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‘Zhan gege!’ Yingying took a few deep, excruciatingly painful breaths as soon as he regained his consciousness and opened his bruised and swollen silver eyes with much difficulty to look at his surroundings, dazedly, ‘This place, Am I... still in the forest?! T-They must have thought Yingying d-died and l-left me alone. I need to move, need to leave this for-rest and return home.

Lan Zhan must be worried for me. But, h-he will be angry at me for being hurt.

It’s okay... Yingying made a mistake. I should be punished for leaving like this and getting hurt. Sun is overhead. Need to return b-before sunset or Zhan gege won’t forgive me but why can’t I move! It h-hurts So Much, Gege! Yingying internally screamed and cried, trying his hardest to move and finally after several demoralising failed attempts, he was able to move his feet, crying with debilitating pain that shot up his nerves due to several grave injuries covering every inch of his small body along with a sharp splitting headache and dizzy spells plaguing his mind as he thought, ‘Ying’er is coming back to you, Zhan ge! Wait for me!’

~Entrance gate - Cloud Recesses~

'It's been thirteen years since we met here, after a long separation from our childhood meeting, at the entrance of Cloud Recesses when you came with the Jiang siblings to attend our guest lectures.

Twelve years... since I- I left you alone after our search for Yin Iron.

Eleven years since I left you again after our fight with Slaughter Xuanwu only to lose you... when you left us for three painfully long months after the Jiang Sect massacre.

Ten years... since you- abandoned the cultivation world, distanced yourself from everyone, from me... to save the innocent Wens and I- I failed to stand by your side.

Eight years... since that fateful night at Nightless city when I lost my Life... My only reason for existence, w-when you left my hand, fell to the endless abyss, leaving me all alone in this heartless world when I again... failed to stand by your side and protect you.

Five years... since the deities gave me another chance. Gave me You, back in my arms in the most beautiful, sacred way possible and I vowed to never let you go again, never allow you to leave me alone again in this world, always stay by your side, protect you with my life and love you with my entire being for eternities to come and still... here I am waiting for you at the entrance of the Cloud Recesses, helplessly, dying with the need to see you, take you in my arms and beg for your forgiveness for every single thing that forced you to leave me this time...

Please... come back!

My Love. My Wei Ying... I'm losing my sanity, my will to hold on and wait for your return so please come back, else I promise to follow you to the afterlife the moment this day ends...

You never break your promises. This heart knows and trust me, my love, it's the only reason I'm still alive, waiting for your return but... the sun is about to set very soon. And you are still not here...

Please... come back!


Your Lan Zhan admits his defeat. I can never find you unless you want me to so please... come home or I won't talk to you ever in this life. I won't live like a fool and simply wait for your return this time, my soulmate. I promise...

Sunsets never terrified me but today-

Ahh- Thirty minutes. Your Lan Zhan is giving you half-an-hour more to come back to me, return to Jingshi as I wait for you, before your soulmate decides to take his final step.' The Second Jade turned around and walked lifelessly towards the back mountains to look at his bunnies before heading towards Jingshi...

~Outside Cloud Recesses~

'I’m back, Zhan gege! I made it in time! Dear Sun, pplease give Yingying a little bit more time. D-on’t set away so soon or Lan Zhan will be v-very mad at me!’ Yingying prayed, making his way to the back mountains, to reach Jingshi quickly, before the sunset, which was only minutes away.

Heart beating miles per second, lungs about to explode with the unbearable exhaustion, wounds bleeding heavily with no care, Yingying kept dragging his tragically starved and numb body, vision blurred with tears of happiness and bone deep tiredness as he kept on running towards Jingshi, tenaciously, completely unaware of the wild white bunnies that were chasing him out of curiosity and a strange pull, attraction filled with eagerness and excitement towards the new, small, exceptionally beautiful, but gravely wounded black bunny in their territory.

And before Ying'er could understand, breath was knocked out of his lungs as he felt the heaviness of a few wild bunnies who suddenly tried to climb on top of him, tackling him, stopping him from running towards Jingshi or saying something that Yingying found hard to understand.

Feeling trapped, suffocated among the  wild bunnies who kept on licking his wounds, rubbing themselves against his body a-and trying to… is this what Zhan gege called claiming?!

'No! I don't want! Zhan gege, help me!

L-Leave me. Yingying doesn't want it. Lan Zhan, ssave me! Yingying is sorry for lea-ving Jingshi, for g-oing outside without you but pl-please s-ave yourr-' Ying'er cried out in his heart, feeling his consciousness slipping away, too scared of not reaching Jingshi before sunset, even after coming this close, when suddenly a deep familiar voice fell in his ears...

Wei Ying!!!

Lan Zhan screamed horrified, sending a sharp lethal energy glare of Bichen, scaring the obnoxious wild creatures away from his bleeding Ying'er while running towards him faster than ever only to watch his silently crying Love struggling for his dear life...

“Ying’er!” Lan Zhan cried out, falling to the ground on his knees, holding his breath, gathering courage as his trembling hands picked up his fragile, gravely injured soulmate, whispering words of comfort in fearful quavering voice, cradling him close to his heart, “Please… please stay with me, d-don't leave me, Ying. Don’t leave your Lan Zhan, again. I can't- I will not bear it. Plea-ughhh..pleaaassse, never again.”

"Zhan gege, d-don’t cry, your Ying’er won’t ever leave you-" Yingying mind linked in a weak worried voice before closing his silver eyes, losing the fight against exhaustion and falling asleep into his blissful world of nothingness


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