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“Ayuan Ge! S-stop speaking so loudly!" They heard little Ying'er whispering at Ayuan, annoyed but somehow both Lan Zhan said Lan Xichen could hear Yingying's voice trembling with a hint of fear, anxiousness, and uncertainty when he said, "Yingying reached only now! Yingying didn't run, didn't break any rule and reached here only a little before than Ayuan gege!"

"Didi? Did Yingying...?! Could he have heard our discussion just now?!" Lan Xichen whispered concerned, unable to think of any other reason for little Yingying to suddenly feel this scared and nervous for no apparent reason.

"Silent barrier," Lan Zhan answered, clearing his Xiongzhang's doubt while his heart, mind and soul were clouded with the thoughts of removing every single barrier between him and his soulmate, to break open the doors of his Jingshi right at that moment, take his Ying'er into his arms, never to be separated again... but he knew better than to act on his impulses that might push his love even further away from himself.

He has to be patient with his Ying'er. Besides, his heart has learned to wait for his Wei Ying a long time ago...

With a deep breath to calm his heart, Lan Zhan moved to open the doors of his Jingshi when he heard his Ying'er saying, "...Yingying does not think it's the right time for us to visit Hanguang Jun. Let us not d-disturb them, Ayuan gege. We should leav-"

"Ying'er!!!" Lan Zhan cried out as the doors of Jingshi burst open, freezing Yingying's movement in an awkward pose as he tried to pull his Ayuan gege away from Jingshi.

But in Lan Zhan's eyes, the only thing that mattered at the moment was his Love! His Ying'er who was standing there, right in front of his-their Jingshi
and he was there to meet him?! Was it finally happening?

Lan Zhan couldn’t believe it.

How long has it been already?! Days, weeks, months have passed since Lan Zhan saw his life this close to him or their Jingshi.

Apart from the initial days of learning and training under his guidance just to clear the entrance test, his Ying'er behaved like any other disciple in the Cloud Recesses, often staying far away from him and their Jingshi.

Did his Ying'er really forgive him for what happened in their past life and have come back to him?!

Or was he here t-to give him another for not coming back to live in Jingshi?

Lan Zhan’s heart ached for his sweet Ying'er. His eyes thirsted for a glimpse of his soulmate, the look of innocent love and infinite trust brimming in those silver stormy eyes whenever he looked at him and he longed to hear that melodious, enchanting voice of his beloved's soft giggles and laughter who kept avoiding him all the time, in every possible way.

And now, when his Life had willingly knocked at his door, Lan Zhan would be damned if he allowed to let him go away from him this time.

Lan Zhan missed his Wei Ying.

Even more than the time his soulmate jumped from that cliff, leaving him in this world alone for an excruciatingly long three years, on that fateful night.

After experiencing the blissful feeling, the enchantment, the thrill of sharing his Jingshi with his beloved and living with him for about five years, waking up every morning with his tiny warm body snuggled close in his arms, the sweet feeling of his comforting weight in his lap during their meditation, the closeness he loved during their meals, their silly fights, Yingying's adorable complaints, cute giggles, unrestrained laughter...

If anyone just asked, Lan Zhan would have happily written an endless book with every single thing he loves about his soulmate, everything he painfully missed in the last year.. doesn't matter if that book will never leave the secret chamber of Jingshi because... no way in hell would the great Hanguang Jun would ever share any detail about his Love to a random person or even his family.

It is already more than enough that he has to share his Ying's love and care with their Ayuan and his Xiongzhang.

There haven't been a single day when he didn’t wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares, only to feel the cold emptiness beside him. Emptiness that took a permanent residence in their Jingshi and his life ever since his Love decided to stay away from him.

So close… yet so far.

With everything going on in his mind, gripping at his heart with uncertainty, Lan Zhan would take whatever few moments of happiness his sweet love was willing to give, even if it was just a polite greeting or a few minutes of some discussion.

He would accept it all wholeheartedly.

But, it's when his little Ying’er entered Jingshi, focusing all his attention on him, did his silly heart started to race, hoping for more.

“Lan Zhan w-will you allow Ying'er to stay with you in Jingshi, once again?!” His golden eyes saw his beloved's soft plump lips moving saying something.

He heard his melodious voice asking him something as those bright silver eyes looked at him, expectantly and intensely.

However, Lan Zhan was blank.

"Didi?!!! Yingying is waiting for your response!" Lan Xichen said, clearing his throat quite obviously to shake his baby brother out of his usual stupor, secretly sighing with relief when Lan Zhan finally blinked his golden eyes, clearing the dazed look that was soon replaced by confusion and disbelief.


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