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"…He is upset and probably angry as well, Wangji, if you are still unable to think about what just happened," Lan Xichen said solemnly when even after a whole minute of Yingying's leaving, he didn't show any sign of movement or change in his lost expression.

"B-but he is my Wei Ying, Xiongzhang. Why is he angry?" Lan Zhan looked at Lan Xichen, feeling anxious, sad, and heartbroken.

"Because he is Yingying, a mysterious black bunny having unknown origin, special abilities and..most importantly a peaceful healthy living environment and a cute loving family with you and Ayuan in this life, Wangji.

We already saw how scared Wei Ying has always been, scared of being left out, alone and abandoned all his life. But, he isn't alone like Prince Ying or Wei Ying in this life, didi.

He must be so scared at the moment too, about losing everything.

It might be too much for a teenager like him to suddenly gain memories of his past life and grow up by seven years!

He was...supposed to be only ten this year.

It's still unknown why whenever Ying faces life threatening situations on his birthday, we all witness the memories of our past life but...Yingying is barely seventeen years old now, didi. And his  sufferings...were more than one could bear in their entire life...

It's only normal for that soul to feel so fearful, skeptical and confused. While this is still our life as the Lans, for him he is now a mythical bunny as well as Wei Ying!

Besides, he must be having difficulty regulating his powers of spiritual and resentment energy in this new body apart from his abilities as a mythical bunny.

I'm sure he will come around soon so just... give Yingying some time to sort all his thoughts and feelings, Wangji.

And don't forget he still isn't aware of his life after still Burial Mounds. The Sunshot campaign, his renouncing of the cultivation world, defecting from the Jiang Clan to protect the innocent Wens, the death of Jin Jixuan followed by the Wens and his Shijie Jiang Yanli.

He isn't aware of the events that led to his second death as Wei Ying in the first siege of Nightless city, so we have to be careful.

Today is your Ying’s birthday, not Wei Ying’s birthday. He's been reborn as a mythical bunny, came into our life so mysteriously and have been living a new life with his closest family for the past six years.

This isn’t Wei Ying’s life but Yingying's new life, didi.

Maybe, this time it's you who needs to clear his mind, Wangji.

Honestly, somehow I feel like it would be so wrong to compare our Yingying with Wei Ying-"

"...Ying is mine, Xiongzhang!!!" Lan Zhan growled, being on the verge of losing his patience, having to hear so much about his own soulmate from his brother. It irked him, irritated him to no end whenever Lan Xichen made it sound like his Ying belonged to him as well!

Lan Zhan would never allow anyone to share his soulmate's love and care and they must already be aware of it!

It is already more than frustrating to know that his "blinded by Jin wicked Guangyao" Xiongzhang all of sudden seems to understand his Ying better...

It would have been much better if his cute Ying'er would have talked to him as sweetly as he talked to Lan Xichen just now. Instead, Ying just got angry and left Jingshi- Oh no! My Ying'er left Jingshi!

I need to go to him now. He needs me! My heart..knows that so just stop your lecture and leave our Jingshi already, Xiongzhang!

However, unaware of his jealous baby brother's errant thoughts, Lan Xichen  continued, "Wei Ying...really wasn’t as adorable and- captivating as our Little Yingying. Maybe because I've become so close and familiar after living here for the past six years but... witnessing him with bunny ears and fluffy tail in that young teenager body, I wanted to hug so much! You're so lucky, Wangji! Also-” Lan Xichen said turning to face Wangji, only to find his baby brother vibrating with anger while glaring at him scathingly.

'Oh...maybe I spoke a little too much of my thoughts earlier. But I wonder how you would react, Wangji...if you knew I have always felt this strange attraction towards Yingying ever since I saw him as a bunny, six years ago?!' Lan Xichen smiled wistfully, before schooling his features into his usual composed look and facing Wangji, calmly

"Forgive me for my harsh words, didi. I know you felt aggrieved on behalf of Wei Ying when I said people change when they are under the influence of resentment energy.

It's what I've learnt and observed so far but after witnessing his life, all his hardships, selfless sacrifices, and the reason why he started and continued to practice Demonic cultivation...I am sorry for thinking that way.

Knowing the deal he made with souls of the dead, and the unbelievable fact that he didn't just escape safely from a place renowned for the very reason that no person or cultivator ever was able to leave that dark resentful place alive...but also, Wei Ying had already perfected Demonic cultivation during his time in Burial Mounds... there isn't any possibility for him to lose control!

Therefore, today... I, Lan Xichen vows to help you in searching for evidence against the culprits with a clear mind and an unbiased heart.

I promise to help you in clearing Wei Ying’s name and prove his innocence to the world, Wangji. Even if it means to declare a war against Lanling Jin!" Lan Xichen said looking into an even more enraged golden eyes of his baby brother and frowned, "What's wrong, didi? Why are you so angry with me? I haven't said anything I didn't mean!

After knowing everything, along with the fact that they laid a trap to kill you in the dark forest, the spy infiltration of Qinghe Nie Sect and that monstrous hound in the memories, it all points to the only possibility.

Whoever is behind this...they not only have power and means to do it but, they are also aware of that hound and usage of Yin Iron to create it.

And at that time, it was only him, Jin Guangyao, who pretended to be the spy of Wens and gave us information.

So, it means he's the only one besides Wens and Yingying who were aware about the existence of such monsters."

"Wangji understands and appreciates your help, Xiongzhang. So just kindly Leave..." Lan Zhan gritted out looking at Lan Xichen with barely suppressed emotions.

"Ah?! Huh! All right. I'll inform Ayuan about Yingying's new appearance and age. He'll want to visit his Bunbun but I'll delay it a bit to give you some time to clear your- misunderstandings with Yingying. So think carefully, Wangji..." Lan Xichen said calmly with a small stiff smile on his face before walking out of Jingshi.

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