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“…what do you mean, he s-sacrificed himself to save you?! Yingying is still alive, Wangji! Get back to your senses and look carefully. Yingying's heart is still beating-”

He is not breathing! His body..it has turned cold! My Ying hates being cold and yet...there’s nothing I’m able to do to make him warm and comfortable...

Always..why does it always have to be him? In every life, he keeps on saving me while I... I did nothing except for just watching him when those hounds attacked and hurt my Life,” Lan Zhan mumbled despondently, holding his Ying’er close to his heart, rubbing his hands and feet continuously to warm his unconscious body as much as he could.

“Baba…please, Ayuan knows it’s hard for you to speak, even harder for you but we really need to know..so please, can you tell us exactly what happened in the dark forest?

Maybe…we could find a way to help Little Bun regain his consciousness,” Ayuan resorted to begging in front of a dazed Lan Wangji when even after trying for a while, all his baba spoke was some incoherent dejected words as if he's lost his will and hope to live.



"My Ying'er was aware of everything. Despite having the silence barrier in place, Ying heard everything that day and knew about my decision to go to the dark forest... alone.

With talismans he made yesterday, he masked his presence when Ying'er hid in my qiankun pouch as a bunny and.. went to the dark forest together with me, secretly

That message…was a trap. They knew I was actively searching for them and based on my constant visits to Qinghe Nie, they assumed Sect Leader Nie is working with me.

The dark forest was eerily silent with no signs of life. And there weren't just a few hundred but over a thousand of bloodhounds.

S-sensing my presence, they woke up from their trance-like state and began to attack endlessly. After a while I was gravely injured, tainted heavily by the dark resentment and exhausted, I lost my balance, fell on the ground losing my consciousness when an image of a teary, terrified, determined silver eyes of my Ying’er flashed in front of eyes.

He was standing there, in front of me, protecting me as he played the same eerie tune from his dreams to control those bloodhounds into killing each other.

My Ying'er, h-he was trembling so bad with fear, his tune kept breaking and yet in the face of his worst nightmare, he stood firm only to protect me

But my Ying's melody wasn't enough to control them all. He screamed even harder whenever those hounds came closer to him and hurt him but still he kept playing the jade flute without faltering, this time not only to kill the monster but also to eliminate the dark resentment in my body.

As soon as I was able to move, I tried to get up and fight to help my Ying'er, but realized my spiritual energy was blocked because of dark resentment.  I was unable to wield Bichen and kill those bloodhounds approaching us.

In that moment of distraction, I failed to notice a few monsters who'd crept much closer were about to attack me but before I could even move, Ying’er shielded me with his own little body.

A-after that there was only blood and fire. Everything was a blur. While my unconscious Ying'er fell into my arms, the bloodhounds that tried to attack me, all mysteriously burst into flames.

My body moved on its own accord, as I held Ying'er closer to my arms and walked towards the outer part of the forest as quickly as I could using my remaining spiritual energy but when he...when I felt my Ying's body getting colder and his breathing…

I-I was lost, Xiongzhang. I didn't know what to do, how to save my Life who's dying in my arms. I-was as helpless as ever!!!

But this time I won't let Ying'er leave me alone here. I have decided.

The moment my soulmate's heart will stop beating, his Zhan gege will leave this world as well."



"No one is dying today, baba. Trust my Little Bun, he's stronger than you give him credit for...and he has shown that to you time and time again. Situations like this can do nothing to him so just- have some patience.

And thank you for telling everything. I'll start working on the information. And Baba...!!! My Bunbun has yet to celebrate his birthday with his spicy favourite meals made by you and also enjoy the gift he wished to have since the last three months.

I've brought his favourite Emperor's Smile so h-he will definitely wake up soon-" Ayuan whispered in a hoarse voice, eyes glistening with tears and lips turned into a soft smile carrying hint of uncertain hope froze suddenly the moment he heard Hanguang Jun's indifferent strict voice, "You- brought Emperor's Smile in Cloud Recesses for my barely ten years old Ying'er?! That is his favourite? Since when has Ying been drinking Emperor's Smile? Why wasn't I informed?!"

While Ayuan thought Lan Wangji was displeased about bringing alcohol in Cloud Recesses against the rules, Lan Zhan was feeling devastated, useless, and inferior for an entirely different reason.



Instinctively, Ayuan glanced at Uncle Xichen, seeking his help, only to find Lan Xichen looking completely away from him as if he wasn't even present in Jingshi.

Sighing resignedly, Ayuan muttered to himself, "Because your Ying'er knows alcohol is forbidden in Cloud Recesses and how'd you have reacted. Also, his liking for the Emperor's Smile exceeds the human levels of drinking. Bunbun basically baths in it…"

"Speak Clearly," Lan Zhan said again, his voice turning colder as he glared at his son, competitively

"Yingying likes having the Emperor’s Smile more than he drinks water. It's been like this ever since his birthday, last year..." Ayuan answered politely before smoothly changing the topic of conversation, "It looks like I'll have to leave for something to happen. I’ll be in the Main hall in your place for the time being, Uncle Xichen, to answer everyone's queries and give you both some time for what's about to happen. Please let me know once Little Bun is awake," Ayuan looked at Lan Xichen, apprehensively before glancing at the cold, pale, heartbreakingly silent little Yingying longingly.

‘I hope I’m right this time my Bunbun. When those mysterious beings gave you to me seven years ago, I promised to love you and protect you with my all and I- won’t disappoint you or them or even myself. I won't lose you, my Little Bun. I really miss you,’ Ayuan thought, taking a deep breath and opening his sanguine hazel brown eyes...as he left Jingshi without turning back.

And just as he assumed, no sooner did he step out of Jingshi closing the doors behind him and completed checking the silence barrier than he saw a flash of bright light illuminating the floors from the gap beneath the closed doors and smiled with relief, "..See you soon my little rabbit.”

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