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“Wei Ying?!”

Lan Zhan breathed out in a deep, low and tear filled voice.

Too afraid to scare his sweetest Love away from himself, as he watched the adorable baby bunny tilting his head, cutely, in confusion, while watching Lan Zhan’s bright pearl-like tears and continuing to rub his soft furry body on Lan Zhan’s palm.

Lan Zhan smiled.

A sigh of relief accompanied with soft breathy chuckle escaped his lips as he brought his adorable Bunnying close to his face, rubbed his cheeks on the soft fur lovingly and whispered, “It’s all right, my little Love. I'm not crying because of sadness but these tears are of happiness that you've brought into my world with your presence alone, my heart.

You can stop worrying about me now, Wei Ying.

Thank you for coming back to me, my heart and thank you for trusting me-” Lan Zhan said and was about to kiss his innocently confused bunny when suddenly the doors of his Jingshi burst open, “Baba!”

Ayuan exclaimed, far too happily and exuberantly as he stepped inside with quick steps, careful not to break one of the many rules of Cloud Recesses that include 'Do not run' all the while his eager hazel brown eyes kept looking around Jingshi for the cutest little black baby bunny he has ever seen, his companion and best friend, only to watch his baba keeping the bunny inside the outer layer of his robes, close to his heart... away from Ayuan’s reach?

“Baba?! Is my BunBun all right?! Why are you keeping him there? Is he- not well?!” Little Ayuan asked, looking at his baba, the great Hanguang Jun's inexplicable actions, worriedly, with a slight frown on his cute face but then before his baba could say anything, he spoke again, “If my BunBun is alright then could you please let Ayuan play with the bunny now, baba? My classes are over for the day.”

“He’s scared.” Lan Zhan said stoically, standing up and for the first time ever trying to escape from his smart Ayuan and his unending inquisitive queries, questioning gaze and expectant eyes while holding the energetic, fidgeting baby bunny inside the layers of his warm outer robe, carefully.

“Scared? Scared of what, Baba?!!! Did something happen to my BunBun? Is he h-hurt?!” Ayuan asked, anxiously, stepping closer to his baba and gently patting his cute, immensely missed BunBun, from outside his Baba's robe before saying, “Give him to me, Baba. I know how to calm him down. I have brought his favourite pickles, carrots, and chillies too. BunBun will be safe with me.”

“Pickle? You let my Wei Ying- you let a baby bunny eat pickles?! Why did you not tell me about this earlier today?!" Lan Zhan asked stoically, even though  his eyes were looking at his own son, warily, feeling lacking and inferior to his son's understanding about his Wei Ying's bunny form.

"I might have missed it, Baba. And my BunBun likes pickles and chillies both therefore I let him have it. Please give me my BunBun, baba. Ayuan will try to calm him down and then take care of him while playing with him."

"No need. I'll calm him down, Ayuan. Have you finished your training and homework?!” Lan Zhan asked, as he moved towards the bed carrying the baby bunny in his arms.

He wasn't at all like himself. Lan Zhan knew it and yet, continued to dodge his own son's attempt of play- stealing his Wei Ying from him.

Trying his best to keep his little bunny Wei Ying all to himself, feeling scared of losing his precious Love to his own son's cute antics, who unfortunately, today, not just looked like little Wangji but even behaved as stubborn as his younger self, when it comes to baby bunny.

“My trainings will be done under the guidance of master Lan Niulang in the evening and all my homework will be completed before I go to bed and this is my time to play, baba!

With my little BunBun!

Baba... are you trying to send me aw-” Ayuan’s frown deepened as he spoke only to be interrupted by another soft and polite knock at the open doors of Jingshi, “Wangji?! May I come in baby brother?!”

“NO! Wait! Wangji is coming outside, Xiongzhang.” Lan Zhan said, handing over a bewildered, wide awake baby bunny to victoriously smiling Ayuan,  reluctantly and making him promise to keep the bunny safe and hidden, in Jingshi, away from everyone, before stepping out of his personal residence to greet his Xiongzhang and politely asking the reason for his sudden visit.

“Uncle wants to meet you, Wangji. He was upset and disappointed when he heard from other disciples that you've finally ended your seclusion but did not think it's important to pay him a visit.” Lan Xichen said looking into his baby brother’s distracted golden eyes and asking curiously, “Did something happen or change yesterday, Wangji?

You look like a different person today.

As if, all your sadness and worries are completely gone!

Seems like you’ve finally accepted the death of that Wei gongzi and are now ready to move ahead in your life. I’m happy for you, baby brother,” he said warmly

“My Wei Ying is with me, Xiongzhang! He will always be with me. I, his Lan Zhan, will never ever let him go! Will never move ahead in life without my Love, my Wei Ying.” Wangji declared, looking straight into his Xiongzhang’s brownish golden eyes, unhesitatingly, “Shall we proceed to meet Uncle?!” he asked, walking in the direction of Lan Qiren’s chamber.

“…Ah, haha Sure, Wangji.” Lan Xichen cleared his throat and moved faster to catch up with his baby brother’s swift yet firm steps. The same brother who was having difficulty sitting up on his bed just yesterday afternoon, because of the tearing pain of whip wounds on his back and extreme weakness.

'All the things that I felt and witnessed yesterday, Was it all even real?' Xichen thought as they entered their Uncle's chamber.

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