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My Sweet sweet readers,

Sorry for the delay!

Please accept the compensation.

*Bunny hugs*


“Zhan ge, calm down. I’m not leaving you...

Yingying can never ever leave you, Lan Zhan.

Zhan gege doesn't know but Yingying tried so much that time but couldn’t sleep without Zhan gege. And Ayuan gege told me that Zhan gege also can’t sleep without Yingying.

That night, two years ago, when I left Jingshi angrily and went to sleep with Ayuan gege, I cried the whole night because I missed you a lot Zhan gege.

Next morning, when Ayuan gege and I saw those ugly big circles and tears in your golden eyes, it hurt Yingying very much, and therefore, Yingying promised to never leave his beautiful Zhan gege alone, ever.

Do you remember my promise, gege?”

“Mn, I do.” Lan Zhan nodded, calming his mind and his rapidly beating heart while listening to his little Bunnying’s strong comforting heartbeats.

“Yingying knows, what he did during the first year of our outside visits hurt Zhan gege and so I never repeated my mistakes again.

But then you stopped me from leaving your side and getting out of your sight even for a few minutes!

How is Yingying supposed to learn all the new things out there, play around and enjoy nature when he’s with you all the time while you're busy solving problems with Fan gege for Old Sect Leader Nie and your missing friend, Wei Wuxian?!

Ever since Xichen gege heard about big and handsome Mountain Gege’s sudden death and went into seclusion for a few days, you have turned our three days’ weekly visits into mystery solving, serious and boring visits!

You spend most of our visit time with Fan gege to find hidden truth behind Mountain gege's death and learn the secret about your missing friend!

You've no time for me, Zhan ge!

You forget Yingying whenever we are there. You don’t even look at me or let me out of your robes when you are with Fan gege!

As if he is some kind of monster who will eat me up if you let me out in front of him. Hmph!"

“Fan gege? Big Handsome Mountain gege? Yingying, is this how you refer to Sect Leader Nie Huaisang and Old Sect Leader Nie Mingju?!” Lan Zhan asked, frowning even more at the use of ‘big’ and ‘handsome’ for the late Nie Mingjue, when he never even heard these praising words for himself from his Ying'er.

Yingying nodded mischievously, “It’s easy to remember, Zhan gege! I seem to forget things, and people easily but this way, it’s so much easier and fun to remember names and descriptions too!

Oh! Yingying got distracted. So, Zhan gege, I meant our three days visits in the last few years have not at all been anything fun or exciting but turned into your and Fan gege's boring secret meeting to find the bad people and punish them. Do you understand how I have been feeling Zhan gege?

So… will you allow Ying’er, only for today, just for one day to go outside of Jingshi on my own, explore the world alone, spend time with other normal bunnies and find if I can grow quickly by spending my birthday outside,mn?

Yingying promises that he will return home and back to you, by tomorrow before sunset, Zhan gege!”

“You're not going alone anywhere, my little Ying’er! Much less to those other bunnies who’ll try to claim you, jump on you without your permission and-” Lan Zhan stopped abruptly, closing his eyes and restraining himself from speaking anymore in front of his little innocent Bunnying before picking his small body up from his lap, making him stand properly on ground before standing up himself and going outside of Jingshi silently, without sparing his silent stunned Ying'er a single glance, too afraid of being in the same space and taking their frequent debate any further because he could feel himself losing to his Love's heartfelt request.

“Z-Zhan ge? Where are y-you going? Zhan gege?!!!" Yingying watched as his Zhan ge walked outside of Jingshi without looking back and closed the doors behind him, leaving him alone and unanswered, once again.

“I’m sorry for hurting you again, Zhan gege. But today, your Yingying has to go outside and find the truth myself. I promise to return to you by tomorrow before the time of sunset.” Bunnying muttered to himself before starting to look for ways to escape Jingshi, but to no avail.

No matter what he did, it seems as if his Lan Zhan had cast a barrier due to which it was now impossible for him to leave Jingshi and go outside.

After trying and failing to escape for hours, Yingying now started to feel hungry but still, there was no sign of his Lan Zhan.

Sighing dejectedly, he mumbled, “This is the punishment you get for asking Zhan gege’s permission, stupid bunny.

I knew Zhan ge wouldn’t allow me to leave but still, I tried. Only because I didn’t want him to worry about me if I disappeared without telling him and look what happened!

Now he is angry and I can’t even have all the tasty food made by Zhan gege! He's not even coming to look for me. Even Ayuan gege hasn't come to meet me today. Hmph!

What should I do now! This is all your fault, stupid bunny. Bad Yingying! Bad Ayuan gege! Bad Zhan gege! Bad bad-

“Yingying?” Ayuan gege whispered in a low voice, nervously while trying to peek inside Jingshi through a closed translucent window.

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