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‘How m-much more do I have to run to reach that forest... I remember Ayuan gege saying that special forest was just outside Caiyi town.

Wa-wasn’t that forest only two hours of flying away from the Cloud Recesses whenever Zhan gege took me with him to Caiyi town?! Then- w-why am I still not there even when- I've been running for the past six hours!

Zhan g-gege! Yingying is hungry, Zhan gege. Yingying is missing you... S-sorry for leaving you in Jingshi alone.. b-but you can’t say I didn’t tell you.

I told you and Ayuan gege, right?!

Ying’er is sorry, Zhan gege. It hurts me. I-It upsets Yingying to see you waking up from the nightmares feeling lost and  distraught and sob so hard every night, thinking that something or somebody would hurt me, s-steal me away from you or even that...that one day, I would leave you.

You're always worried about me, about my safety, my life. You don’t even live for yourself, Zhan ge.

Every day you cook my favourite food with your hands, you play my favourite songs on Wangji, plant and take care of my favourite flowers but then... I-I’m unable to do anything for you, Zhan ge!

Neither as a bunny nor as a human- a partial human who hasn’t grown at all in the last five years!

I’m only making you worry for me, for my safety all the time, Zhan gege.

And Yingying doesn’t want to live this anymore. Your Ying’er will find a way to become stronger, to control my powers and grow up quickly and help you and take care of you just like you take care of me, Lan Zhan.

A-and Yingying promises you, Zhan ge, I won’t let anything or anyone hurt me.

Please, don’t worry Lan Zhan, I’ll come back to you before sunset tomorrow, just like I promised.

No matter what happens, I’ll find the answers to my questions, find where I really belong and then- return to you, Zhan gege.

Yingying won’t burden you with his presence anymore.’ Yingying thought as he continued to run towards the forest, nonstop, without any rest, with single-minded devotion of finding all the answers and reasons behind his unique abilities and power, to be able to help and take care of his Zhan gege.

Hunger, lack of his unique power and extreme fatigue dulled his senses. His vision turned blurred, his breathing was laboured and his soft feet started bleeding and heart thrummed miles per minute but still Yingying kept on running, kept on moving towards the forest.

He didn’t exactly know when but at some point of time, under the cool soothing rays of the beautiful moon and gentle breeze, he could feel that he was already inside the forest he was searching for but...why was this forest so eerily quiet?!

Why wasn’t there any sound, as if, the whole forest was dead?

As if the night owls and crickets, those dangerous snakes and other crawling night creatures were all long gone...

Leaving nothing but darkness behind.

Yingying felt as if not even a single tree or the blades of grass were alive in this forest anymore.

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