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~Lan Qiren’s private chamber~

...YOU!!!" Grandmaster Lan yelled at his divergent, mislead, and stubborn nephew angrily

“...Since the beginning, since the first day that diabolical being kept his foot inside Cloud Recesses, nothing good has happened here, with all of us, and especially to you!

That abomination, that monster has  deeply corrupted you and your soul Wangji!

Just when will you see it, Wangji?!

How much more time do you need to realise that you are better off without him!

In fact we all are!

While the whole cultivation world is celebrating his death, you-!

Huh! It's all because of him! You were never like this, Wangji!!!

Even at a tender age, you were one of the most respectable, knowledgeable, calm, aloof and exceptionally talented cultivators of this generation but just because of him, see where you have come!

What you've become, Wangji!

You never fail to disappoint me, again and again, Wangji!

It's been three years and still, you are talking about that despicable demonic cultivator!

Wei Wuxian is a devil, a nuisance and plague that has destroyed your life!

Just because of him, you've suffered those thirty-three strikes of discipline whips and yet you’re saying that you won’t marry the person I chose for you because you want to wait for him and live with his memories!

Such Insolence! You were never like this, Wangji! It is all because of that Wei Wuxian!” Lan Qiren screamed at his stoic nephew, frustratedly, “I don’t want to hear anything.

You are meeting the daughter of Sect Leader Yao next week. It's final!!!” He said, raising his hand, stopping his stunned elder nephew, Sect Leader Lan Xichen from saying anything before turning away from him and a stoic but an enraged Lan Wangji, “You may leave now! Xichen, send a letter to Sect Leader Yao about the meeting next week.”

Out of respect, his reasonings, values and beliefs and much the needed self restraint at this critical moment, Lan Zhan intentionally only dropped the jade cup filled to the brim with the calming camomile tea, breaking the treasured vessel into uncountable pieces, stood up from his place while glaring at his egoistic, ignorant, and emotionally challenged Uncle’s back as he bowed out of habit and simply left his private chamber, never to step inside again, followed by his Xiongzhang, silently.

The Jade brothers continued to walk in silence towards Jingshi.

Not once but more than he cared to admit, Lan Xichen tried to strike up a conversation, to lighten the intense heavy atmosphere and just talk to his baby brother, know his feelings, his heartfelt thoughts and understand his silent words during their awkward long walk but much to his dismay, Lan Zhan remained absolutely quiet.

Clearly uninterested in listening to his Xiongzhang’s words, didn’t care about anything, not even that stupid, forced arranged marriage and meeting with Sect Leader Yao’s unknown daughter except for reaching his Jingshi as if he can't bear the separation from his Wei Ying even for a moment more.

As if his life depended on it, no-! His Life was there, inside Jingshi! Waiting for him…

“...nd I know that you are hearing me, Wangji. Just know that I am with you.

About you meeting Sect Leader Yao’s daughter-” Lan Xichen said, as they neared Jingshi only to be interrupted by the loud scream of a toddler and a- a wailing baby?!


“Wangji?! Who's inside Jingshi? What is happening? I can understand about Ayuan being inside Jingshi at this time but- where does a baby come from?!

Who brought a child to your private residence?!” Lan Xichen questioned, frowning, and before Lan Zhan could say something or stop his Xiongzhang, Lan Xichen entered Jingshi only to be shocked frozen by a scared and crying Ayuan staring fixedly at a wounded,  unique, extremely adorable one year old beautiful baby with small bunny ears and a bunny tail, curled up in the corner of the big room, trembling and crying painfully.

Wei Ying!!!” Lan Zhan breathed out, rushing towards his frightened and crying Bunnying, picking him up into his arms and whispering sweet words of comfort all the while transferring his soothing spiritual energy to heal the bleeding wound on his cute little head and small foot.

W-Wei Ying?! This unique child, who is neither a human nor completely a bunny, you have given him this name!

But... why would you give him such a name, Wangji?! Why are you calling this little adorable creature with Wei gongzi's name?!

Where is he from anyway? Where did you find him? Do you know anything about him? And what's this little baby doing here inside Jingshi out of all the places?! Where are his parents?!” Lan Xichen kept on asking, baffled by the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.

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