” Lan Zhan asked looking at his brother pointedly

“...Hmm, similar to what our Yingying described except the number of those giant hounds were much higher this time. They saw hundreds of them in the forest but the strange thing was that only around thirty attacked them while others didn’t even stir or flinch, as if those hounds were all asleep or under a restraining spell.

Also, the hounds that attacked our disciples seemed to be trained to fight against sword-wielding cultivators. They dodged our disciple’s attacks easily while inflicting life threatening injuries.

However, the most concerning issue here is… that part of dark forest falls under the jurisdiction of Lanling Jin Sect.

I know what you want to say again Wangji… but I’m unable to believe it so I’d say that someone from the Jin Sect and NOT necessarily Guanyao, is using resentment energy to create and control those beasts much like how Wei gongzi controlled Wen Ning.

However, the skills of this person is subpar because while Ghost General Wen Ning had his own consciousness, these beasts are fully under the control of resentment energy having no sense of danger or fear. They are meant to kill others. And they’ve been doing great so far.

The question is, why does anyone in the Lanling Jin Sect, the richest and one of the four major cultivation sects would resort to this unless they either want to control the entire cultivation world or to destroy the sects and their people completely.

And in both the scenarios, the results will ultimately harm the Lanling Jin Sect and it's clan members. This is like announcing a war with no real reason behind it.” Lan Xichen said, his usual serene, calm voice laced with worries and concern.

“Fear of getting exposed compels the culprits to take extreme measures,” Lan Zhan said, gritting his teeth while glaring at the cold tea in his tea cup.

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