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Listening to his Ying’s sweet promises filled with several intense emotions and determination made Lan Zhan feel ecstatic and horrified all at the same time.

Wrapping his arms a bit more tightly and bringing his beloved closer to his heart, Lan Zhan clarified, deep voice filled with panic and urgency, “You’ve never hurt me, Ying’er!

It’s me! I’m hurt and crying because of my own actions that pushed you away from me for an entire year!

I thought I lost you again and it’s only you who's making me happy by giving me, giving us this precious chance.

Your actions can never bring tears to my eyes, Ying’er, and even if they do, they’ll be tears of joy and happiness. You're my everything, remember that Little Love. Your Zhan gege promises to never hurt you, ever again.

I’ll cherish you, love you, protect you and care for you all my life for years- no, for eternities to come!” Lan Zhan breathed out, rubbing and patting his Ying's small back lovingly meanwhile focusing on not loosing his emotional restraints and acting on his pent-up desires for his sweet Ying’er who was still a soon-to-be ten years old kid.

Watching his baba and Bunbun lost in their own sweet world, forgetting all about his and Uncle Xichen’s gaping presence, Ayuan for the first time in over a decade of his young life cleared his throat rather noisily to gain their attention only to receive absolutely... zero response from them.

So it wasn't really his fault that he had to resort to his Uncle Xichen's style as he said, “Erm... but that’s not what we discussed, little Bunbun.

I thought you were here only to know the secrets about your past life and to request Uncle Xichen to resume your learning sessions with Hanguang Jun.

Are you- really going to leave me-your Ayuan gege all alone to live with baba now?!” Ayuan added a cringey pout for a good measure and then, it wasn't really surprising but the reactions he received nearly made him rethink all his life decisions so far.

His job though...was quite successfully done for now, not only Little Bunbun was looking at him a little confusedly and definitely embarrassed but he could also feel the heat of those golden glare directed solely at him before a decent yet silent growl sent shivers down his spine when his baba called, “Sizhui!

Lan Zhan warned, only to be ignored by his son who has suffered enough of those episodes of his stupid jealousy and plain competitiveness for gaining Yingying’s attention several times for the entire last year.

As always, Lan Xi-diplomatic-Chen had to step in to defuse the invisible silent argument, "Aying, is everything alright, little one? Are you facing any problem understanding our regular lectures?

Why would you want to resume your learning sessions with Wangji?!

To be honest, I was coming to talk to you later about your recent habit of skipping the lectures. Don't think I've not noticed it, Aying. You know your Xichen gege will always listen to you and help you, right?” Lan Xichen tried to persuade Yingying gently with his warmest smile on his face.

“Ying'er?! Love, what happened?! Did anyone say something bad to you o-or did they... do something wrong?!” Lan Zhan asked with a batted breath, too afraid of hearing his Ying's response, as he started panicking, thinking he might've overlooked something about Ying’s interaction with other disciples during his lectures.

"Calm down, Zhan gege! Everything is all right. I AM FINE, Lan Zhan!!!” Yingying said clearly, snuggling some more into Lan Zhan’s embrace before turning to look at his smirking Ayuan ge and an extremely amused Xichen gege, knowing exactly how well those two were when it comes to creating "coincidences" to bring him closer to Lan Zhan

"Xichen ge, Yingying wants to resume his learning sessions with Lan Zhan because regular classroom lectures are moving very slowly for my liking.

Yingying wishes to learn more and try something new, create different spells and talismans every day and only Lan Zhan can help me with it. The way he trained me during those initial few months, I want to keep learning at the same pace.

As per Sect rule, Ying'er can’t get his sword until I’m twelve years old but I don’t want to wait so long.

You might not know this but Ying'er found I can play flute very naturally but want to learn more about music cultivation and other instruments as well. I also want to learn calligraphy like Lan Zhan, want to participate in archery and painting competitions  and much more!

I just- want to learn so much and only Lan Zhan can help me so Xichen gege will you please allow me to resume my learning sessions with Lan Zhan? Please?! Ying'er knows it's difficult as everyone knows Ying'er now bu-"

"Xiongzhang will handle it," Lan Zhan declared, "Our training sessions will resume from tomorrow morning and soon, will take you and Ayuan outside Gusu to participate in different skills competitions. Is it all right with you, my Ying’er?" He asked in his soothing deep voice, a small but unmistakably smug smile gracing his visage, feeling too proud for being the only one in his little Wei Ying’s eyes who can truly understand his curiosity and need to learn more and faster.

"I'm not opposing it but how did I get involved in those competition things," Ayuan wondered a bit too loudly

"Because Ying'er wouldn't like to join those competitions without his Ayuan gege," Lan Zhan answered, petulantly

"Well... that's true. My little BunBun!" Ayuan chirped, not trying to show off at all.

“Errr... Aying! I can understand about sword, archery, painting, and other skills but when did you learn to play a flute?!!!

May I know who taught you and since when, hmn?!” Lan Xichen tried gently and carefully, catching Wangji’s eyes for attention, who too looked eager to know his Yingying’s answer.

"No one, Xichen gege," Ying answered, his cute doe-like silver eyes sparkling innocently as he said, "Ying'er did not tell anyone but since my last birthday, I’ve been having this strange dream in which a gege in black and red robes keeps playing a strange but beautiful midnight black flute adorned with a vibrant red tassel.

Although that gege looked old, around twenty years maybe…but somehow I feel that... don't think I'm being stupid okay?" Ying'er paused, to gauge their reactions and only when he felt that all his geges weren't thinking that he is making up childish stories, did he continue confidently, "That gege who keeps playing a flute in my dream, I think he is Me. My future self, maybe? But he is definitely me...

And Ying'er isn't just saying it! I really felt it! So, one day... after everyone fell asleep, Ying'er secretly took a random flute from the music room, escaped to the back mountains and tried playing it just like in my dream and I did it! It was so exciting Lan Zhan and Xichen gege!

Ying'er kept playing the flute and that unique tune all night!"

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