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“Wangji, I'm waiting outside. We need to talk for a minute.” Lan Xichen said, as he gestured Ayuan to take care of Little Yingying while standing up and making his way outside Jingshi


Lan Zhan nodded planting a lingering kiss on his sleepy Bunnying's squishy soft cheeks before reluctantly passing him into little Ayuan's awaiting arms and going outside.

“...Now that I know the reason behind your smile, positive aura, happiness in your eyes and the liveliness in your swift steps today, it's safe to say you're not even thinking about meeting Lady Yao, are you?" Lan Xichen asked in his gentle voice, carefully

"Never." Lan Zhan replied in his deep, firm voice, vehemently

"Hmm... As expected. Then, leave it all to me now, Wangji. You need not have to worry about the upcoming meeting with Sect Leader Yao’s daughter or the insensitive, barely thoughtful words of our Uncle.

Maybe I already have a way to handle this situation.

So, it's decided.

I'll be meeting Lady Yao next week on your behalf.

No, don't make that face, Wangji! I'm not sacrificing myself, rather, I have a big surprise waiting for her that will force her into dropping her constant advances towards the Jade twins,” he said, smirking mysteriously, "Besides, I think your Xiongzhang already has his eyes on someone he likes!" Xichen winked at his stoic baby brother with a hint of mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Lan Zhan glared at him, threateningly before thanking him, respectively, for the much appreciated help and said in his stoic voice, “Wangji would like to take his leave, Xiongzhang.

Need to urgently return to my waiting Ying'er." he bowed and was just about to step away when he heard his elder brother asking him the unwelcoming questions, “But, how are you going to keep your Yingying safe and hidden, inside Jingshi, Wangji?!

And for how long? Given Wei gongzi’s exuberant, rules-breaking nature and now being a bunny, who are known for being smart, sensitive, curious and fast beings who love adventures, you have to think of a better solution, than just trapping him inside without any proper reason and activities to keep him safe as well as busy, baby brother

And what about the white robed and silver red robed pleasant geges whom your Yingying mentioned earlier?

And ghost realm?! Does he even know what he told us earlier? And does that mean our Ayuan accidentally entered  the ghost realm that night, during the night hunt?!” Lan Xichen asked, voice filled with concerns, “There are many mysteries and secrets that needs to be solved, Wangji. Hope you understand, what you’re getting yourself into.”

“Mn. Will take care of Ying’er, Ayuan and myself, Xiongzhang.

Wangji understands, no secret in this world will remain hidden forever.

Therefore, will do everything to make this world a better place to live in, for my Love and my family.

I still believe my Wei Ying was falsely accused three years ago and this time, will leave no stone unturned to prove my Wei Ying's innocence.

Wangji plans on learning more about the ghost realm.

I'll find out those red and silver robed and plain white robed pleasant geges whom my Ying'er misses so much that he cried for them!

Will find the ones who saved my Wei Ying but kept him away from me for thirteen months!

If that's all you wished to know, I shall take me leave now.” Lan Zhan bowed at once, to which Lan Xichen laughed saying, “All right, all right, I’m leaving, baby brother! No need to be so rude! Ayuan and Yingying must be waiting for you.” he said and moved towards Hanshi, smiling to himself for teasing his baby brother, successfully


“Ying’er, Ayuan!” Lan Zhan breathed out as soon as he entered his Jingshi, knelt down, opening his strong arms wide open and engulfing his Life, his complete family that came rushing towards him, happily, with big bright smiles on their cute faces, ‘I love you both so much, my hearts.

And Lan Zhan loves you the most, my precious Wei Ying.’

~Five years later~



“Zhan gege?!”

“…L-Lan er gege?!”

LAN ZHAANNN!!!” Little Bunnying screamed in his sweet childish voice, angrily

‘Nothing has changed. You still have a habit of using my different names to gain my attention, my Wei Ying. Only if you knew, you always had it. All of it!

As a young teenager or as an adult, I always, without an exception, used to struggle to divert my attention from you and focus on other assigned tasks, trainings and studies.

Only my heart knows how hard it has been for me, my Wei Ying.

It's true. In your first life as Wei Ying, you've never called me ZhanZhan or Zhan gege.

And trust me, my Love, this heart filled with your thoughts flutters every time I hear you call my name so intimately, so affectionately but…

I still miss the way you used to call me with my birth name. The only person ever to use my birth name besides my mother. And it felt so…right! As if my name was made to be spoken through your soft pink lips, delicately wrapped in your alluring lively voice.

Five years, my Heart. It's been five long and precious years since you returned into my life and honestly, there hasn’t been a single day when I do not wish for you to remember me. To remember your Lan Zhan so I can confess my love to you and-’ Lan Zhan sighed, turning his gaze away from the book he was pretending to read and looking at the sweet face his heart always yearns to look at, in his usual stoic expression, while failing miserably in hiding the swirling mirth and happiness in his golden eyes

“Mn?!” Lan Zhan nodded, mentally preparing himself for another debate, another funny and amusing but truly unnerving reasoning session to deny his adorable Bunnying’s almost daily requests, demands, and his constant efforts to convince his Lan Zhan for allowing him to leave the comfort of Jingshi and go outside and explore the world all on his own!…

“Mnn? J-just Mnmnnn??!!!” Bunnying asked, looking into his best friend, his family, his still-not-defined soulmate’s golden eyes in sheer disbelief, while lying lazily in his Zhan ge's big warm lap, “Would you please allow me to go out this time, Zhan gege, pwweeesh?!”   Cute Bunnying immediately changed his tactics and mumbled, pouting his soft pink lips and staring at his Zhan gege with his glistening doe-like silver eyes that could cry any moment.

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