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"You really need to stop transforming yourself into a baby rabbit every time you get bored during the lectures and want to escape the classes, BunBun! It will get us both into a real big trouble sooner than later.

Trust me BunBun, this time, let alone me, even Uncle Xichen won't be able to save you from old grandmaster Lan Qiren's punishment!

Promise me, Yingying, promise your Ayuan gege that this is going to be the last time you are escaping from your lectures. It not only shows your lack of interest in studies but can also get our family in trouble if anyone finds out about your special ability.

No one in Cloud Recesses can know about your real identity, remember?

Everyone knows you're the son of an elite rouge cultivator couple from a distant small sect that was destroyed due to the natural calamity.

This story and situation must remain like it's now, as long as possible, if you want to keep studying and do training with your gege.

Don't you want it, anymore? Don't you want to learn and be with your Ayuan gege anymore, BunBun? Hm?!" Ayuan looked at his grumpy BunBun, making a sad pouty face and glistening puppy eyes to persuade the tiny mischievous black rabbit.

"I want.." Soon to be turning ten years old BunBun muttered in a weak angry and frustrated voice under his breath, while avoiding eye contact with petty gege, trying not to see his upset pouty face.

"What did my BunBun say?! Ge didn't hear you properly, little one. Can you be a bit louder and clearer? Or do you really want to study separately from now onwards... far away from all the constant nagging of your gege, hmn?!" Ayuan maintained a straight face, all thanks to the stoic face Hanguang Jun, as he continued in a sad disheartened voice, "Maybe it's best for you. I'll talk to baba and uncle about it tomorrow then-"

"NO! I want to continue attending all the lectures and trainings with gege!" Little Yingying exclaimed, annoyed by his gege's persistent persuasion tricks that hasn't changed a bit since the day when he first agreed to attend lecture and training by Hanguang Jun to clear his eligibility tests, "And can my great Ayuan gege stop using his stupid trick on me again and again. I know what you're doing here, you know! And it's not nice! At all! Hmph..."

"Aww did my little BunBun got angry with Gege? But I know you will agree to everything whenever you hear or see me upset. Am I wrong, Yingying?" Ayuan bit his lips to control his smile as he tried to face his angry BunBun

"You are mean, gege! You're using my emotions to get me do the things I do not like! That's wrong! Soo Wrong! I-I hate you!" Yingying covered his eyes with his small palms, tightly, to avoid seeing his gege's face who continued to come infront of his eyes every time he dodged it.

"All right little BunBun, gege will stop pushing you now but you need to tell me, okay. Tell me the real reason why you keep escaping from the lectures when you certainly like learning new things and also want to attend all the classes and training with me," Ayuan asked in his calm serene voice as he sat beside his adorable BunBun, near the open window of his chamber and unconsciously looked in the direction where he often found BunBun looking at whenever Yingying was sad, alone, or troubled about something and only now he realised, it was the only place in his personal chamber from where he could see Jingshi and even his baba correcting some papers verry clearly...

Does it mean little BunBun finally has decided to let go of his stubbornness and learn the truth of his past life? If that's the case, then maybe, he'll soon have a day for himself where he does not need to be the victim of his own Baba's jealousy filled long stares while being his personal spy and messenger for all the things his Ying'er did from morning till night... every single day!

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