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"Wei Yiiinnggg!!!"

Lan Zhan cried out in agony, watching his beloved Ying dying in front of him again, struggling to break free from a heartbroken Lan Xichen’s arms when suddenly the blinding lights flashed, bringing them back to the present, in Jingshi where in place of a ten years old Little Ying’er now lay a glowing, ethereally beautiful seventeen years old frowning and trembling Wei Ying who was trying to snuggle deeper into Lan Zhan's arms.

His discomfort, groans and soft gasps filled with pain as the after-effects of regaining memories of the past along with the massive influx of resentment energy and powers into this new body was more than enough to make Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen's heart go out to him as they kept whispering soothing words and transfer spiritual power to help alleviate Wei Ying's sufferings.

However, their efforts were a bit too careful, filled with nervousness since although Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen knew the boy lying on the bed was no doubt Wei Ying... but his soft, flushed skin, delicate but strong mesmerizing appearance with a strong golden core thrumming peculiarly in his dantian... were a striking contrast to Wei Ying's sickly pale features of past life, after he returned from the Burial Mounds.

It was as if he was Wei Ying and at the same time-he was not. Instead, he was some mysterious heavenly being.

"…W-Wei Ying?!!" Lan Zhan breathed out in a weak hoarse voice, thick with emotions as he caressed his Ying'er gently, shaking him awake from those nightmare-like memories and wishing fervently for his beloved to open his silver eyes, call his name, talk to him and just… bless him with his carefree, lively presence, feeling too scared to lose his love and his bright smile once again.

"Wangji…let- let him rest, didi. He has suffered way more than anyone could ever think of!!!" Lan Xichen struggled to stop his tears, as he closed his eyes and breathed deeply to calm his heart and clear his mind and his thick teary voice but he knew all those memories, pain and sufferings would haunt him forever.

Their past, those revelations...weren't something he could forget with time.

"I-didn’t know anything, Xiongzhang! My Wei Ying- was suffering all alone! He gave away his golden core to that ingrate, thrown in the Burial Mounds, and even died but I-didn’t even try to know!” Lan Zhan’s voice quavered as he wrapped his arms around his Life, bringing him even closer to his heart protectively, “How can I be my Ying’s soulmate when he lost his life saving me time and again. I-I always scolded him for practicing dark arts instead of …trying to know his reason!

W-Why does this keep on happening?! As if, we’re stuck in an endless loop of events, where every time my Ying’er has to die for me!

I don’t want...my s-soul can’t lose Wei Ying once again, Xiongzhang! I won’t survive anymore if my Ying’er-”

“L-Lan Zhan?!! Loosen up- your arms! I ca-can’t breathe, Lan Zhan! You’re choking me!!!” Wei Ying yelled out, gasping for breath the moment he regained his consciousness, utterly annoyed at a certain Lan who forgot to control his ridiculously strong Lan arm strength.

In an instant, the gloomy atmosphere of Jingshi changed into an absolutely awkward, anxious, and apprehensive situation as Lan Xichen, stunned with the sudden turn of events, moved far away from an annoyed, wide awake and unnaturally grown-up teenager...

Silently and unnoticeably, as a ghost...

And quietly, stood close to the round window and watched the expressions of his usually stoic baby brother, who at the moment looked like err.. kicked puppy.

With gaping mouth, glistening golden eyes and furiously blushing ears, Lan Zhan kept holding his Wei Ying closer but a little lightly even when his Ying, his precious beautiful sweetheart, his beloved unconsciously shifted into his human bunny form out of annoyance, with fluffy bunny ears and soft fuzzy tail while his bright silver eyes flecked with scarlet stared at Lan Zhan as he pushed him away, exasperatedly

"…W-Wei Ying?!” Lan Zhan called out his lover's name with reverence, love, and longing as his lips quivered with emotions, "Do- do you r-remember me now?!"



Bunny Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan's vulnerable, trembling form and hazy glistening eyes, feeling dumbfounded.

"You! You are calling me by Wei Ying’s name?! Why? Have you- been waiting for this day?

You didn't call me Prince Ying when it happened last time then do-does...this means you always knew I'm Wei Ying, the dead friend for whom you've been putting yourself in danger, just to find the real culprits, for whom you often used to leave me alone and work with Sect Leader Nie?!

All this time, I was just someone who will gain memories and become Wei Ying for you, wasn't I?! Y-You took me in and let me stay here because I was Wei Ying, right?

B-but I'm not him Lan Zhan! Just like I'm not Prince Ying! I'm...I'm just- who am I...?!" Yingying mumbled, gasping heavily as he stumbled out of the bed, trembling and struggling to control all his overwhelming emotions and clear his thoughts.

All those cold, indifferent glimpses he remembered of Lan Zhan as Wei Ying overlapping with the warm sweetness of his Zhan gege he loves as Ying'er in this life...

"...er! ing'er! Ying'er...! L-Look at me Love! Please, calm down! It's... It's not like that! No matter who you are, I've always, in every life, loved your soul and will forever-"

"I'm going out, Lan Zhan! Not outside of Cloud Recesses but to the cold pond so p-please..." Ying'er raised his hand, stopping Lan Zhan when he saw him getting out of the bed as well, "…don't follow me. I need some time to think. Alone,” he said in a forced calm voice, trying to avoid Lan Zhan's pitiful gaze as he turned to leave Jingshi when he saw Lan Xichen standing silently near the window, looking dumbstruck and uncomfortable and almost habitually called out,"Zewu Jun?! What are you-"

Silver eyes widening with realisation with the way he just addressed, Ying hastily corrected himself, "Xichen ge! I'm...Are you- okay?!" he asked gently with a hint of uncertainty and fear in his quavering voice

Lan Xichen blinked dazedly, looking at the familiar face in so many ways, before smiling softly, "You've grown so well, Little Yingying. I just got lost in my thoughts. It's...a bit new for me to see you in this teenager body with your adorable bunny ears and tail but I'm sure I'll get used to it very soon...”

"..Huh?! Oh! I didn’t notice!" Yingying quickly waved his hand, disappearing his bunny features, blushing red with embarrsement as he said, "Thank you, Xichen ge! Don’t worry, Yingying will be back soon after all it’s MY birthday today," Ying'er emphasized, glancing back at Lan Zhan, a bit disappointedly before shifting into a black bunny and hopping out of Jingshi, hastily.

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