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“Yes! There!!! To your west! Look over there! Looks like somebody injured is lying over there, behind that tall tree! Let’s go!” Ayuan ordered as he kept on searching the outer parts of the Caiyi forest falling under the authority of Gusu Lan Sect for the last few hours, in hopes of finding any tracks or signs of his Baba and Little Yingying when suddenly, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a glimpse of Lan Clan robes.

Instinctively, he ran in that direction, stumbling and gasping, however, the closer he reached, the more his heart ached with worries, filling with dread and ominous thoughts for not even a single part of that Lan Clan robe was untainted with blood. Signs of violent fight, deathly scratches and burns left the layers of the robe almost in tatters leaving the severely wounded skin of the disciple's leg, abdomen, and arms exposed.


Lan Sizhui breathed out in shock and denial, “Bunbun??! Bunbun wake up? Hanguang Jun!!! W-what happened to my Little Bun? How-did- get hurt- like this? B-Baba?! Just why aren't you answering?! Baba? SAY SOMETHING HANGUANG JUN!!” Lan Sizhui yelled out at his shocked numb looking baba in panic, who although being severely injured had his eyes open, looking at the pale, cold, almost lifeless body of Yingying, holding tightly, close to his arms, while murmuring incoherently as the streams of tears streaked down his face.

“Quick! Help! Get them back to Cloud Recesses, now! Send a message to the sect healers, have them be prepared to treat two severely injured patients soon as possible!” Lan Sizhui choked out in a teary voice, taking reins of his emotions, composing himself as they lifted Hanguang Jun and a tightly held Yingying together when suddenly he noticed a familiar jade flute falling on the ground from his baba’s lap.

‘A flute from our music room? What is it doing he- Bunbun must have brought it secretly!’ Lan Sizhui thought, before picking up the flute and keeping it in his qiankun pouch, discreetly, guiding all his sect disciples as well as of the Qinghe Nie Sect to evacuate the forest, return, and report to their Sect Leader immediately.




“Healer! How are they doing now??!” Lan Xichen asked, looking at the sect healer with the same expectant eyes, for the sixteenth time in the last four hours.

As soon as the news of Hanguang Jun being severely injured because of the bloodthirsty hounds spread across the Cloud Recesses, all the Lan Sect elders including Lan Qiren somehow looked visibly worried for his well-being.

Showing their deep concern, care and sincerity, they procured all the unique essential herbs that were unavailable in the infirmary, to help heal injuries related to the dark resentment...basis the last experience.

While the healers braced themselves to treat the esteemed Hanguang Jun’s worst possible injuries, they were all but shocked to see that besides having heavy blood loss due to multiple skin deep wounds carrying traces of dark resentment, Hanguang Jun was truly fine. The actual problem lies with the young disciple accompanying him.

The same mischievous child who got punished recently to study and train directly under the strict guidance of Hanguang Jun. That child...was dead or was standing at the doors of death.

He wasn't breathing but somehow, he was still alive. Slowly and weakly, his heart was still beating.

However, even after treating all of his grave life-threatening injuries tainted with resentment using almost all their best collection of herbs and spiritual energy, they still couldn't observe any improvement in his condition.

And somehow, because of that young disciple’s mysterious health condition, Lan Wangji, who hasn’t left the child’s side even for a second, wasn’t healing as well. Almost as if he didn't want to heal.

If this keeps on going, then Hanguang Jun’s condition will start deteriorating as well, just like the young disciple.

“Apologies... Sect Leader Lan. We still haven’t observed any improvement in their condition.

I’m afraid their mysterious condition is beyond our expertise and the scope of treatment. Hanguang Jun is neither listening nor responding to any of our words or treatment... Just sitting like a statue next to the young disciple,” Sect Healer answered solemnly when his heart skipped a beat, hearing the most random, absolutely absurd statements coming from his Sect Leader’s mouth, as he exclaimed, looking truly baffled and dumbfounded, "What?!"

“I said stop their treatment right now. Move Hanguang Jun and that disciple to Jingshi, immediately and also, shift the necessary supplies and medicines there. I will take full responsibility for their treatment and well-being from this moment onwards...” Sect Leader Lan said again, clearly, word by word.

While the confused healers arranged  every single thing in Jingshi including the concocted medicines and spiritual beads to help alleviate the symptoms, right next to the bed where they laid Lan Wangji and Yingying as ordered, a sceptical Lan Xichen whispered to his good little nephew, worriedly, "Are you sure this will work?!"


Lan Xichen stumbled, golden brown eyes widened in sheer disbelief as he stared at Ayuan, trying to understand the reason behind such negative word especially at this time when they need all the positivity of the world to keep themselves grounded.

Ayuan whispered, wiping his tears off his face, "B-Baba hasn’t said a single word yet about what happened in the dark forest. Probably because it isn’t something that could be discussed in front of everyone.

We can try asking him again once we are alone. Besides, the last time such a thing happened, it was only when you and baba were alone with Little Bun that you experienced your past life.

Maybe it’s something similar this time as well.

And lastly our sect healer has already said he won't be able to treat them. So this… this might be our only chance to save them.” he said, placing a silence barrier around Jingshi once every had left leaving only him, Lan Xichen, his baba and Yingying.

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