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***Main Hall***

“…does this mean they are planning to shift their base?!!! This letter says that ever since our disciples returned to Cloud Recesses alive from the last night hunt, Nie Huaisang’s spies have observed quite a bit of movement in and around that dark forest, unlike ever before…” Lan Xichen voiced out his concern, looking at his calm baby brother worriedly, “If they are really planning to move hundreds of those lethal bloodthirsty hounds out of the dark forest to somewhere else, the consequence would be disastrous!

It’s hard to imagine how many people would be killed by them to keep their tracks a secret and how many more lives would be lost just to keep those savage monsters in control.

We need to take steps now otherwise.. it’ll be too late.”

“Mn." Lan Wangji nodded solemnly, "Has Sect Leader Nie written anything else in this letter?”

“He did and maybe I understand as well but it would be good if you can also share your views. Here...” Lan Xichen said handing over the fragile parchment paper with Unclean Realm of Qinghe Nie Clan’s official seal on it.

“Although this message has their seal on it, the source of this information is uncertain. Sect Leader Nie has never used his sect’s official seal to share such sensitive information. Especially regarding the case involving those culprits.” Lan Wangji said, looking at the tall, majestic but peculiarly lonely and flowerless tree outside the round window, stoically and thoughtfully

Lan Xichen’s eyes widened in alarm, “What?! This… it would mean that the culprits aren’t just aware about your search but they have also infiltrated the Qinghe Nie Sect with their spies and they are also aware of Huaisang’s involvement and even his network of spies!

This will change everything, Wangji!

This is a lot more serious matter than I thought initially. Need to inform Sect Leader Nie immediately about the use of his Nie Sect's official seal in such a manner.

Looks like the enemy this time is a lot more clever and dangerous than our Wei Wuxian. The cultivation world is facing danger once again, all because of his Yin Iron.”

Enough, Xiongzhang!” Lan Wangji's voice raised a few pitches higher than his usual, unconsciously, as he looked straight into Lan Xichen’s shocked golden brown eyes with his barely suppressed anger, “Be careful with your words, Sect Leader Lan. Wei Wuxian is powerful but he was never our enemy nor was he a threat to the cultivation world! He just fell into the trap of the culprits wicked schemes!

Do not forget, it’s the only reason why I’m searching for the all real culprits behind the incidents that happened in the past. Wei Wuxian was innocent and Lan Wangji swears to prove it not only to you or Shifu but to the entire cultivation world.

Even after living with Wei Wuxian for so many years, knowing all about his kind, selfless personality, his bright and innocent nature, Wangji is truly disappointed that Xiongzhang could be so blinded by his sworn brother’s crafted lies, he still refuses to see the truth.”

“Wangji!" Lan Xichen said in his calm but unusually cold voice, "I’d advise you didi to not lose your clear sense of judgement.”

“A person’s heart can always change over time. No matter how passionate or kind they are, especially when they start practicing demonic cultivation.

Even our powerful and experienced sect elder Lan Yi couldn’t save herself from all the negative influence of Yin Iron and had to sacrifice her spiritual consciousness and her life to seal it in the cold pond again.

Compared to her age and experience, Wei Wuxian was just an energetic young seventeen year old teenager when he had forsaken the path of righteous spiritual cultivation and started practicing demonic cultivation using the same Yin Iron.

Wei Wuxian for sure was one of the purest, brightest and cheerful soul I have ever met but it doesn’t change the fact that he did create Yin Iron, practiced demonic cultivation, killed thousands of people single-handedly during the Sunshot campaign and after that he still continued to use it, even after all of us had warned him  multiple times about its devastating consequences.”

“You’ve disappointed me, Sect Leader Lan.” Lan Zhan said, deep voice thick with emotions, “If- this is how you see my Wei, then I’d advise you to kindly stay away from him. He respects you cares for you and considers you as his family…and I will not hesitate to harm you if my Ying'er got hurt or suffered any emotional damage all because of your pathetically biased and mindless thoughts and actions.

There was a time I was confused as well and paid a price for it. A cruel, merciless and heavy price. Seems like it’s your turn to experience the same, Xiongzhang.

Yes, my Wei was quite young when he began practicing demonic cultivation. But he was the only reason we were safe and were able to defeat the Wen puppets and Wen Rouhan.

His power is unfathomable but never once did he ever lose control or cause harm to any of our men. However, to continue doing it even after knowing that he wasn’t just unaccepted by the entire cultivation world but have also become their target because of his Yin amulet, he must’ve some unspeakable reasons!

Even after everything, all he did and wanted was to save the fragile lives of the weak and innocent. If his heart had truly changed, he wouldn’t have sacrificed his safety, his comfort...just to save some people whom everyone wanted dead!

It is late now. Wangji will leave for the dark forest early tomorrow morning, at around four.

It would be good if Xiongzhang could get the credibility of this information checked at the earliest and have some troops arranged outside the forest, in case the situation goes out of control. Will let you know through our signal fireworks.

Lastly... Wangji will be able to return before my Ying'er wakes up at eleven but if I’m late, please ask Ayuan to be with him and not leave him alone at any cost. Tomorrow, is my little Ying’s birthday. Hope you have a good night, Sect Leader Lan,” Lan Wangji bowed before leaving the Main hall at once with quick determined steps, without waiting a second for his Xiongzhang’s response.

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