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“…you really believe that this special bunny is Wei gongzi?! Why?!

Only because of a toddler's words and stories that have no proof?! You didn't even think of going and checking that forest where this all happened as per Ayuan and you already believe all he said and told, wholeheartedly?!

Just because our Ayuan doesn't lie, it doesn't mean that he might even not be mistaken or misled by some sort of trickery or magic!

How can the great Hanguang Jun of all people failed to consider this small point? How can you believe our little Ayuan’s strange encounter with those unknown people in the forest during the night hunt, a few days ago, when you don-" Lan Xichen closed his eyes, sighing deeply, "I know, I understand that you have your regrets, Wangji...

I know you feel guilty and responsible for what happened to Wei gongzi and resulted in his early death three years ago.

I also know, you truly believe him to be innocent of all the crimes and you are still waiting for him.

Not because you have your regrets of not standing by his side when we all were standing against him along with the whole cultivation world but also because you... admired him, like him more than a fellow cultivator, more than a friend, even more than a lover!

You thought him to be your soulmate!

But that doesn't mean you will believe all these bizarre incidents and stories spoken by a toddler!

Think rationally, baby brother...

Do you really believe that it's actually possible?!! Do you honestly think that the deities returned Wei gongzi to you and Ayuan, in this bunny form?!

And the fact that your cute black baby bunny can turn into this mesmerizing human bunny form only because of a simple kiss?!…

Okay... Fine!

I'll mind my words so stop glaring at me and just listen to me with a calm mind. All right, baby brother...?!

Let us assume for a minute that all the words spoken by Ayuan are true and everything he experienced that night in the forest outside Caiyi town, really happened-"

"No assumptions. It did happen! He is my Wei Ying. I don't see the need to prove my soulmate's identity to you, Xiongzhang," Wangji said menacingly, gritting his teeth

"Please, calm down, baby brother!" he said, rubbing his forehead, frustrated, before continuing in his serene gentle voice, "Okay, if this adorable bunny is the reincarnation of the Grandmaster of demonic cultivation, Wei Wuxian, having the unique ability of changing his form because of a kiss, then what happened today with our Ayuan, the same can happen to anyone, Wangji...

There’s no doubt this mesmerizingly cute baby bunny is the most adorable creature I have ever seen, especially those bright silver eyes- ah...

Those eyes... the same lively silver eyes you fell in love with, a long time ago, when Wei Wuxian first came to Cloud Recesses to attend our guest lectures.

It- It's unbelievable!

This naive, innocent baby bunny...he really is the reincarnation of him! Of your Wei Wuxian, baby brother!"

"Mn." Wangji nodded, miffed with the fact that even his Xiongzhang could recognise his soulmate because of his silver eyes. Why does his own brother know so much about his Love's silver eyes?!

While Wangji's trail of thought took a whole different turn, Xichen kept on speaking his mind, obliviously, "...And because this sweet beautiful creature is really Wei Wuxian's new birth, this whole matter has become even more concerning!

What would you do if, just like Ayuan somebody else too accidentally kissed the bunny while playing and petting him, triggering his transition and then changing its appearance into human bunny form?!

If such a situation ever happens in the future, then today it was only Ayuan, tomorrow it will be others who'll start screaming, frightened because of his sudden transition and the chances are that they might even harm the bunny!

This cultivation world, those ignorant peoples won’t take this unique ability well, Wangji.

They will either fear and outcast him, or would make his life nothing more than a mere joke.” Lan Xichen sighed, cradling a slightly scared and sniffling Ayuan in his arms while looking at his frowning and worried baby brother taking care of the terrified, wounded baby bunny, holding him close in his arms, gently

“Have no plan of letting anyone in the whole world know about the rebirth of my Wei Ying. Will never allow any of them to even think of kissing my Wei Ying!” Lan Wangji declared with a finality in his angry voice, bringing his Bunnying closer to his arms and hiding him inside the outer layers of his robe, “Will protect him. Keep him here, hidden and safe, inside Jingshi,” he said before looking at his scared little Ayuan, questioningly, “Why? You said you love bunny then why did you hurt him?!”

“I-I am sorry, Baba!" Ayuan burst into tears all over again, "I- didn’t mean to hurt him!

A-Ayuan loves BunBun a lot! W-when I kissed him, he suddenly glowed and turned like this and I- I failed to hold him in my arms and I- dropped him!” Ayuan mumbled in a guilty, ashamed voice, “Bunny fell down, got hurt and r-ran away from me crying, baba...

BunBun was frightened of Ayuan. He c-cried louder every time I tried to go close to him and treat his wound! I’ve hurt him, baba! Ayuan hurt the baby bunny. Ayuan d-deserves punishment, baba.”

While Xichen felt sad and worried for little Ayuan and Lan Zhan tried hard to forget memories of his frightened, bleeding, and wailing little Bunnying curled up in a corner, the baby bunny silently peeked out from his robes and jumped into the arms of crying Ayuan curled up in his Uncle Xichen's lap, all of a sudden, forgetting about his still bleeding wound on his feet.

“Wei Ying!” Lan Zhan gasped in shock

“Ge- gege? D-don’t cry. I'm s-sorry for s-scaring you, gege.

Yingying small. They d-did not teach Yingying, h-how to control his power and a-ability! Yingying is b-bad, gege.

I'm sorry for making you cry!!!” Little Bunnying’s doe-like silver eyes welled up with tears as he apologised in his hypnotically innocent, childish voice, all the while trembling and sniffling with pain, sadness, and uncertainty

At once, sniffling Ayuan wrapped his determined small arms around his BunBun, protectively, apologising for hurting him while profusely kissing his friend and companion's head, soft furry ears, blushed cheeks, cute little nose and soft tiny hands, completely unaware of the growing agitation and uneasiness in his baba’s heart.

“You c-can understand us?!!! And can even speak our tongue?!” Lan Xichen looked at the adorable human Bunny, shell shocked, surprised, and suitably dumbfounded!

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