Chapter 27

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Torrey's POV:

The alcohol, the people, the girls, and the party couldn't let me escape my thoughts.

I thought I was stronger.. I thought I could forget about her but I couldn't. Rather I wanted it or not... I needed her.

I needed a minute to breathe from all of the toxins from the everywhere around me before I collapsed.

I headed downstairs from just puking my guts out and I look around for the exit and before I knew it my eyes land Maddy.

Her smile was so bright that it almost took away the darkness around her.

I felt myself moving to her and I stop once I see her kissing someone. It was like I was losing her all over again.

I see her lean back and her eyes were full of lust as she leans in to kiss the girl again.

Anger rose into me and I felt my body take control as I rushed into the room moving myself into the crowd to the point I started to push people off me until I made it to her.

"What THE fuck" I felt everywhere turn into clear as I watch her staring me like I was in the wrong including the girl she was sticking her tongue inside in and I look over to her and I felt my eye sockets burn seeing Liv.

I no longer felt mad but I felt a sense of betrayal. "It's you. Your seeing her" I look back at Maddy and she didn't say anything.

"Liv.. what are you doing?" I look at her and her eyes stared at me with confusion. "Torrey, get out" Liv said and just like that I snapped.

"Get out? This is my fucking party" I grab onto her shirt pulling her close to me as a smile grew against her lips like she liked it. Seeing me mad... seeing me alone.

"Torrey what the hell" the words of maddy echoed against my core as I push Liv's off me walking out.

I grab a bottle and slam it against the ground wanting to scream. I felt the air against me slowly exhale away from me.

I walk over to the porch and lean my head down trying to control my breathing before I break out.


"It's not my fault... she only sees you as a friend" the voice of Liv made my blood boil.

I look over at her seeing her stand there by herself as everyone crowded us.

They all stare at me in disappointment and shame seeing me as a coward.

I am not a coward.

"What the fuck did you say?" I get close to her hoping to smell a sense of fear but she kept strong and stared at me down in the eye.

She stared me like she was waiting for something. As so was i.

Fight me. Please.

"The tattoos, the anger. The record. It won't help. Everyone already sees you as you are and now I do" she breathed out and I felt my hand form into a fist.

"And what is that?"

Her eyes harden never losing contact making me weaker then I already was.

"That your scared... I don't know of what. But I see it" She words spike like venom into me as everywhere became quiet.

I feel myself get pulled back and I try to fight it but the alcohol starts coming back making everything all fuzzy.

"It's okay. We got you" I head issaih and I feel myself get pulled back into the house.

I wake up feeling my whole body ache as I fall to the ground. "Hey.. it's okay" I feel cold hands touch my back and my eyes land on Maddy.

"Get off me" i push her hands off me as I help myself up. I look around and see that I am in Issaih guest room.

I look at the window seeing that it's already starting to become morning. "Where's... Liv?"

"She went home" she said stepping closer to me. "What the hell are you doing here?"

She breathes out and closed the door locking it.

"We need to talk" She said and I never wanted to talk to her again. She keeps breaking me to the point, I could no longer stand.

I knew she wasn't a committed person but doing it with Liv. Out of everyone... I couldn't process it.

I blacked out that I could barley remember anything from last night.

All I remember was a feeling. A feeling that I thought I lost. "Why her?"

"She's good. I need that in my life"

In your life... she's really planning on committing. "After all these years... your forgetting me for her. For fucking LIV"

She shook her head stepping closer to me steady and she responds "I would never forget you... but I like her and... I also like you" she leaned closer for me and move her hand down my arm to my hand.

I just know realized that it was a fist and she soothes it like before helping me relax.

"You can't have both" my voice lowers seeing her lean in closer moving her hand up my chest and slightly cups my breast before caressing my check.

I find the strength and grab her arm. She hisses quietly before looking up my eyes.

"I'm not going back this path again"

We gaze at each other for minutes before she reacts by crashing her lips against mine.

I let her kiss me softly. So soft like I was a delicate station. She tempted me. So bad that I tried my best to resist but she softens my cheek.

She leans back leaving my lips tingling for more. "Take me" she whispered kissing me again more softly then before.

She moves her hand down my pants unzipping it and leading her into my underwear and I feel my member rising as she begins to softly thrust it.

My member is begging to come out and so is my heart. I move my hand to her neck gripping it as she leans back parting her mouth.

I kiss her roughly, with frustration from all of the miss signals she's been giving me.

It felt like all of my emotions were working into the kiss leaving us both breathless. She leans back and her eyes are now different.

Her eyes darker, deeper, hungrier. She pushes me onto the bed and I pull down my pants and underwear.

I lean up and she comes onto me like we were magnets. She embraced me in and kissed me.

I still thought this was a dream. Us being together again. She tasted so good. So sweet and hot.

I watch her take off her clothes and once it drops. I analyze everything. Every birthmark, invisible kiss marks I placed on her, and her butterfly tattoo on her waistline.

She slowly move back on me and wraps her arms around my neck as I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arm around her waist.

She leans in and kisses me. It was a heavy, unbelievably hot kiss. I feel her hand cup my cheek as we fall on the bed.

I could feel her wetness as she grinds on me making it hard not to moan. I love feeling the weight of her thighs on my arm, how her legs are spread ready for me.

I wanted to be closer to her. I lean up, lifting her into my arms before flipping the positions on the bed and I kiss her feeing her hands smoothens my back.

"I'm always on top" she whispered breathless and I smile between our deep kiss. "Times change"

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