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If you don't want to stand in my place and experience this hell, this feeling of helplessness that I'm feeling right now then just stop asking me to calm down every single time, Ying!!!

You are coughing up blood even when we are standing right in the center of the sacred cold pond! Tell me, Ying'er! What's hurting you, Love?!

Please let me help you! Please Ying!!!"

Lan Zhan raised his voice, crying out in panic and urging desperately as he hugged his beloved closer to his heart, feeling terrified of losing him again.

"Lis-arghh Listen Lan Zhan… trust me, I- I'm fine.

I m-mean I will be fine... Just give me some time unh?!!!

Your Ying'er promises, I-I’m not going anywhere leaving you behind. It's just that all my memories, this stupid pain and swirling flow of three contrasting energies is… a bit too much but I will be fine so just-"

"What d-do you want me to do?! What can I do to help you, my Ying’er?” Lan Zhan asked anxiously in a hoarse tear filled quavering voice

"…C-Can you be here a-and also not be here for awhile, Lan Zhan?!!" Yingying smiled softly to comfort his soulmate, suppressing his pain, trying his best to lessen the fear and worries glistening in those golden eyes.

"Mn," Lan Zhan nodded in an instant, unhesitant and unfazed, looking into the silvery red eyes expectantly, "But  Ying'er must not smile just to hide his pain from me."


"…I won't!!! I won't hide anything but did you err understand what I meant, Lan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan smiled sadly, "It's true that I have disappointed you so many times my Love but after everything we have been through in all our life, how can I not understand my soulmate, Ying’er?

I will stay here and keep you warm so you can focus on regulating the three energies circulating in your dantian."

Yingying’s mesmerizing eyes widened in surprise. Moist soft lips parted with a gasp and his blush deepened further as he stuttered, "And y-you can’t talk t-to me as well! Just trust me and bbe quiet okay?!! No matter what happens during the process…"

Because of their closeness, Ying could feel Lan Zhan’s entire body trembling with panic and fright as he mumbled out a response reluctantly. Still, there were a few things left to be done and so he continued, "...M-my clothes, Lan Zhan..and please loosen up your arms a bit, I need to turn around to face the spiritual waters of the lake to start the process-"

Before Ying could even complete his words, Lan Zhan maneuvered him in his arms swiftly, pressed Ying's naked small back to his warm firm chest and started removing Ying's pants quickly with deft fingers to avoid hindrance in the flow of energies...that Lan Zhan thought to be a good reason to justify his random actions.

L-LAN ZHAAN! STOP!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!” Ying'er screamed in panic. Feeling shocked and baffled as he flicked the sneaky hands away and held his pants in place tightly

"Calm down. I was only removing my Ying's clothes," Lan Zhan answered in an indifferent voice innocently with a straight face, causing Ying to gape in astonishment

"What the he- you understood me just fine before than how come- when did you become so shameless Lan Zhan?!” Ying'er whisper yelled at Lan Wangji, the respected and admired Hanguang Jun exasperatedly, "I didn’t ask you to re-remove my pants but hand me my upper inner robes! We can't be so cl-"

"No need." Lan Zhan frowned, glaring at Ying's inner robe lying a little away from the edge of the pond, petulantly and distastefully before opening the upper part of his inner robes, pulling Ying'er closer to his chest, covering his petite body and tying the lapels of his robe over his Ying’s stomach a bit tightly, all in a blink of an eye.

For the first time in his life, the fuddy duddy he always used to make fun of was able to make Ying feel completely speechless and dumbfounded.

This…weird situation was beyond his imagination and yet, somehow... Ying knew, it'll turn even worse if he asked anything more from the barely calm Lan Zhan who looked close to being delirious because of his fear of losing him.

Struggling to suppress his pain while diverting his mind from the feel of his bare back pressed close to Lan Zhan’s warm heavily muscled smooth chest, stomach and that...unspeakably huge hardness most certainly unknowingly poking his butt... Ying'er took a much needed deep calming breath before closing his eyes, focusing his senses and placing his palm on the surface of cold water to meditate and begin the process.

Lan Zhan stood still, holding his Ying securely and tightly in his arms with bated breath.

Transferring a small steady stream of his spiritual energy to keep his Ying’er warm, he watched in awe as a current of blue spiritual and red resentment energy kept flowing out of Ying’s left and right palm respectively, forming separate energy spheres on the water surface that was soon enveloped by a glowing ray of white energy radiating from Ying’s entire body.

While Ying trembled, his body burned hot with exertion, painful groans and constant coughing of blood shook Lan Zhan with dread, the soft white ray of energy became blinding as it merged the spiritual and resentment energy before getting sucked back into Ying's dantian suddenly at once with a force of a lightning!

"Y-Ying’er!!!" Lan Zhan gasped out the moment his soulmate’s body fell limp into his arms, losing his consciousness right after the successful completion of the process.

He knew, could even feel that his Ying was fine, was no longer in any danger or in pain but watching his beloved in that state once again on the same day was more than Lan Zhan's heart could bear.

Picking him up into his arms, kissing his forehead for a little bit longer and hiding Ying'er protectively inside his robes, Lan Zhan came out of the cold pond and walked straight towards the Jingshi with one thought in mind, ‘He won’t allow Ying’er to leave him alone ever again, no matter what!’




"Baba! May I come in?!!! Uncle Xichen told me that I’d find Yingying near the cold pond but I didn’t find him there. Is my Bunbun with you? Is he still not doing well?!

Let me in, baba!!! Even if it’s just for a few minutes. I know it's quite late but Yingying hasn't eaten anything and I- I also want to see him! ...I'm prepared to see his changed appearance. Uncle Xichen informed me so don't worry, I promise I won't make my Bunbun feel uncomfortable in any way. Just let me see him for a little while..."

An exhausted, scared, and dazed Lan Zhan heard his son’s weak, desperate pleas laced with concern and longing from outside Jingshi when even after Ayuan's polite continued knocking at the door for a while, Lan Zhan neither responded, nor did he open the door.

However, understanding the way his son might be feeling, Lan Zhan finally gathered his courage to let him inside in the protected space for his beloved.

Still, not wanting to be separated from his Heart for even a second, Lan Zhan lovingly picked up the now peacefully sound asleep Yingying, cocooned in a blanket, into his arms and got up from the bed to open the door.

"Baa-ba?!" Hazel brown eyes widened in shock as the stunned Ayuan's hand paused midway in his knocking as he came face to face with a tired looking Hanguang Jun's heavily swollen eyes and a buddle of blanket held securely in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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