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“…...need to stop, Wangji. You've been transferring your spiritual energy into Yingying’s small body for over two hours now.

It's 7 in the evening. Ayuan and I have healed all of his injuries more than an hour ago.

We have even checked his vitals, not once but thrice in the last two hours!

He is fine now, didi. Let him rest and recover from whatever happened to him and once he is awake, we will try to talk to him about it.

Ayuan is still waiting for you to have dinner, together. Both of you haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. It took me a long while to convince Ayuan to leave Jingshi and have some food. He is still a young growing soul, Wangji. He too needs our care, support, and love after everything we experienced since yesterday.

Please, don’t make him wait anymore. Yingying is out of danger, his pulse is now stable and he is resting so please, listen to me. Go and have some rest-” Carefully, Lan Xichen tried once again to persuade his sobbing, stubborn didi and stop him from draining his entire spiritual energy for no reason, only to be interrupted by stoic Wangji’s snide remark filled with pain, “YOU, need to stop yourself from telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing to save my own soulmate, Xiongzhang!

I’d rather die with him but no matter what happens, this Lan Zhan would not allow his Wei Ying, his soulmate to leave me here, in this god-forsaken world, all alone again!

My mind, it's filled with the images of my gravely injured, barely breathing, exhausted and bleeding little Ying’er who lost his consciousness as soon as I took him into my arms. These hands of mine... are still trembling with the horrific feeling of that moment.

Wangji knows. Can see that, because of our spiritual energy transference and Yingying’s inherent powers, all of his wounds are almost healed and his vital are stable b-but his bright silver eyes are still closed, Xiongzhang!

He hasn’t regained his consciousness and this heart- can’t take it anymore.

I am dying to see his bright smile, see his doe-like silver eyes looking at me with infinite affection and trust, feel him snuggling closer into my arms for my warmth, hear his sweet innocent voice calling my name-”

“Z-Zhan gege,” Yingying breathed out the moment he woke up, his anxious silver eyes searching for his Lan Zhan and feeling terrified upon finding him a little away from himself, back facing him, while his angry Lan Zhan talked to Xichen gege.

Ying’er!!!” In a blink, Lan Zhan was sitting on the bed, cradling his Love in his arms, gently and lovingly, kissing him all over his adorable face, neck, hands and feet while Lan Zhan cried tears of relief, thanking the heavenly deities once again for their blessings.

“L-Lan Zhan, Yingying is s-sorry! I will n-not leave Jingshi without you, again.
I won’t leave you, Zhan gege. P-please, don’t be angry. I’m sorry, Lan Z-Zhan!!

Y-Yingying hu-rt you, upset you, made you angry. I'm sorryy, Zhan ge, p-lease don’t abandon me. Ying’er missed you a lot. C-came back to Jingshi for yo-u,” Yingying wailed inconsolably, shaking violently, snuggling closer to his Zhan gege’s warmth while clutching at his robes tightly, too frightened of getting punished and thrown away for his big mistake.

While Yingying's sorrowful promises of not leaving Jingshi without his Lan Zhan should've made him happy, the Second Jade found himself unable to speak.

Instead, he felt his blood boiling with pure anger and extreme pain. Anger, for being unable to save his Wei Ying and pain, for not knowing the reason  behind his soulmate's affected mental and emotional condition.

He knows his Ying’er is a brave soul.

Despite his small, fragile body, he was never scared of anything, unafraid in the face of danger.

It's one of the main reasons why Lan Zhan didn’t want him to venture into the outside world, alone. Then, what could make his brave Ying’er feel so... terrified? Frightened to the point that he promised not to leave Jingshi ever?

“Yingying, calm down, child. No one is angry. Your Zhan gege was hurt, upset when you left but he will not abandon you, Yingying, never ever. Your Zhan gege missed you so much. He couldn’t sleep couldn’t eat, couldn't even drink a sip of water when you weren't here, then how can he leave you, Yingying?

Please, calm down, little one. We are truly happy that you came back home before sunset, just like you promised. Right, Wangji?!” Xichen smiled gently, calming a frightened child when Lan Zhan failed to word his emotions and thoughts.

“Ying’er, what happened to you, love? Who dared to hurt you? Please, heart, tell me what scared you so much that you are still trembling? My soul hurts seeing you cry like this, so please, tell your Zhan gege, what happened hm?" Lan Zhan whispered, deep voice filled with love and kindness, as he brought his sniffling Ying’er closer in his arms and kissed his forehead affectionately

Feeling his Zhan gege's unconditional warmth, care and love, Yingying took a deep breath, telling them everything he experienced after he escaped from Jingshi, the long hours it took for him to reach the forest and the darkness he felt there, “Yingying turned, began running t-towards the Cloud Recesses, a-away from the dark forest, focusing mind on Zhan gege’s heartbeats when big, very b-big dogs with rred glowing eyes attacked and h-hurt Ying’er. I-I'm sorry, Zhan ge! I couldn't save myself! I m-missed you, cried for you to s-save me but t-they broke my legs, Zhan ge! Yingying was hurt, bleeding. Yingying was scared of making you angry, w-as scared of dying and leaving you alone so I tried to fight but ffell asleep while red-eyes d-ogs kept biting and hurting me.

When I woke up this afternoon, I tried but c-couldn't move at all, Z-han gege. I was injured but I promised to return before sunset. Yingying tried, reached Cloud Recesses b-but to quickly reach home, I went to back mountains a-nd they...! I couldn't save myself aggain, Zhan gege! Not even from bunnies! Yingying can’t protect himself f-from any-one! I have h-hurt you, Zhan ge-” Yingying cried, hiding himself inside his Lan Zhan’s robe when suddenly, entire Jingshi filled with the blinding white light, making Ying’er unable to see anything including his own hands and feet!

Zhan ge?! W-where are you, gege?! Yingying c-can’t see you! Zhan ge??! Lan Zhaaannnn!” he screamed, as he felt himself falling in an endless abyss of energy.

“Ying'er! I'm here, my heart! Don't be afraid! Ying'er!!! Why can't you hear me, love!”

“Yingying! We are here! Close your eyes. We are here with you!”

While Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen also couldn't see anything, they were able to hear Yingying’s desperate cries and yelled out to comfort him, as they felt themselves falling in the mysterious abyss of energy, unable to do anything until their feet touched the ground, in a world that didn't belong to the time in which they were living but... from a time about three hundred years ago.

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