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“Mn.” Little Bunnying nodded cutely, pushing Ayuan’s actively kissing lips away from his face for a short while, “Yingying likes learning. Did Yingying understood wrong?!” he asked, tilting his head and dropping his cute small bunny ears to the side while twitching his nose adorably

No!!!” Lan Zhan said, snatching his heart, Love, his sweet Bunnying from the shocked Ayuan and Xiongzhang, bringing him back into the safety of his strong Lan arms and looked into bunny Wei Ying's bright silver eyes, expectantly, “You understood every single thing correctly, Little Wei Ying.

Now...please tell me, do you recognise me?!”

Ahnn?! Are you not HanJun?! Ayuan gege’s beautiful but extremely strict Baba?!!!” Little Bunnying asked, silver eyes looking innocently deep into the golden pool of warmth and…sadness?

"H-HanJun?! D-don't cry. Did Yingying s-said something wrong? Please, don't cry. Yingying is sorry. Yingying's heart hurt. P-please, HanJun, Yingying likes you. Do not cry, mnhn?!" Bunny Wei Ying's eyes welled up with emotions.

Lan Zhan chuckled.

Unable to control himself, the ever so stoic Lan Zhan, for once, went out of the character and said, "Does my cute Ying'er really want me to stop crying?

And does your heart truly hurt when you see me crying?" he continued as his Bunnying kept nodding his head, blinking his doe-like eyes, responding naively and innocently to each of his words

"Then you must take responsibility for hurting the one you like, Ying'er. Will you?" Lan Zhan asked again, ignoring the shocked gaping mouth of his little Ayuan and Xiongzhang.

"Yingying will, HanJun!" Bunnying exclaimed, silver eyes glowing firm with determination

"Hmn. If you don't want to see me cry, you must kiss me back as many times I kiss you in a day.

Firstly, you should wipe my tears-"

Even before Lan Zhan could complete his uncharacteristically spoken not so seriously odd words, Little Bunnying moved, wiped HanJun's tears with his soft chubby hands, kissed both of his  golden eyes and returned back to his lap and asked while starting deep into Lan Zhan's stunned golden eyes, "I-Is HanJun happy now?!"

Although it was upsetting and painful for Lan Zhan, who wished and prayed and expected his cute little Wei Ying to remember him even in his new life, he couldn't stop himself from nodding his head, feeling speechlessly shocked but blissfully ecstatic with the sudden turn of events

And while Lan Zhan couldn't find any word to truly express his feelings and emotions, Lan Xichen, at last, failed to stop the short fit of laughter escaping his lips hearing this out of the world conversation and especially his baby brother’s new name and relationship status as he teased, “If Ayuan is your gege then what does HanJun would be to you, little Yingying?

Is your name really... Yingying?! Who gave you this name, little one? Do you know that person?”

Bunnying paused, lost in his thoughts and carefully thinking about all of the questions that HanJun's less beautiful, but sweet smiling Xiongzhang asked...

“When Yingying first opened his eyes thirteen months ago, pleasant geges in plain white robes and silver red robes told Yingying’s name, took Yingying to the ghost realm a-and loved me, cared for me and played with me! Yingying misses them.” Bunnying whispered in a weak teary voice

Seeing his possessive baby brother's deep frown and dark eyes with anger and jealousy, Lan Xichen immediately asked, "Don't you think your HanJun is pleasing too, Yingying?!"

Yingying looked at the sweet smiling gege of HanJun shaking his head, "No, HanJun is beautiful. V-very beautiful!

And HanJun is Ayuan gege’s baba. He is… Uncle to me!" Yingying exclaimed, proudly

That's all it took for the polite, serene, calm and composed Sect Leader Lan to burst out laughing, his head falling back in uncontrollable fits of laughter as he said, "Yingying you are so cute!"

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan said, looking at his little Bunnying, disappointedly

"HanJun?! You- angry?! Did Yingying again do something wrong, HanJun?" his Bunnying asked, pouting his pink lips adorably

“Lan Zhan. You should call me Lan er gege or Lan Zhan. I’m your protector and guardian. Your family, friend, and closest confidant. We are soulmates.

You are mine and I'm yours, always!” Lan Zhan declared possessively, in his deep firm voice, looking deep into the confused silver eyes of his Bunnying, “Tell me now my Ying’er, who am I to you?!”

“Lan Zhan! Yingying’s family, friend, and closest soulmate!” Yingying said, dazedly, looking into the golden eyes, shivering unconsciously, snuggling and hiding inside the outer layers of Lan Zhan’s robe.

“Not closest. I’m your Only Soulmate Ying’er, and you are mine!” Lan Zhan repeated, clearly, when suddenly his Bunnying asked, “But Lan Zhan, what does a Soulmate means, Lan Zhan?!”

Watching his baby brother absolutely unfazed by Little Yingying’s innocent question and almost ready to explain the complicated meaning of soulmate to a naive one-year-old, Lan Xichen cleared his throat, stopping his baby brother and said, “You'll learn about soulmates when you’re old enough to understand, Yingying.

Just remember that, Lan Zhan is your everything. He’ll protect you and love you. As your HanJun’s elder brother, I and your Ayuan gege will protect you and be your family too, Yingying,” he said, watching the tiny frown on his baby brother’s face, amusedly, before continuing, “As your family, you must never lie to us. You can share all your worries, secrets, and happiness with us, without fear. And you must never do anything to make Lan Zhan upset or angry, all right Little one?”

“Yingying does not know what makes Lan Zhan upset or angry. How not to do it?” Yingying looked at Lan Xichen, expectantly

“Don’t ever get hurt again, my Ying’er. Never leave me alone. Never go away from me. I will teach the rest to you, day by day.” Lan Zhan breathed out, hugging little Bunnying into his arms, protectively.

“Okay, Zhan Gege!” Bunnying chirped happily, snuggling into the warmth of his Lan Zhan, happily

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