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As memories kept changing, they saw Wei Ying signaling Wen Qing to halt their march to avoid aggravating Lan Zhan’s leg injury, risking his life only to save Lan Zhan by threatening Wen Chao, trying to save the disciples from Slaughter Xuanwu by using himself as a bait and protecting Lan Zhan again from the beast’s attack.

He kept acting silly, teasing Lan Zhan to help release the stale black blood, treating his leg injury and covering tired Lan Zhan’s asleep form with his own robe while he himself laid on the cold hard ground.

Every single time, all of his actions, all of his words, were intended solely for Lan Zhan.

To say, the stoic Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen were simply moved to tears... would be an understatement.

The Lan brothers have truly reached the emotional breaking point, feeling they'd lose their sanity if they were to witness anything wrong happening to that selfless, bright teenager anymore but alas, they knew... it was just their wishful thinking.

Memories kept flashing showing Wei Ying and Lan Zhan fighting together to defeat Slaughter Xuanwu, Wei Ying encountering Yin Iron sword inside the Slaughter Xuanwu, unconsciously using sword’s resentment energy to strike a lethal blow killing Slaughter Xuanwu before falling into the lake, followed by a worried Lan Zhan who rushed to save a barely consciousness Wei Ying, hugging his exhausted feverish body while transferring his spiritual energy and humming a song which he wrote especially for his Wei Ying…..that was later dismissed as nothing more than a beautiful dream by Wei Ying himself after he regained his consciousness a week later.

Everything changed dramatically as they saw an angry Yu Ziyuan hitting Wei Ying with Zidian again and again, blaming him for saving Lan Zhan and provoking Wens, causing the downfall of the Jiang Sect and after hurting him so much, she ordered Wei Ying to save her children even at the cost of his life

Jiang Fengmian, the so-called father figure broke Wei Ying’s heart further, somehow saying the same last words as his wife, making Wei Ying finally realise his worth, position as nothing more than a mere servant, a shield, to protect the Jiang clan heirs.

They saw Jiang Cheng almost killing Wei Ying in anger, blaming him for the destruction of Lotus Pier and the death of his parents, only because Wei Ying saved Lan Wangji.

The more Lan brothers witnessed, the more their hearts burned with hatred and fury against the Jiangs. The scene swiftly changed to an exhausted Wei Ying secretly leaving heavily guarded Lotus pier, with the help of Wen Ning who distracted the Wen soldiers and helped him to carry an unconscious Jiang Cheng whose golden core was melted and destroyed by Wen Zhuliu.
“Young master Jiang… his golden core was melted?? T-Then how does he still have his spiritual powers and core?!!” Lan Xichen muttered as he voiced out his frowning thoughts, focusing all his attention on the scenes... unaware of his baby brother who was trembling with anger, his golden eyes burning with unshed tears as he watched the turn of events, suppressing ominous intuitions and fearing the worst...

Soon, Lan Zhan's fear morphed into a dark reality when he saw Wei Ying begging Wen Qing to use her golden core transfer theory having only half a chance of success and later, how he transferred his own golden core, his hard-earned cultivation, only chance of attaining immortality, his pride and everything to Jiang Cheng.

While Lan Xichen struggled to control his screaming, wailing baby brother who begged Wen Qing and Wen Ning of the past to stop this torture, stop his Ying’s sufferings, they both heard Wei Ying’s blood curdling screams echoing in the mountains and his tears falling on the ground endlessly during the excruciatingly painful, long and life threatening process of core transfer lasting for over forty hours without any aid of medicines to alleviate his harrowing agonizing pain.

As if that traumatic experience wasn’t enough, the Lan brothers witnessed a scene right after the core transfer that made their blood run cold.

They saw Wen Chao and his group of Wen soldiers torturing, mocking and beating a weak Wei Ying brutally in an inn, jeering at him for saving Lan Wangji and threatening his life in the Slaughter Xuanwu Cave and finally, throwing a broken, bleeding, barely conscious Wei Ying in the cultivation world's haunted, most dreaded place- the Burial Mounds.

Vision blurred with tears of pain and helplessness, ears numb after hearing heart-wrenching cries and screams, breath stuttering with agony and their hearts frozen, Lan brothers heard the horrifying sounds of breaking bones, flowing blood, and a tired, silent gasp of pain when Wei Ying fell on the cold hard ground of the Burial Mounds.

Fog of resentment grew thicker than ever as the souls of the dead devoured a barely alive Wei Ying who despite being unable to move or speak a word was still fighting for his life.

As the scenes changed, the ferocious, ruthless souls which failed to devour Wei Ying now helped him heal, only after he made a deal with millions of resentful souls of the Burial Mounds and the Yin Iron, trading his breath, his life and his body but not, never his heart, mind, and soul, in exchange.

Hallucinations of people dear to him, including Jiang Yanli and Lan Zhan played repeatedly in Wei Ying's mind, their words filled with hatred, disgust, contempt and disappointment kept on hurting his soul while the cold feeling of abandonment, loneliness...filled his heart as the dark energy tried to trick Wei Ying completely into its control but still his emotionally weak, selfless heart and pure soul persevered.

While resentful souls fixed his body with darkness day by day, Wei Ying once he was able to move, spent his time making a flute, playing tunes to calm his mind, control his emotions and comfort the souls of dead, talking to them and listening to their stories through their unique bond, forging Yin Iron sword into a Yin amulet and unconsciously making a human sized statue with broad chest and arms and hugging it tight, crying silently for his life full of cold loneliness, and lack of warmth because he knew that no one would ever understand his choice nor would explain...

Soon, somehow, Wei Ying’s ability to communicate, control and command the souls of the dead...opened the path to the Demonic Cultivation!

By the time his newly gained powers and abilities reached perfection, his body was also fixed completely and... with a deal in place and a price to pay, before he could prepare himself, Wei Ying's breath, body and life were all taken in exchange!




"...Nooo! WEI YINGGGGG!!!"

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