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Lan Zhan answered, steeling his heart and closing his eyes for complete five seconds to stabilize his... not so calm, erratically beating heart and hitching breaths

“Zhan ge! Open your eyes and look at me! Don't you feel bad for me? Mnn?”

His Bunnying frowned, annoyed, “Can you see me at all? I can’t stay here like this, Zhan ge!

Nothing exciting is happening here!

Everyday it’s so boring! I haven’t gone out of Jingshi even once in the last fo- five years!”

“Wrong" Lan Zhan answered stoically, resuming his pretence of reading the unknown book, "We've gone outside Jingshi. We still do. Three days every week.”


“Yo- You can’t call that going outside, Zhan gege! All you do in those three days is work work WORK! A-And you don’t even let me go out of your arm’s reach!

When I first came to you and Ayuan gege five years ago, that was the only year you allowed Yingying to play and enjoy the outside world, the beautiful flowers, spicy noodles, candies, street games, lotus pod seeds, and lotus root and pork rib soup!”

“Yes. And my Ying’er took the wrong advantage of it.

Without telling me, he used to leave me and run away to play with other children and- beautiful girls. You even denied coming back to me because of those despicable ladies who fawned over your cuteness, fed you all sorts of weird candies and spicy food that harmed you and made you sick!

Every other week, you used to come back hurt and wounded because the kids you went to play with dropped you recklessly while playing.

I planted flowers you like in the back garden, learnt to make spicy noodles, candies, and Lotus root and pork rib soup you like so much and make them whenever you want!

Why do you still want to leave me and go outside on your own?!!” Lan Zhan asked, his deep firm voice tinged with anger hurt sadness and jealousy while his intense golden eyes glazed over with unpleasant memories of the past.

“Yingying uh- Ying’er doesn't want to leave you ever, Zhan ge. Ying’er only wants to grow, become a big human like you, quickly. I have learnt many lessons in the last five years. I know where to go, what to do, and can take care of myself, Zhan gege!

Believe me, Lan Zhan!

Ying'er should've grown in five years. Should have learnt to take control of my powers and transition ability. I-It shouldn’t still be dependent on people kissing me and turning me into this form, Zhan gege!

Ying'er wants to learn so much, Zhan gege.

Want to cultivate, study, and fight like Ayuan gege but nothing is happening, Lan Zhan!

I’m not growing!

While Ayuan gege has grown so much taller, smarter, and stronger and will turn eleven years old next month, and you've become twenty-nine years old, a-and now you even got white hairs--"

“No white hair!" Lan Zhan exclaimed, frowning as he pulled away the layer of his thin white outer robe from over his Bunnying’s bright and bewildered silver eyes and brought him closer to his face saying, "You were watching me from behind the layer of my white robe.”

Ah?! Come on, Zhan gege! That’s not the point!” Bunnying huffed and fell back into Lan Zhan’s comfortable lap, “Besides not stuttering and knowing little things, I have not grown! Neither mentally nor physically!”

“You have. Every year, at the night of your birthday, your bunny form grew by 1mm and this Bunnying form grew taller by 1 cm. Surely, you’ll grow this year too. Wait for tomorrow, Ying’er...

Tomorrow, is your birthday. You’ll be turning six years old, my sweet love.”

“Then what, Zhan ge?! Again growing just by 1 cm only?! I want to grow like others, Zhan gege and I need to go out of Jingshi and for one single day, live like I should!

For the past few years, all I have been doing is waking up in the morning--”

“Waking up at eleven and sometimes around twelve at noon isn't morning, Ying'er,” Lan Zhan interrupted, deep voice filled with amusement and the ever-present fear of losing to his cute Bunnying’s reasoning and reluctantly allowing him to go outside alone and- losing him once again…

Bunnying glared at Lan Zhan before continuing, “AND then doing boring meditation while sitting right in front of you-”

“Meditation in which you daily crawl into my lap and rest your head on my chest to hear my heartbeats and then fall asleep within a minute!”

“It doesn’t change anything! Does it?! While you meditate, I remain seated in your warm comfortable lap silently without moving the slightest and even try to focus on your rapidly beating heart and then feel calm and peaceful and only because of that I fall asleep!

Isn’t that the main reason why people meditate, Zhan ge?! To find calm and peace?!” Bunnying asked in his sweet childish voice, innocently

Lan Zhan felt speechless, yet again.

Heart galloping faster than ever as he listened to his Lover’s innocent truth and clever reasons, Lan Zhan felt his ears burning red with emotions as he brought his Love closer into his arms and kissed his cheeks, head, nose and bright silver eyes, lovingly

Snuggling closer to his Zhan ge's love and warmth, Ying'er smiled happily thinking he was closer to winning this time, “After meditation, you take me with you to attend sect matters, solve problems and initially it was honestly interesting but now, hearing the same issues again and again is boring, Zhan gege.

After lunch, when Ayuan gege comes to play with me, you don’t even allow us to go outside Jingshi and if you do, then Ayuan gege never turns me into this form. Don’t you think it is wrong, Zhan gege?”

“Ayuan is a kid. Due to rules, he can’t be caught having a pet all for himself. Only I'm allowed to keep bunnies and that’s why he can’t take you outside of Jingshi.

As for turning you into this form, we discussed about this before, Ying’er. Everyone won’t be able to accept you as you are. They will hurt you or will fear you, then Ayuan won’t be able to protect you. You'll be sent away from me, from Cloud Recesses!”

“But Zhan gege, how do we know that people will fear me, hurt me, without even trying?!

You, Xichen gege and Ayuan gege, you have accepted Yingying the way I am then why can't others?!

Zhan gege...I feel sad watching others grow when I'm unable to do the same. Maybe... Ying'er does not belong here, Zhan gege…”

“No! Ying'er is mine! You only belong with your Lan Zhan, and your family Ying'er! I am yours and You're mine for all eternities. Do you understand me, my heart, my Ying'er?!” Lan Zhan demanded, releasing his breath only when his Wei Ying gave a proper nod, understandably

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