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"No! It cannot be! My Wei Ying!!!" Lan Zhan breathed out anxiously and was about to head straight towards Ayuan and his Yingying when suddenly Lan Xichen pulled his baby brother back and away from the hiding and walked towards Jingshi all the while whisper yelling, "What were you going to do, Wangji?! Have you lost your mind?

Wei Ying?


Did you not hear even a single word I told you?

Yingying already knows that you had a friend named Wei Ying. He knows he is dead and you've been spending most of the time of your outside visits with Yingying on solving mysteries around his and Late Sect Leader Nie's death and finding the real culprits!

He is too smart and will definitely try to connect the dots. And then what?! You want him to think you are taking care of him, living with him in Jingshi only because he's the reincarnation of Wei Ying?

And not because he's Yingying?! Are you sure you can handle the doubts and misunderstanding that will come up because of your stupid actions?!

Doubts that you couldn't befriend him in one life, couldn't save him in other life so now you're doing everything for him not because of your guilt but because you truly like him, believe in him and even love him?!

Do you really think he will be able to believe you?

How do you think he'll take it? He will leave you, Wangji! You'll lose him all over again!" Lan Xichen shouted as he pulled his absolutely scared and stunned baby brother inside Jingshi and closed the door.

"Ge?!" Lan Zhan whispered in a deep voice choked with tears and emotions, "W-will he really leave me? I...can't be without my life even a single day any more, Xiongzhang.

My Wei Ying...I can't, I don't want to live without him.

What should I do, Ge? Will he r-really forget me? His Lan Zhan? All the time we have spent together since last five years?

I'm scared, Ge! I need my Ying'er back in my arms. Please, help me Ge!"

Lan Xichen sighed, "Don't cry, Wangji!  Give him sometime. I'm sure he is just feeling overwhelmed with everything that has happened in the last few days along with having memories of Prince Ying's entire life filled suddenly in his mind, it's only natural he's feeling like he is forgetting this life but I am sure he'll be fine after a few days of proper rest, healthy meals and a few hours of daily meditation.

You just need to focus on taking care of him properly, didi and I'm sure he will come around, soon."

Lan Zhan's deep golden eyes looked at his Xiongzhang with hope, "Can I still take care of him? Will he stay with me here, in Jingshi?"

"He might feel a-" Lan Xichen stopped hearing a polite knock and knew who was at the door as Lan Zhan made his way to welcome his son and soulmate

"Baba, Uncle Xichen" Ayuan bowed as he greeted causing the elders to frown in confusion because of his over polite behaviour

"Ayuan, what is it about? Is something wrong?!" Lan Xichen asked only to be interrupted by his didi, "Where is he?"

"BunBun will be staying with me from now onwards, baba. And this is why I am here, Uncle. He said Uncle Xichen and your face reminds him of the past and every memory is so vivid that he is unable to clear his mind and accept the reality and his present life.

Therefore, Yingying needs a little time away from both of you.

Baba, please don't worry, I'll take good care of my little BunBun.

Earlier, BunBun told me he felt like he was forgetting this life but it turns out that he remembers all the events even clearer than I.

He was just feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything that happened and so I put him under a sleep spell but even in his sleep, he held onto my hands so tightly as if he was afraid I'd abandon him therefore I'm going back and will stay by his side until he wakes up and he is feeling better.

Also, BunBun wants to attend lectures and training with me. Being two years younger than me, it'll be a bit difficult to be in the same class but can you do
something to help him?" Ayuan asked, hazel brown eyes looking at his baba and Sect Leader Lan with uncertainty and hope.

"Hmm...I can introduce him as the son of an elite but rogue cultivator couple but he has to pass his exams and tests to prove his eligibility for joining your classes otherwise all the sect disciples will start finding ways to belittle him and it won't be good for his recovery."

"I'll teach and train my Ying'er for the tests myself. I will make sure no one talks behind his back or breaks other Lan sect rules," Lan Zhan declared in his deep strict voice, leaving no room for discussion or reason.

"All right then, Baba, Uncle Xichen. I'll take my leave. Will bring Yingying in the afternoon for his first lecture with you and as for the training, I will gui-

"I'll guide his training too. You'll bring him here in the afternoon and he can leave in the evening, once his training session is over," Lan Zhan spoke once again.

"But... Uncle Xichen? Baba, he is not-" Ayuan looked at Uncle Xichen as he tried to convince his Baba otherwise only to be glared at by the cold aura of the great stoic Hanguang Jun.

"Stop... trying to take my Ying'er away from me, son. He's mine. I know what is best for him." Lan Zhan bit out in a restrained deep voice.

"...but didi... try to understand. Ayuan is-" Lan Xichen tried to help his little nephew only to hear his baby brother calling his name in the absolute polite and formal way with usual stoic face marking the end of conversation and also gesturing him to leave the Jingshi

Lan Xichen shook his head in wonder and disbelief and gestured to Ayuan to follow him as he made his way out of Jingshi, "It's going to be real hard for you and me, little nephew. Let's work together and think of ways to manage these two stubborn heads with the minimum damage possible."

"On it, Uncle Xichen!" Ayuan smiled reassuringly as they made their way towards his personal chamber while thinking of ways to convince the nine year old youngling about the latest change in his schedule as well as his newest challenges.

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