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Watching the bright and glimmering warm soft rays of the Sun that filtered  through the white sheer silk curtains, beautifully embroidered with delicate pale blue cloud patterns, and fell on the wooden floor, filling the calm cool Jingshi with freshness and liveliness of the new day, and unique Heavenly atmosphere made Lan Zhan realise it once again.

This moment, this place, this feeling of pure bliss and happiness that Lan Zhan was experiencing, it was surreal and yet it was true, better than his sad and painful reality just a few hours ago and it was all because of this one pure soul! His Love. His Wei Ying who was now back, not just in this world but directly into the safety of his arms and Lan Zhan would be damned if he allowed anyone, even his Wei Ying, to even think of separating them ever again!

The cultivation world can take care of itself!

Lan Zhan cares zilch about it! As long as his Wei Ying is with him, safe and happy, the world can go and destroy itself, and Lan Zhan would even move a finger to save it.

However, it will be a different story if his beloved Wei Ying would want to save the world or- if his Wei Ying was hurt again by the ignorant peoples of the world.

Lan Zhan was bestowed with the title of Light Bearer "Hanguang Jun" when he save his clan, his people and Cloud Recesses from the attack of Wens.

But they should know, if the Light can save them, it can also burn them all to nothing but charred crisps and ashes!

Lan Zhan felt it, rather than sensed it.

His body had long been acclimated to knowing the exact time of the day just by looking at the strength of those soft filtered sunshine and he knew, it was around nine in the morning.

Lan Zhan also knew very well, had he not been recuperating here, in Jingshi, in seclusion for the past three years, then at this moment, instead of being with his Life, witnessing this beautiful moment with his own eyes, he would reluctantly have had to either be in classes to teach the juniors or would have been carrying out those duties and responsibilities, being the second heir of Gusu Lan Sect.

Preposterous! Inhuman! What a sin!!!

The mere thought of being away from his precious Wei Ying, again, leaving him alone in Jingshi just to carry out those meagre responsibilities brought tears to his intense golden eyes and for the first in three years, Lan Zhan was glad, relieved, honestly happy to be inside Jingshi, with no disturbance and care for the menial works that might’ve separated him from his Wei Ying.

Even for a short while... A short while too long...

If…that would have been the situation of today.

The glimmering warm rays reminded Lan Zhan once again, it still was only nine in the morning till now…

There was still a lot of time! Too long!

A lot of time was remaining before his love, his sweet and adorable Wei Ying, his Bunnying, would open his bright mesmerizing silver eyes and wake up from his sweet sound peaceful sleep.

Two long hours!

And just then, Lan Zhan remembered Sizhui’s words.

His Bunnying does not eat anything without chillies.

His Bunnying can’t stay still for more than a minute once he wakes up…

Oh no! Lan Zhan has to be ready! He has so much to do!

He wasn’t alone now.

His Wei Ying was back. And not just back but he was really here, with him, sleeping on his bed, inside his Jingshi!

His lips curved upwards once again, Lan Zhan realised.

It was happening far too often now that his Love was right in his arms.

His rarer than rare smile turned into soft chuckles when Lan Zhan's mind compared his mischievous Wei Ying's already energetic personality that was capable of climbing the mountains of Cloud Recesses several times in a day, to his current form, of a tiny adorable bunny.

Lan Zhan tried and failed to imagine what his baby Bunnying form would be capable of!

A cute and tiny bunny form at that!

No risks.

He has to be prepared.

Prepared with everything that would help him to keep his Bunnying happy and close to himself, hidden, safe and protected from the eyes of everyone!

Unknown even from his only family, his most respected Xiongzhang!

Lan Zhan would not take any risk.

Not when it comes to his Wei Ying.

Not again.

He promised his still asleep Bunnying, swore to eradicate, obliterate every single trouble, every wrong intention and all those living beings from the face of Earth, who might prove to be dangerous, a potential threat to his Love’s well-being!

Keeping this thought in his heart and mind, unfeeling the tearing pain of the still healing whip wounds on his back, Lan Zhan gently and carefully extricated the edge of his silk inner robe from the tight hold of those tiny fists of his Bunnying and got out of the bed, reluctantly.

Immediately replacing his warmth with soft pillows and layers of the blanket, protecting him and making sure not to disturb his sweetheart's sleep, taking one last longing look at his Love, Lan Zhan left the comfort of his personal space after three long years of seclusion and went on with his tasks at hand, arranging every single thing that could be needed or not, all things that are necessary for living together in Jingshi, forever!

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