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There were difficulties… harder and definitely one of the most awkward difficulties of Lan Zhan's life.

Especially because almost everyone in the Cloud Recesses was quite used to not having the ever-so-stoic second Jade, the strict and great Hanguang Jun, around for the past three years.

So, naturally the unguarded, new rule breaking disciples were most suitably shocked more than surprised and still reeling in disbelief as they saw their role model, the great Lan Wangji walk out of his Jingshi, with swift, light and energetic steps.

And when they witnessed Hanguang Jun wearing a hint of soft smile on his renowned stoic face as he greeted the disciples while making his way first to the kitchen, the Lan disciples felt like their soul had left their body and had gone to heavens above!

For only in their afterlife, could they have imagined seeing this bizarre scene unfolding in front of their eyes!

Meanwhile, Lan Wangji smiling in his own happy world full of daydreams and thoughts of his Wei Ying, kept on packing varieties of foods and spices and all kinds of necessities to cook simple food in Jingshi, for his Love, with his own hands if his Bunnying ever felt hungry in the odd hours of the day, which will definitely happen if his Bunnying has the same habits of his Wei Ying who loved hot spicy food that are too different from Lan Clans' usual herby, bland, and plain taste.

And before the too silent and stunned Lan clan cooks and head chef could ask him about anything he was doing, the weirdly smiling Hanguang Jun had already bowed and left the doors of the kitchen, heading straight to the field in the back mountains, firstly to treat all the unmagical, non-Wei Ying, simple bunnies with fresh carrots and secondly to watch their tiny peculiar habits and behaviours with a whole new interest and undivided attention, eager to learn everything that would help him raise his own tiny Bunnying!

Lan Zhan didn’t know what to expect.

The precious black baby bunny asleep on his bed was definitely his Wei Ying but would his Wei Ying still- recognise him?!

Does he have any memories of his life as Wei Wuxian?!

According to his son's words, bunny's habits, taste, and behaviour of being careless with his own safety were still all exclusively Wei Wuxian but what does that really mean?

Not wanting to be even a minute late, Lan Zhan finally made his way back to the Jingshi and was just in time to watch the cutest small bump moving under the layers of his blanket and making its way out and suddenly, the baby bunny stopped moving.

Right at the edge of his huge blanket, his Bunnying paused.

Lan Zhan held his breath, watching the similar gestures that reminded him of his Wei Ying, bringing back those old memories as his Bunnying quietly and alertly, peeked out of the blanket, twitching its little pink nose adorably while thoughtfully bobbing his head, looking at his surrounding and then finally, locked gaze with Lan Zhan, looking straight into the pools of molten gold with his silver, painfully familiar, bright and unforgettably sparkling soulful eyes!

Wei Ying!” Lan Zhan breathed out in a choked teary voice

The baby bunny stilled.

Unmoving, except for the tiny shivers causing his light soft fur to flutter like new leafs swaying with the slightest gust of wind.

Watching the strong, beautiful human with undivided focus, baby bunny's body shivered at the unknown word that was spoken so- emotionally and yet... his silver eyes didn’t look away and kept staring into the golden eyes with rapt attention but the moment Lan Zhan took a step towards to the bed, baby bunny's instinct kicked in and he jumped out of the blanket and started hopping everywhere, finding ways to escape Jingshi, but unable to do so, the scared baby bunny quickly hopped underneath the bed and hid himself in the corner!

Silver eyes staring back at Lan Zhan, warily, alert for any sudden attack or attempts to capture!

Lan Zhan froze.

The famous emotionless Second Jade's extremely emotional heart shrivelled and broke, not because his Wei Ying didn’t recognise him but- because his Wei Ying was...scared...of him!

His Wei Ying, his sweet adorable baby bunny did not trust him and thought that Lan Zhan could hurt him… him!!!

The way those innocent, beautiful silver eyes looked at him warily, full of distrust and fear, was more than enough to make Lan Zhan’s knees go soft and dreams shatter into pieces.

Hanguang Jun fell to the ground, on his knees, gasping broken heartedly as tears of pain and desolation rolled down his cheeks and his mind filled with thoughts of lost hope of keeping his Wei Ying safe, happy and close to himself for years to come, living in Jingshi together...

His vision, blurred with pools of hot, soul scalding tears, missed to see the little cautious movements happening to his side and it was then, his breath caught in his chest when suddenly, as if those deities heard his cries again...

Lan Zhan felt soft, careful nudges on his fingers as the baby bunny poked his little head on the beautiful but suddenly wailing human's fingers that were resting on the ground, before climbing up on his big warm palm, willingly, and slowly rubbing his tiny furry body on the beautiful human's warm palm, hoping to provide him some comfort and stop him from shedding those big sad tears while his doe-like bright silver eyes looked deep into the golden ones, with infinite innocence, affection, concern, and… trust.

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