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With glistening silver eyes moist with emotions and his adorable plump lips quivering with efforts of giving a soft gentle smile while restraining himself from crying his heart out after seeing his Zhan gege's sad heartbroken state, Ying'er looked into the intense golden eyes adorably, asking in a teary tiny voice, “Zhan gege, will you allow your Ying’er to stay with you in our Jingshi, again?!"




"Lan Zhan?! Y-Ying'er missed you, ge! I missed your warm hugs, your kisses, your constant nagging and scoldings, all your delicious food, your care and everything but Ying'er missed living with his Zhan gege the most! Will you allow me to- Zhan ge?!"

"W-why are you crying, ge?!" Ying'er asked panicking, feeling uncertain if he should wrap his arms around Lan Zhan and comfort him or maybe leave Jingshi and come back some other day since his Lan Zhan hasn't even said a single word.

While Lan Zhan wept, standing shell shocked and frozen, the ever so calm and poised Ayuan finally couldn't stop himself from sighing internally as he rolled his eyes in annoyance, looking at uncle Xichen gesturing, 'Just how slow and frustrating can these two be?'

Lan Xichen smirked amused, golden brown eyes sparkling with mischief, 'How about a push?!' and spoke in his serious voice, "Little Yingying, I think you should return with Ayuan to your chamber. We'll call you...once Wangji has calmed down."

Feeling thunderstruck after hearing his Xiongzhang's harsh cruel words, Lan Zhan's entire being moved so fast, let alone Ayuan even Xichen failed to notice just when his didi moved and wrapped his arms around his Ying'er protectively and spoke in a low dead serious voice, glaring at him viciously, "My Ying'er said he wants to live here, with me in Jingshi and he will! He will not go anywhere! My Ying'er will stay with his Lan Zhan! Right here! In our Jingshi!"

Lan Wangji repeated. Looking straight into the amused, crinkling eyes of his Xiongzhang and warning him to think before even saying those stupid words of separation as a mere joke!

Lan Zhan's heart has suffered enough of those days of distance between him and his soulmate already. He doesn't want to suffer more. No matter what!

"Z-Zhan gege! Calm down, please. I'm here! Your little Ying'er is here in your arms, Lan Zhan!" Yingying burst into tears, unable to bear the look of terror and anger in his golden eyes just after hearing those harmless simple words from his own elder brother.

Hearing his beloved's worried voice, Lan Zhan's emotions came crashing down, his body wrecked with tremors and streams of tears made their way out of his molten eyes as he sobbed his heart out, hugging his Life closer to his heart and planting a lingering chaste kiss on his Ying's forehead, "I-I can't live without you, Ying! My Love, My Ying’er! My heart! My everything! Your Zhan gege has been waiting for you! I’ve always been waiting for you since so long!

Every day, every minute, every single second I waited for you, Ying but you-

Th-thank you so much, my Life! Your Zhan ge loves you so much! Pro-mise me, Ying’er, no matter what happens in the future, y-ou will not leave your Lan Zhan alone. Promise me, Ying'er!"

He kept on crying, clutching his Ying's robes tightly, afraid this moment was nothing more than just another one of his cruel dreams.

A dream that’ll turn into a nightmare as soon as he will open his eyes and find himself cold and alone inside his Jingshi.

Ying’er knew.

He wasn’t completely unaware of Lan Zhan’s fragile emotional condition.

But this... If this is how much his Zhan gege suffered because of his tantrums, his selfish stubbornness of wanting to stay away from Lan Zhan for not just a few days or weeks but for an entire year...

If his ever so sweet Lan Zhan suffered this much... to the extent that he can't even stand at the moment on his own without the support of his body then Ying doesn't even want to know if he can ever forgive himself for affecting the great Hanguang Jun to such weak pitiful state.

But... how did he miss observing these harmful effects of their separation on his Lan Zhan?

Ying knew his Zhan ge was not taking care of himself.

Every day, even if to others eye's the changes weren’t much except for his sudden strict attitude not towards but against their clan rules or his anger and hypersensitivity towards certain words and actions, the Hanguang Jun seemed pretty fine to everyone in the Cloud Recesses but for Ying’er, who's been living with Zhan gege and knew him more than anyone, including his uncle Xichen, Ying knew the changes were all because of their separation since Ying’er himself was painfully affected. And that's just him saying it lightly.

Ayuan gege was right when he said he heard him crying and sniffling every night.

What Ayuan ge doesn’t know is that, he never really slept. Not even once. For the past whole year. He thought it was just a habit of sleeping with Lan Zhan and soon he will be able to sleep alone but... Yingying couldn't be more wrong.

During the initial few months, Ying'er tried and was still able to sleep for a few hours but after his entrance test was cleared and interactions reduced to bare minimum, he gave up the fight to even try sleeping in a cold bed that didn’t have his Zhan gege in it.

And if his Zhan gege too suffered just like him, if not more, then why did he even do it?

Were his stupid doubts, confusion and complicated feelings more important than his Lan Zhan's well being? If not, then he really don't know how not to berate himself and feel guilty for his Lan Zhan's delicate condition.

Hands moving automatically to rub small soothing circles on Lan Zhan's trembling back, Ying whispered in a voice choked with emotions, “Ying'er promises to never leave his Zhan gege alone ever again. Your Ying loves you too my Lan Zhan. Please...calm down.

I’m sorry, so so sorry for hurting you and making you cry but please d-on't cry anymore gege, I-I'm here now, ge!

Your Ying is right here with you, Lan Zhan. I will always be here... in your arms my Zhan ge, always be here for you…I’m here…my Lan Zhan.”

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